ITT Albums women will never understand
ITT Albums women will never understand
are there literally any albums women understand?
i know girls who like this album
>inb4 "but they don't UNDERSTAND it"
anyone with access to genius can fucking understand it
>they don't FEEL it
men and women can feel the same range of emotions
>men and women can feel the same range of emotions
nice bait
My GF: When he said "to pray is to accept defeat" it gave me chills
ok incel
You gotta get rid of her bro, she doesn't get it
How gay are you?
have sex
especially the Deathpile fan
no one understands this album, so i guess you are right
most prog
most death and black metal
no wave
>most prog
What's the woman-friendly prog then?
genesis and yes obviously
don't know. there's got to be some prog that bitches like. maybe something yes made at some point during the 80's. I had a friend who was pretty into mew, does that count as prog pop?
Eldorado is pretty based prog pop that I'm sure women could like
what planet are you from there are tons of chicks into black and death
>there are tons of chicks into black
I think you watch too much porn user. Stay off of /gif/ for a while.
they just pretend to be
Literally every album ever. Including ones made by women.
but seriously, especially in the last couple of years im always kind of surprised how many chicks are at shows. Like not metul-thots just regular female fans.
Like most to least female fans id say:
>women can't even understand themselves
checks out
i have been on this site for a decade now and this may be the cringiest post i have ever seen
Go back to /b you fucking incel, you'll never get laid
>i have been on this site for a decade now
>this may be the cringiest post i have ever seen
listen i tried to think of a better word than “cringe” but i seriously couldn’t come up with a better term
agreed but that is such a faggy way to word it dude
a woman rec'd this to me
Women can be incel too
have sex
hold hands
ok come closer
b-but user-kun, t-that's lewd.
hold hands
have sex
exmilitary is a caricature of masculinity, of course women can fucking understand it lol
have you even HEARD i want it i need it