epic rap battles of history
Well, well. Look at the city slicker pulling up in his fancy German car.
This car was made in Guatemala.
Well, pardon us, Mr. Gucci loafers.
I bought these shoes from a hobo.
Well, la-de-da, Mr. Park Avenue manicure.
I'm sorry, I believe in good grooming.
>seed and feeders in the house tonight
that’s clearly a shop (sneed’s feed and seed, formerly chuck’s) not a house
Who /sneed/ here?
What a high soil pH
At the ol' Simpson place
That is circling under the sun
What a beautiful meme
That could flash on the screen
In a blink of an eye and be gone from Sneed
Feed and seed
Let me drive your fancy German car
Let me
And one day we will die
And our bodies will lie with Moe at Springfield's Cemetery
But for now we are young
Let us plant in the sun
And count every gummy bear sprout we can see
Love to be
In a pair of Gucci loafers here
Let me
*trumpet dabbing noises*
What a curious blight we have found here tonight
There's a nuclear glow in the trees
There are lights in the clouds
And Chuck's ghost all around
Hear his voice as it's fucking and sucking through me
How the notes all give his reach arounds
To me
Now how I remember you
How I would slap my glove across
Your mouth to make you balk my duel
That made your Southern drawl so sweet
But now we fight in my front yard
All pistols and white tailored clothes
A slight was made so long ago
Now I don't even know his name
What a high soil pH
At the ol' Simpson place
That is circling under the sun
And when we Sneed on a cloud
I'll be laughing out loud
I'll be laughing with everyone I see
Can't believe how strange it is to meme anything at all
fucking legendary
haha fuck
You said Sneed. Huh-huh.
HOLY CRAP This is epic
is this a based moment? i think it’s a based moment folks
Haha sneed, goochy loafers, chuck fuck suck! XD lmao SNEED the funny meme from Yea Forums haha sneed
Put me in the damn screencap! The times of me not being in the screencap is TOO DAMN HIGH xD
Tame and lame
LMAO that's almost like feed and seed! Like sneed! The simpsons meme!
Ha ha. Remember the time you posted sneed. Yep. I remember.
these but unironically
Haha nigger
formerly slave
formerly png
I'll feed on y'alls seed anytime for that epic gamer moment.