Should white rappers be allowed to use the N word in their songs?
Should white rappers be allowed to use the N word in their songs?
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Nah. Lil Peep never said it.
i mean it should be legal i guess, but it shouldn't be approved of or listened to
A word should be able to be used by everybody or nobody
P sure that ho is at least part black by now lmao
try to stop me nigga
Sure why not
I think white rappers should be the only ones to say it
Fourth post best post.
White rappers do it all the time, it's just saying the hard r that gets anyone in trouble. I'm pretty sure there are black people who get upset when anyone says nigger.
There is nothing wrong with the word nigger, it's the racist asshole that's using it that people should get mad at.
didn't Kendrick Lamar get a period when one of his fans repeated his lyrics or something?
a word is given power by the people who give it that power
being a nigga has nothing to do with your race/skin color anymore. it has to do with your attitude. that's why people like sixnine and abg neal could say it and never get pressed about it, and a wet noodle like nav got tons of flack and had to publicly apologize for it. if you play the role and genuinely live the lifestyle of a nigga, then you can say nigga.
nah one of my coworkers is a white guy from the ghetto and he would get shot if he said nigga
ghetto white kids literally say it all the time
I'm white and if I heard some whitey hoodrat use the word I'd smack them up. Shit is just disrespectful.
>I'd smack them up
lmaoooo no you wouldn't you fucking custard creme
you wouldn't do anything
post address
Yeah man, I would. I ain't having some little cracker kids embarrassing me around my people by spewing that ignant shit.
7400 Northeast 18th Street (main entrance), Medina, Washington, United States
see ya soon fggt
123 Fake St.
on the corner of me fucking your mother and your dad watching
the internet isn't the place to pretend to be a hard man you gyppo
Theres a difference between nigga and nigg*r. Nigga means bro, fella, partner or something like that.
I'm pretty sure that was a publicity stunt
2019- racism is over
You can talk hot in the internet boy
well there it is i guess i'm gonna say nigga
We did it guys... we ended racism..
not that guy but that's a rather large part of Yea Forums
you can talk a bit of shit and that's okay because nobody is taking it that seriously (hopefully)
Why limit vocabulary?
We shouldn't be allowed to make rap music at all
i asked you first
good nutritious nut on deck lick it up
6ix9ine absolutely got flack for it
Only with a hard r
No, because there are NO good white rappers and they’d ruin the word
And I answered.
There are white people who have made great hip hop, just stop. Hip hop is an international phenomena at this point. It's just important imo that in any genre you have a decent grasp of and respect for its history, but like with any genre's mega-expansion you will always get people that don't. Language and culture change. Hip hop is pop now and an entire of generation of white kids have grown up hearing it normalized.
>skin color
when will this meme end. MLK jnr. has alot to answer for. Here's a white rapper who uses the N word.
well howdy nigger, what say you and i ride on down to the sheriff store and have a word with that there yella bellied man that put this bounty on my head, i got this here 6 iron and id be much obliged to use it, what say you... nigger?
Eat me aaht nigga
Whites shouldn't be allowed to rap
It is legal. It might be confusing in this day and age but you can say “nigger” to your heart’s content, it’s a word
And that's because we shouldn't be brought down to their level, not because whites are bad or it's a black only thing.
blacks call us names all the fucking time, why can't we be equal and be able to do the same
And that's because whites are bad at rap and it's a black only thing, not because we are better than black people
found the white dude