Attached: 1562811857166.jpg (640x800, 59K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1540480681970.png (530x417, 247K)

i didnt know koreans could be this radiant

Attached: Dq33jGDX4AA5ohp.jpg (800x1200, 106K)

sakura kissing a girl

Attached: 1562208159082.jpg (1281x1920, 419K)

Baconuggo the ugliest tranny

Attached: 66781688_649725492210823_6166147122832881678_n.jpg (1080x1080, 125K)

>slugroastie so angry no one posted in her early thread she seethespammed for an hour

look at this fag making another early thread

Attached: 1556167931702.jpg (2370x3561, 1.11M)


Attached: 1.gif (600x800, 494K)

we wanted a yeji thread

uggo warning

yeah it's pretty sad

Doyeon the love of my life

Attached: D-VRzDaUIAAjnxt.jpg (1200x800, 93K)

clc are the best current gen girl group

fat early piece of shit

literal goddess


Attached: 132dd3f742af973d553c9a1df9efda9553e3e6e2.jpg (987x2048, 169K)

It's not our fault, I would prefer non-uggos as the op.

Based he is the ugliest shit (and everyone agrees)

Attached: 1531424775920.jpg (1001x600, 165K)


Attached: ‘우너자이저’ 박우진, 완충된 체력으로 집 짓기 가세! @김병만의 정글의 � (1920x1080, 2.83M)

is this loona?

Attached: 1469764814688.png (725x395, 449K)

Attached: fromis.jpg (2048x1419, 489K)



Attached: 1562812019485.jpg (1000x1500, 107K)

not a single visual

oh god what is that thing?

mina and momo instead

Attached: momo mina kiss.webm (673x1000, 2.92M)

Attached: Dx5vg0pU0AAH7_j.jpg (1024x684, 84K)

any sharkman in

Women shouldn't have rights

Attached: 1494939846177.jpg (840x1024, 156K)

Attached: 1554661577739.jpg (1365x2048, 315K)


stop bullying the cutest girl in the world

Attached: D0qtRpBUwAAos3R.jpg (1024x682, 81K)

ugly tranny

i didn't know koreans could be this ugly

Damn literally everyone hates baconuggo the ugliest most hated tranny of all time

Baconroastie in tears

Attached: 1552585102761.png (1820x172, 68K)

hi grandmother


Attached: 1562796806697.jpg (1000x1500, 213K)

oguogu comeback when

where did it all go wrong somibros?

Attached: 1486454455384.jpg (1200x1166, 176K)

i'm glad we all love yeji here

Attached: 1557765519189.jpg (1199x1800, 309K)

nice legs

very true

Meant for The ugliest shit baconuggo

Nice try baconroastie he is the ugliest shit

Attached: 99135E4F5BCBF99117.jpg (2048x2048, 507K)

she left jyp

Attached: e8cead7378a1f07e018c13fbdcce8f69ede5a7f5.jpg (1000x1498, 428K)

very true friend

Attached: 1550793334809.jpg (473x433, 48K)


Attached: D_G_5mgUEAEv9sm.jpg (878x1334, 200K)

we love yeji and hate you


i tickle these golden arches nightly btw

Attached: 1547759558127.jpg (1000x1500, 1.21M)

Attached: 1562387278174.jpg (1080x1080, 141K)

based drake

apologize to baekhyun

Attached: 1542483529021.jpg (1632x2448, 339K)

maybe another subunit...

Attached: 18_(1).jpg (1800x2700, 2.56M)

post the real one

Attached: bros for life.jpg (741x654, 52K)

Attached: D0E4W0mV4AApfvx.jpg (1200x1800, 214K)

cutest baby in the world

fuckin based

Attached: 1562555882179.jpg (1200x748, 143K)

uggo warning

9 9 5 10 9 8 N.A. 8 7

very true

kang seulgi
based me

Attached: 1492480666494.jpg (561x808, 40K)

Attached: Kang showing off her Kang.webm (864x720, 2.97M)

this is the real one

Attached: based.jpg (758x716, 159K)

IOI is the greatest thing to have ever existed in the universe.


we can always count on drake, based

didnt read the last thread but I know it was trash

Attached: IMG_9001.jpg (1000x1500, 972K)


what the fuck is happening

Attached: 1550027535674.jpg (997x1700, 399K)

meant for

Attached: jiwonjisungun.jpg (944x777, 86K)

finally an attractive girl

so ugly


based sanebro

Attached: 1551610023274.jpg (2048x640, 264K)

drake must be blind because that is sana the ulgiest shit

kangz is literally the only girl i save pictures of anymore

appreciating my wife and her ticklish feet

Attached: 1531183821834.jpg (1000x1500, 862K)

Will baconroastie kill xirself now that everyone here hates baconuggo the ugliest tranny?
Ugly tranny spoiler that shit

>it was trash
no one posted pristin last thread

Attached: 1562126957336.jpg (210x263, 10K)

she's gorgeous, you're the blind one

kpg schizos are on the loose again

Attached: DrX20HlUwAEuaBB.jpg orig.jpg (1280x1920, 344K)

hey girls

no one asked you, roastie

no one else is gonna say anything about this slug infestation?


Attached: 40924728_241043783227912_6808529238774251520_n.jpg (1080x1080, 1017K)

ugly tranny

found the schizo

Attached: lessfuckshead.jpg (400x515, 29K)

Meant for

chen2yeasties spamming their uggos in a pathetic attempt to both show off their perceived power and the absolute lawlessness of kpg at this hour

Attached: 1554602252608.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

post megan

delusional sanaroastie

it's just slugroastie, pretty sure she's just extra mad today because we didn't migrate to her early thread

Attached: 1562812476985.jpg (2048x2048, 766K)

jisoo is a boner killer

he's so hideous

Attached: 20.jpg (2400x1248, 1.96M)

Attached: 19.gif (400x348, 2.82M)

Attached: bully (1290).jpg (1968x2952, 1.26M)

Attached: D-_QaFuXsAIIQ6m.jpg (1845x3280, 1.08M)

Attached: 1543195931999.jpg (3360x2502, 716K)

Meant for Also LMAO @baconroastie falseflagging as cucklo or sanaroastie or YejiChad

that's exactly why, she'll calm down eventually though

seulgi is our girl
one faggot hates her because he has aids

Attached: 1539755972431.jpg (767x1200, 137K)

seo jisoo is a boner saver

stop misgendering seoyeon or I'm gonna fuck you in the ass

Attached: 04.gif (500x350, 2.48M)

samefagging slugroastie here

Attached: 1554780683072.jpg (533x800, 109K)

guess there is just something wrong with you

Attached: 717568c3bbdc8b9ce4339eb49092d72184e0cb20.jpg (1460x913, 216K)

my wife 2nd from the right

Attached: 100238127381.png (1080x796, 1.44M)

but this shit happened before chen existed

he's not a tranny

Attached: 1543027558237.jpg (1534x1994, 550K)

no one likes that uggo

Attached: 32.webm (1000x1080, 1.84M)

marrying everyone in red velvet

>Alien is actually talented
I now feel validated for prematurely waifuing her

Attached: D5ZMlbtW4AAvKO2.jpg (514x511, 45K)


cutest girl

Attached: 1537167167168.jpg (1800x1262, 433K)

you don’t speak for us, roastie

so cute

Attached: 1559883324312.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

not kpop delete

>tfw your groups LGBT support is against your morals.
Poor Wonnie.

Attached: 1562714446054.webm (1280x720, 1.86M)

Attached: 1545993814097.jpg (1000x1829, 655K)

stop dragging aids into this mess

Attached: IMG_0064.jpg (1333x2000, 524K)

post 4k yejis

i didn't know koreans could be this ugly

he's a dog


ugliest shit

you can't stop me queer go dilate

Attached: 1537764918346.png (1080x1350, 1.12M)

it's gon be alright

Attached: 52.webm (720x720, 2.88M)

Attached: D1RAwYcWsAAqh_v.jpg (650x776, 74K)

Attached: 1556168837715.jpg (2424x3642, 1.24M)

ugly tranny

based traditional bona

why are ugly goblin pics being posted to kpop gen

kangz is officially /ourgirl/ because you always get 5 or 6 people posting her instead of one obviously samefagging retard forcing it


Attached: D75Br0bVsAA3Ehy.jpg (1199x800, 111K)

stream city lights

Attached: Dg2omFTUcAAwkX4.jpg (800x1200, 125K)

Attached: WoW.jpg (1280x852, 206K)

Attached: bully (923).jpg (1000x1500, 180K)

Attached: 1530875436908.gif (386x528, 3.82M)

Why do nigs like Lisa so much

Attached: 3525d32de9425dac695be0e1f9d0357c.jpg (640x754, 82K)

>your waifu and 8 of her cute friends will never sing you to sleep

Why even get out of bed everyday at all?

when did yeri turn into a milk truck

uggo warning, it’s slugly

how come i've never heard of this beenzino guy before

shut the fuck up

meant for and

Attached: 949.jpg (4096x2730, 2.41M)

reminder: if you support the sluganti that means you are pro gaypop

>Is an Ulzzang
>can actually dance and sing
Maybe SM has hope afterall

Attached: D9w4ekAWwAIPBoD.jpg (1080x1080, 183K)

i enjoyed kangzposting a lot more before i realized they are all gaypoppers

Nobody is posting So-yeon

no one supports that psycho

Attached: 1533459070047.webm (1920x1080, 2.97M)

any binners

Attached: D-ZQhYuU8AAKnYl.jpg (2000x3000, 1.39M)

lol shut the fuck up bitch

LMAO Baconroastie look at the nuked posts

>I haven't had sex for 15 years, but I'm not a virgin.
>How ogten do you masturbate
30-45 times per week.

knock it off

Attached: 1560248266156.jpg (1365x2048, 305K)

KANGZ aegyo

Attached: 1562796652496.jpg (1365x2048, 333K)

everyone is a sluggo anti though

Attached: 1549098959828.jpg (1000x1500, 911K)

started somewhere around Rookie
became more prominent around the end of 2018

Attached: D_C1pMfUcAE_3Jd.jpg (960x1200, 148K)

Is cripple the worst poster here?

he's a well respected rapper who married a russian prostitute

Attached: C0utsz5WEAANvtW.jpg (1000x500, 75K)


Attached: 1561807588209.jpg (1333x2000, 382K)

I want to like itzy but they only have one song and it's not that great or memorable

no that's sluggo/dubuggo/yejiuggofaggot obviously

go back to gaypg

really good post one of the best i've seen in a while

Attached: 1542000266935.jpg (1000x667, 316K)

>a white girl chaser
those actually exist?

Meant for baconuggo here Ugliest shit baconuggo

same but her 12 friends

Attached: bully (618).jpg (1500x1000, 435K)

honestly every idol is infected with gaypop posters. they're like a virus, they can't help but take something pure and disease it


dalla dalla is soty

Why do you want to like them then. Are you a JYP cultist.

based bully poster

what did she mean by this?

Attached: D_G9ZHDUEAIP3x-.jpg (430x700, 55K)

which kang? because kang mina posters are obvious samefaggers

LMAO the state of baconroastie tranny

Attached: 1535669610604.gif (550x550, 3M)

Attached: 1548522071301.jpg (840x837, 48K)

you aren't that trashnigger though, right?

Attached: 25E16B3359775B221A.jpg (1333x2000, 321K)

you're thinking about kang sluggo, kang mina actually has multiple posters

Attached: 84eed036dc2cee0aff5d921d5d027a3a.jpg (1280x1920, 455K)

ugly tranny

this is true

To fit in with the kpg bros

OMG what a loser. Fat ugly tranny baconroastie LMAO

Attached: 1552845797529.jpg (817x749, 74K)

Attached: 1559871182362.jpg (682x1024, 78K)

there's only one kangz you newfag retard

Attached: 1548427768544.webm (660x1080, 2.25M)

Attached: bully (590).jpg (1500x1000, 76K)


Attached: 미나_(3).jpg (1500x1000, 838K)


Attached: 125 사본.jpg (2633x3948, 787K)

Attached: 1562813111171.jpg (1733x2600, 373K)

fat pieces of shit don't have any good posters

>"Marriage should be between a man and a woman." - LOONA's Go Won

Attached: 9kUE0Zr.jpg (640x853, 87K)

BASED kangbro

do you guys have the kangz pic where she's standing over like a balcony with i think hana, and they're looking down at the camera?

ugliest shit

It's baconroastie actually the fat ugly 30 year old Amerimutt tranny

Meant for

who is bacon roastie?

Attached: ㅅ.jpg (1080x1293, 209K)


Attached: 18_(2).jpg (1800x2700, 2.22M)

Can't wait to shitzy on Itzy with my kpg bros.

well that's gay what if i want to marry 8 women

stay seething

i'm looking for that pic too

Attached: SCAN20171123172028356_1.jpg (5085x6516, 1.54M)


slugroastie’s friend

Meant for Sorry for mistyping again friends

Hideous tranny spoiler that shit nigga

When was the last time kpg got a big get? Was it with Soob?


Attached: 1561838626352.jpg (1597x2400, 3.7M)

Baconroastie aka Sluganti fat Amerimutt gaypooper tranny

Check out the deleted posts in those threads they are all him

ugliest shit



well tell her to stop tainting our baekhyunnie

Attached: img.jpg (1662x1368, 299K)

Attached: D_Ayz8LUcAADpzp.jpg (537x720, 101K)

Attached: 1944.jpg (4096x2730, 2.24M)

Attached: a1456789e6a7805fcf4c180bd2408c1337531d34.jpg (600x800, 49K)

>3 yebposters itt
truly amazing, keep it up aidsbros

Attached: IMG_1187.jpg (2000x1333, 502K)

we love kangz here

Attached: hanamin.jpg (1080x1349, 137K)

that's the best one, i don't think i have it anymore though

Ugliest shit (and everyone agrees)

cute slug

Attached: bully (1092).jpg (1521x2281, 658K)

i was expecting binnie, who the hell is this uggo?

candy pits

peace ^^

Attached: 65560765_129570898259564_7782588224049860090_n.jpg (1080x1349, 166K)

Attached: 1498723231344.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

later fellow chad

Kcon LA's saturday lineup is so weak

Baconroastie fucked off to "her" tranny site

SlugChads win again!!!!

Attached: 1556189410362.jpg (1500x1000, 1.25M)

based kangbros breaking time

Attached: 1520487253869.jpg (500x750, 123K)

Who is the girl from izone that has no friends

imagine pulling this down

그냥 미친 척하고 우리 헤어져 보자

she's binnie's beautiful binfriend

Attached: D62p7gCW0AA9En6.jpg (750x924, 83K)

ye it's bin

Attached: 58.jpg (1080x1080, 136K)

kpop is very talent deprived at current. iz*one and itzy are literally carrying the entire industry

Attached: D_Jx72tWkAEI8RF.png (1080x1080, 61K)

that’s yeji not sluggo aka the ugliest shit

i didn't know koreans could be this ugly

based mina posters saving the thread

I am the light that shines through the dark abyss of kpg

Attached: 187_.gif (410x601, 2.2M)

It's sad when Loona is the only relevant saturday performance

Attached: D-9nPVqU8AAy4SA.jpg (960x1280, 206K)

your name is slugroastie

very true

literal tranny

Attached: 1549524200496.jpg (2000x3000, 3.15M)

we love iz*one here

honda hitomi

They should put all the gaypop on one day and all the good stuff on another.

Attached: SHUT UP YOUR DAMN ANNOYING.jpg (1280x720, 48K)

Maybe we can finally see a Yena-Heejin/Hyunjin reunion/interaction

dia comeback when

Attached: DSC_2949.jpg (1602x2400, 388K)

I can't make it out to see Loona but rest assured I will be posting #STANLOONA on Twitter.

i hope they stop cutting her hair

Attached: 1562804661238.jpg (2048x1364, 311K)

okay kangz is our girl what about hyo tho

Attached: 1520722207192.jpg (1200x1800, 180K)

holy crap talk about a visual queen, who is she?

Attached: DzPW9_NX0AI7qX6.jpg (630x950, 396K)

Attached: bully (1243).jpg (2551x3579, 1.07M)

ok that ben girl is amazing

Attached: 2a8211ae08b5332267dc4394b16ef303d629b67e.jpg (1365x2048, 295K)

all yebs are good

Attached: 99B4D23359D76D472E.jpg (888x1334, 160K)

isnt that that bitch from g-idle or some shit

Attached: 1545112836918.jpg (2484x2712, 1.14M)


let's be real honest and say that Loona is a lot more known in LA than izone
same with everglow's song but they got cut

Attached: 1562341449250.jpg (355x241, 40K)

stupid bitch open your eyes

they're friends so they're cool

gookified somi

Attached: IMG_20180130_184558.jpg (800x1200, 127K)

Attached: 1560817501917.jpg (560x456, 57K)

why are you mean to him

Attached: Lewk.gif (660x599, 1.83M)

>JYP Entertainment announces TWICE Mina is suffering from extreme anxiety and insecurity, and thus will not attend TWICE's 2019 World Tour 'TWICELIGHTS'


his album sucked

collab hopefully

Attached: 1542910587505.jpg (1080x1080, 86K)

post some recent jeongers will ya

is this a granny prostitute

yeah she's pregnant

i would fuck seoyeon in the ass no homo

who the fuck is bacon and who the fuck is binnie

i had a feeling that's what it is. she would have been expected to do the english parts which is terrifying for her. shitty news man


oof here we go

you know that's not true

This is the end of Twice

Soobin (her real name)

post-abort stress

why do they bully?

Attached: e0350a9c9b76d6fc7f76062d37c059846e3a95c9_hq.jpg (605x907, 55K)

who knows
our girl

ugly tranny

NOOOO. Will she make it next week?

mina's fucking PREGNANT

dubu and mina got aids in the philippines?

>misses the entire tour
wtf bros :(

Attached: 1561191094848.jpg (1800x1200, 268K)

it's boring to collect new pics from fansites


is this the from the un village mv? i couldn't even finish it since it was boring
ice queen is soty though

Meant forThe ugliest shit

anxious about what? that lying whore

yeah me too but I still gotta work. dumb roastie

anxious her thighs are getting too big

Attached: 1562604983131.webm (1080x1900, 1.92M)

Probably doesn't want to get jerked off on in mexico

hating our slug is mentally ill

i'm sorry

no one's stopping you from not working bro



아이고 미나야 ㅠㅠㅠ


Attached: 10919706_1573633206216101_1668894652_n.jpg (640x640, 111K)

I knew something bad would happen if i bought tickets

I see them this Saturday. Fuck jyp. Where is my refund