Other urls found in this thread:
>nice chord progression
teee heeeee im a cool boy
Why does the female wojak have a masculine skull/jaw?
Is it meant to be a tranny
>this girl looks like a whore I bet she's listening to shit entry level art hoe music, what a whore, why doesn't she notice me god I'm so lonely, what is she listening to what does she listen to??? I hate you but please have sex with me
>I love this song, I wonder why user is looking at me like that
t. first time on since 2012
haha glad you enjoyed it
t. 7.5 inch uncut penis
how are you liking the tedious soiposting?
>That last quote
the butthurt femoid who made this proves their whole gender are philistines.
>tee hee hipsters and their esoteric genres *turns on billie elish
you're reading too much into it
Have sex
I can't believe Yea Forums lack such basic self awareness.
This is literally what happens, you fucking incels.
what does that video have to do with my post
probably implying you're a tyranny my dude
shut up phone poster
Stupid meme. Women tend to listen to, and identify with, lyrics more than men.
women are so dumb they need the words spoken to them in order to feel something
Based fellow flupchad
Yea Forums BTFO
based and truthpilled
fuck those were some sweet moves
i-is this the comfy incel thread?
>I hope people notice I’m listening to good music
~both of them
You trannys need to stop fetishising the concept of feminists and speaking for actual women with these gay generalisations
me on bottom
Concept of femininity*
incelism is such a faggy ideology dude i don't know why you dumb fucks just do whatever you're told on this site without even thinking about it it's a miracle you survived the gallon smashing and exploding spoon era
me on the top but only the second point
lol tranny
this tb h
Based manlet
This is the accurate version
This unironically
Based and anti conflict pilled
Lol, top is like finding some ignorant trap song in some ambient playlist
Absolute Stacey
based and equality-pilled
newfag that can't even blankpost, top jej
>free jazz
roasties go irrational when they get mad or are they just stupid?
hey look at this dumb incel
would be more accurate if the bottom thought bubble was completely blank
Now this is based.
>le epic sexism
have sex faggots
with you? sure, unload in my mouth, bro
>ugh, a sexist comment! and another one, and ANOTHER one!!
please have sex
>hurrr wikipedia says it exists your wrong
europeans have no understanding of soul and blues
Go back to /pol/
just like women have no understanding of music
ITT: people pretending they've had sex
european free jazz is a genre dumbass.
>europeans have no understanding of soul and blues
cool opinion, but they still make free jazz.
it literally exists whether you like it or not
Unironically accurate
Imagine actually thinking 90% of roasties spebd time thinking about music or do anything but casually enjoy top 40s
Top is me and I'm a girl. This is just music lovers vs. the elitist pseuds that post here asking if it's ok to like their favorite nu metal band.
Most people, especially girls, are more into the stars and associated fashion than the actual music they make. Have you faggots never been to high school?
Also girls don't have to have an impressive music taste for any reason in the world other than impressing autists that we don't actually want to fuck
>and i'm a girl
what does your gender have to do with your post? stop larping, nerd
Literally the entire thread is about gender you fuckin retard
>Most people, especially girls, are more into the stars and associated fashion than the actual music they make.
it is mostly women who use "80s" and other decade periods as adjectives for music though
People do that all the time here
watch more than half the replies to this thread and make conclusions
t. larper
I'm a guy but the bottom one is me
Yea Forums completely and utterly BTFO
Yea girls don't really exist afterall
You don't exist as a valuable human being, that's for sure, whiner.
women are nothing but posers
We'r all a bunch of fucking fags
let's just not generalize and go person by person
mate lay off the /r9k/ for a while will you
this is accurate except the basedbois of Yea Forums mostly jerk off at the thought of wf/bm pairings
Hmmm I wonder what gender could have to do with this thread about how people of different genders supposedly listen to music.