>uh morrissey? gonna be a yikes from me dawg...
Uh morrissey? gonna be a yikes from me dawg
Other urls found in this thread:
>uh posting fantano? gonna be a yikes from me dawg...
Imaging having this shit saved on your phone, and then having to explain this shit to your friends when you’re browsing photos together and this comes up. "Uhhh guys that’s a meme, Gigachad, like the ultimate alpha male". Do you even have any friends?
>when you're browsing your photos together
People do this, when you gather someplace you share stories, photos, videos etc
no you don't
if you have something you want to show them you just show them that thing, you don't just show people your photos gallery
fuck off back to work Tony
No one does this you fucking boomer
No, they don't. Stop larping friendless neckbeard
why boomer?
im a boomer and I dont do that
>outs himself as a friendless loser
>P-people do this right g-guys?
Holy fuck are you one of those asshats that
shows everybody their entire fucking meme collection?
I know a zoomer chick that held me hostage with her shitty memes, it's not just boomers.
>why yes, I do love the Smiths, how could you tell?
>This Charming man? best Smiths song and one of my favourites of all time, of course.
i'm so used to the edits that the original pic looks super skinny to me now
Relax. Chad posts photos of himself on here.
I've never once done this nor have any of my friends
haha faggot
>While I do like The Smiths, Morrissey's solo career is so much better. It's much more honest and varied than any of The Smith's albums. It's so hard to pick a favourite, Viva Hate, Your Arsenal, Vauxhall and I and You Are the Quarry are all such great albums.
what the fuck? hahahahaha
I'm sorry that I have to break the news, but no one does this.
>when you’re browsing through photos together
You sound like a loser with no social experience trying to imagine what people with friends do
I’ve never done this with my friends nor have I been aware of anyone else doing it
I also have porn, nudes and photos of my fairly large uncut penis on my phone but since I don’t go through the pictures in my phone with people I don’t have to worry about it
I don’t know why anyone would let people just look through all their photos
There are autistic people I know who insist on showing people shit memes on their phone but even those retards don’t just scroll through the entire thing
You've never actually interacted with another human being before have you?
This is why I don't visit my grand aunt
Gather someplace? Wtf are you talking about? You sound like a weird person. I'm getting The Room vibes from this post.
Are your friends girls? That sounds like something a girl would do. I remember very vividly girls in my grade asking to look through my cellphone during middle school for some reason, they went through all my pictures, videos, and music (luckily I had nothing embarrassing saved on there).
>Everyone, my pals, my friends, gather around my phone and check out this funny video and these photos
>the last time he directly interacted with girls was middle school
Get a clue
Take a shower
Go outside
Hit the weights
Lose weight
Have sex
>when you’re browsing photos together
why would I do that nigger? you surely don't have much social awareness if that's what you think friends do
>The Smiths? Pretty good but I definitely think The Cure are better.
Nobody has ever done this. No friends confirmed.
Include me in the screencap
this has got to be one of the most ridiculous edits of gigachad ive seen so far
That's not even his final form
>why yes, I do think Johnny Marr was the true talent of The Smiths
I show my friends like a picture or something when I make a dumb joke related to it. I never show them my full picture collection. Guess how I know you don't have any friends IRL?
>this is what he sees people in movies do so he believes it to be true
Based opinion
Now he just looks crippled
Why would they find it weird that I have photos of myself on my phone?
Also imagine phone posting
>P-people do this(?) right, yeah they do I have a looooooooot of friends so I know
>Ed Sheeran is extreme
>Iggy Pop
imagine having """""friends""""" that don't understand memes
lol dude you need friends
holy fucking shit dude
just gonna be the one to point out that I think everyone replying to you terminally misunderstood what you meant
eventually if you get enough replies people pile on in order to be part of the screencap because they're cringeworthy zoomers trying to force a meme
uhhhhh sweaty fuck oof maybe? stop ruining my screencap you deadass lost me at least 50 karma with this, I could have been gilded
(he tried it)
I don't get it
omg daughters!!! jpegmafia!!! billie eilish!!!
why did you use terminally in that sentence
the other definition of the word terminally is "extremely stupid and without change"
i.e. everyone misunderstood it due to their stupidity and without exception
>the other definition of the word terminally is "extremely stupid and without change"
according to what dictionary
big words more smartererer speshly focham poast
also it's more common in brit usage if you're from the US I don't blame you for having not heard of it
>It means what I want to to mean stop oppressing me REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>terminally adverb (EXTREMELY)
Stupid and boring were used as examples you mong
Fucking neck yourself
they're adjectives
terminally is an adverb
that's not what that definition says
>terminally is an adverb
yeah, so your retarded definition makes no sense
I provided a definition before looking up the official one yeah
I'm not misusing the word here, you just haven't heard it used like that before
>I'm not misusing the word here
until you can give me a dictionary that says it means "extrememly stupid," yes, you are misusing it.
>It means what I want to to mean stop oppressing me REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
if I replaced the word with another adverb the sentence would still make sense
that's the example but the word terminally is only ever used in cases with negative connotations
>stop oppressing me
never said that though
projecting so hard
>everyone replying to you extremely misunderstood what you meant
i guess that's sort of grammatically correct but it sounds awkward as fuck. usually you use terminally or extremely alongside an adjective, like extremely stupid or terminally ill.
acting like a pedantic autistic person is very funny actually -matt christman
stil misusing
yeah generally you would but with terminally you normally use it in relation to something negative
it's a weird quirk in british english and isn't used that often
surely some other UK dudes in here know what I'm talking about
it isn't
provide a brit dictionary then
oh wait, you did and it just proved that you are stupid
its what your dictionary said, mong
he looks like wojak
i get the point of like, maybe you show your friend a pic and now you have this weird pic in your photo library, but the only friends i share a bunch of pictures with are friends who are into photography
My coworkers share photos with me on their phones, I don't know why these guys are freaking out.
funniest roast is also the simplest
put me in the incel-user screenshot
lmao never forget 1 user inspired an actual angry mob because he called out Yea Forums for being cringey losers who save memes
What he did was reveal himself as a total autistic loser
The best case scenario is that he and his friends do actually gather and share videos/photos
Which is something that boring spergs do
The worst case is that he doesn’t know how real social interaction works
shhh, user needs to think he called out the entire thread
That’s pretty lame
Don’t you have anything better to talk about with them?
put me in the screencap
grimes 4 life
The thread started with a weak OP, but somehow managed to become one of the more entertaining threads in recent Yea Forumsistory.
imagine the smell
what's the controversy with morissey exactly i don't pay attention to shit
he doesn't like reactionary muslim immigrants depriving britain's surplus population of employment and has gone on record saying that for years. there were a couple recent op-eds about it so now white girls on twitter are flipping shit. slow news cycle lately
morrissey isn't even conservative, is he? from what i've seen of his political views, he seems like he might be a centrist or something, with some left-wing and some right-wing views
he doesn't seem to be any sort of extremist really
Look at this joker
he's not, but if you aren't a hardline intersectional trust fund tankie you're written off as a neo nazi by these people
that's retarded
i believe i recall him even making comments so negative of trump that he got investigated by the FBI
this is Bullshit
my friends and I do this
are they imaginary?
>mfw this whole thread
At least it didn't turn into a Fantano thread or something
nigga just post them in the group chat lol
bit off topic but I hate how the US forces its speach over others - like they're entitled or something. It's especially hypocritical when you consider how much they cring onto their 1/16th whatever country in their blood. Daft cunts
why does he look melted
Kurdt Kobain
Wtf you're on crack