Just ended a three year long relationship. Music for this feel? Everything I listen to makes me think of her, so I need something new.
Just ended a three year long relationship. Music for this feel? Everything I listen to makes me think of her...
>engaging with females
Serves you right. Enjoy your pain.
wtf am i supposed to do then, die alone? get anal cancer?
Never got around to listening to This Mortal Coil. Just right. Really different from what the two of us listened to together. Thanks, chief.
I feel you user. It’s been 5 years and I still feel empty and like I never felt love at all. Like I woke up out of fever dream into a grayer reality.
try aja by steely dan
This sentiment should make me sad but it's all I want. I felt such an intense respect and amount of trust, it felt like I finally knew what being in love was like. I just want all of the things I'm feeling to go away so I can feel empty again. I miss it. I wish I never traded it away.
Thanks lads.
"I am a Cuck", as perfomed and written by Tim Heidecker
s n e e d
>guicide votes
what did they mean by this?
Does it really not go away? You're kinda bumming me out. Have you tried going out with other people?
Formerly chad
Jk, I'm sorry man, tomorrow will be better
That's pretty fucking hilarious ngl
hahaa my ex is like a decade younger than me and i held all the power. im gonna make sure everybody knows shes a piece of shit. she broke up with me cause she was sick of me manipulating her haha what a bitch she just couldnt handle me. dont worry though everybody is gonna side with me
jesus christ lads its been 8 months and im still not over a particular girl
how much longer can it last?
suicide sneeds (formerly chucks)
t. Incel
>8 months
That's nothing, brother. Don't lose faith. I've had a lot of friends who wallowed in sadness for at least a year. If you don't rebound, it can take a long-ass time (and a lot of work) to move on.
>how much longer can it last?
For everyone who can't get over it - when someone dear to you dies, you will understand gf problems are miniscule. (If you can't do it by your own will earlier than that of course)
Play some mind numbing game.
Try to do things you enjoy.
I'm out of a six year relationship, and even if the last year went bad, I miss her a lot.
I feel you.
Going back to music.... give a shot to Darren korb's soundtrack. Bastion soundtracks is excellent, most are instrumentals. The good thing with intrumental tracks is not having lyrics that end up reminding you of someone.
>he thinks those two things are worse than women
you sap
Formerly in a relationship
Still in the process of boxing her shit up so I can make my space exclusively mine again. Vidya, good friends, and evening runs are keeping me going.
Thanks for the rec, I might just literally replay Bastion desu. I could use some comfy nostalgiacore. Not that Bastion is particularly old, but I first played it before I ever dated anybody, so maybe it'll take me back.
Glad that my advice was valid.
Go through that, man.
It will be harsh, but we can manage.