Decide to find out about this Bengalfuel dude

>decide to find out about this Bengalfuel dude
>7 albums in 2018 and 3 in 2019
Yeah no thanks lmao

Attached: a0031961833_10.jpg (1200x1200, 196K)

fuck off

Reminder, Joe: you’re a mentally ill 37 year old trying to shill to teenagers by talking to/about yourself. Please get the mental help you obviously need.

Who the fuck is this girl


She looks like an older/mature Jennifer Lawrence.

Joe, you’re 37 years old and saying this to children...

lol who is joe... or she's josephine?

His name is Joe Litrenta. He’s the incel behind all of the shilling.

he can't be an incel when this chick is his gf, retard

Hey Joe, you still live im Sussex?


the band is americans not brits, mong

Sussex, New Jersey you dumb fagot

She's from Paris, utter spoon

She's hot

And the shiller, Joe LiTrenta, is a 37 year old from New Jersey.

Can I get some more background about this "joe" guy? I knew it's the same shill but I didn't know he was doxxed.

Is he really some sad 40 year old with severe mental illness?

you ok buddy?

I'm just stating facts, buddy. A simple google search shows it all :)

he wasn't doxxed, this whole thing of posting this bitch is bait that lunatic obsessives and schizos get pulled into for literally YEARS now and they're still taking that bait. Have to check to even see if this album exists

Weird attempt at backpedaling, Joe.

why are you searching all over the internet for facts about where the guy lives, did he fuck your sister or something. what's your beef

>Joe seething

First shot of cum must be on her tits, the second on that lovely belly

lol you are delusional if you can't see how these meme album threads are bait for incels like you to get worked up over, you are just the latest victim to lose their shit

You're delusional if you think anyone gives a shit about your music lol. That's why you have to shill it so fucking hard.

Oh noooooo they are prolific I can't accept that reeeeeeeeeeeeee

see how you have lost your shit so bad you think you're talking to the artist and convinced there's a dedicated shill when it's just another shitty bait thread to fuck with you, dumb ass. people on this board have been doing this with this blonde for two years. you think you'd get it by now. you lost your shit like a total fool. you got so caught up you're digging up information about the guy, that's such a fucking absurd waste of time for a random ambient artist. who cares. don't take the bait and maybe these fucking shit threads will die off but as long as you bump it, it's great bait to use again and again

Oh damn Joe you sound mad

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>not cumming in that tight gooey pink puss

Nice deflection, Fred

Sure, okay Miki. Doing cover for your boyfriend. Are you in New Jersey now, too?

Hey Joe how would you like if I come to your house and shoot your girlfriend in her stupid ugly face?

Nah I don't want to impregnate her

cute deflection Joe, maybe i shoot your cunt girlfriend in her vagina with a shotgun


Cum in her bum

Joe don't think it's hard to find your house in Sussex, you are just a search away and then I can easily rape and kill your girlfriend while forcing you to watch

wtf this thread

A grow ass man that spends his days shilling on Yea Forums got doxxed and is attempting damage control

you haven't provided any actual proof he was doxxed and are deflecting legit questions. seems you're just bitter. threats to his or his girlfriend's lives are going too far. you may need to walk that back or you're going to get a lifetime ban.

Joe when I blow your girlfriend's tits off with buckshot you'll know you were doxxed by me because I can find where you live

based schizophrenic thread

did u kill her yet

Bengalfuel is a cancer on music. But thats classic autism for you