The most overrated album on RYM and the most underrated album on RYM

The most overrated album on RYM and the most underrated album on RYM.

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In Rainbows isn’t overrated you fuck

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kys scruffi trannie

dude its a good album but they have it as #9 of all fucking time

>le ironic italian pedo told me is overrated therefore is overrated

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scaruffi is a hack and im sorry you can't think for yourself

why do people like twin infinitives

scaruffis taste is weird, for instance I dont love tmr like he does, but he is right about many things. Though i like in rainbows, i could understand his view of it, though we have different taste. But he is obviously very well versed in music, I dont think hes a hack. Hes got some good reviews.

He has good knowlodge about the history of music, about music as art on the other hand I wouldn't say he knows much. Tbh even Scaruffi himself admits he Isn't really a critic and more of a music historian, and tends to rate based on how out there It Is.


Yeah I agree it's my favorite Radiohead album I love it. Hail To The Thief is my second favorite, then Amnesiac.
You mean the user base of like 2,000 music nerds who use that website? So what. When you have that small of a user base you're going to have some bias.
>classic rock music
this man is mentally deficient
>hears guitar on an album
This is classic rock
>a ' la Coldplay
This man is mentally deficient
Scaruffi has proved over and over that he is just a contrarian who loves super out there completely uncommercial music the best. He has some outlier reviews sure, but mostly that's what I've seen. Additionally even though his reviews are translated from Italian, they're not even well written. Just some little opinions with unnecessary background taking up the bulk of the review. You can even see in that clipping that's posted in this thread that he seems more interested in hating on the hype surrounding the album rather than the actual quality of the song writing. The guy doesn't know shit. As far as meme reviewers go at least Christagau makes it clear that he's a satirical writer. Scaruffi presents himself as a serious art critic and it makes me cringe because he's so inept. It's fine that he doesn't like In Rainbows but his case for it is nonexistent because he doesn't have the vocabulary to present it, if he even has one.

Fuck scaruffiposters

The entire top 10(except wywh,itcotck, tvuan)is overrated

Who's top 10 are you referring to

>Most overrated
OK Computer
>Most underrated
my album

listen to more music plebs

OK Computer might be overrated as fuck but it's a much better album than In Rainbows

Which is which again?

In Rainbows was the first REAL MUSIC album for a lot of teenagers. It’s just nostalgia. I think most people over 25 wouldn’t even call it top 3 Radiohead.

Wrong Radiohead album beep boop

scaruffi insulted my beatles and now im mad >:( theyre the greatest rock band ever how can anyone be so STUPID

In Rainbows is such a shit album

point me to a difference between fantanodrones & scaruffifags. spoilers: you can't

Who are you quoting?

Velvet Underground & Nico is overrated

Pop Tatari by Boredoms is underrated

It’s a good album, but nowhere near top 10, 15 Step, Bodysnatchers and Weird Fishes are always nice songs to play when I’m bored

scaruffifags are at least droning someone with good taste, how fucking stupid do you have to be to think Fantano is a good music critic

>Velvet Underground & Nico is overrated
literally the only thing in the top 10 that belongs there, pleb

scaruffi drones and fantano drones can be both horrible, its not one or the other.

scaruffi's supposed taste isnt even his taste, it's mathematically impossible for him to have listened twice to every album he's reviewed while working a full time job and sleeping 8 hours a night.

he's older than you

>scaruffifags are at least droning someone with good taste
not true, by the way

prove it