Based r/indieheads asylum seeker
Based and mozpilled
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Young Morrissey is based and did nothing wrong.
Old Morrissey gross
30-40 year old Moz is based
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i still consider that young Moz because he was still a sexy boy back then
Always save qt Mozza pics
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why is he so good looking
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why do zoomers give so much of a fuck for what the boomer opinions of a boomer are?
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What are you talking about? What zoomer is going to listen or care about Morrissey?
>tfw no qt moz bf
jmarr was a lucky man
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Johnny had a gf before The Smiths were formed, I bet any money Moz was extremely disappointed he couldn't flirt
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so what did he say again ?
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You know he'd love to see him...
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based Moz
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i haven't had sex in about a year
So Yea Forums is just a place to talk about whatever hot button topic is on reddit rn.
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Reddit live in Yea Forums's heads rent-free
If a thread like this was on reddit everyone would be banned for racism
cringe so y boi s basedINg up a based thread. begone s o y
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>non-argument s o y boys s o y ing up a thread
he's so nice looking with that little chub i wanna rub his belly desu
love him
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i wish i was the grapes
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i wish my penis was the grapes