Listen to instrumentals of favorite songs

>listen to instrumentals of favorite songs
>pretend in my mind that I am impressing people at work with music I am working on
>have zero musical talent

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I do this. I pretend I wrote the song I’m listening to and everyone I know is blown away by it. I vividly imagine their reactions to each part and all of the critics loving it and getting bnm’s and tons of fans and shit. I will play the song over and over and fantasize. I’ve been doing this since I was about 17. I’m literally 34 and still do it like 40% of the time I listen to music. It’s so fucking sad and yet it’s so fun to do for some reason.

>a favorite song is playing
>imagine in my mind that my (non-existent) gf comes rushing to my workplace to tell me that my song is about to play
>change the radio station and everyone one is excited that I made it and feeling my music.
>girls at work are impressed and jealous of my fake gf.
>my imagined fake gf are usually YouTube/twitch girls or hot clients I have met or their hot daughters after I do some social media investigating if they ever mention having daughters.
>clients are really customers since I literally work retail.

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i just started to attempt to make my own music and honestly this is some of the most unrewarding shit I've every done. Does it ever get better?

i always pretend to be a dancer in the music video for the song

>listen to rock musuc with great choruses and crescendos.
>imagine myself playing it live with
a band and huge crowd
>mfw cant even play an instrument or sing
Why bros

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Fucking hell that's just depressing. You gotta get help man I can't imagine having such sad life.

you can learn bass in like a week

You can literally learn decent guitar in one day. Instruments are so fucking easy to play it's crazy how much appreciation artists get for managing to not fuck something up while playing live.



>You can literally learn decent guitar in one day.
no you can't


>No real talent
>Only proper knowledge of music is what I get from listening to music or some videos
>wanted to study music, my work and gf are keeping me too busy
>stay awake extra hours to have at least an hour or two to listen to music, the only thing I enjoy, end up shit faced due to lack of sleep
>listen to music at work, fuck up due to it, may get fired sometime, music is the only thing keeping me going.
>my gf thinks only her feelings matter because she's diagnosed with depression, eats up all my time and doesn't support me
>imagine myself writing and playing songs where I express my deepest feelings
>people go "omg it's so raw how he spills his soul into these songs, I relate to this, I understand this, this helps me, this saved my life
Thank you for reading my blog

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>my gf
i don't feel bad for you

Love isn't everything it's promised to be.
Only reason why I'm staying is so she doesn't kill herself

i still don't feel bad for you

Send us a clip of you playing guitar

That's okay.

so have you written anything at all?

>used to listen to and seek out new music all the time
>love doing it and checking out new albums
>cbf keeping up with new music anymore
>slowly over the years only really check out latest Kanye or Taylor Swift albums or listen to current pop song son radio
>music tastes are basically what I enjoyed from when I was 16 to 23. basically stuck in 2013
>30 years old next year and unironically never thought it would happen to me

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oh yeah if forgot to add
>still sleeps on a single sized bed

>it'll happen to you
No. It doesn't happen to everyone

just buy a new bed

Idk man, I make music and it's probably trash to other people but I'm constantly bumping it for myself and love it every time. Once get past making music for others it gets more rewarding.

>whole life have no interests, passions or any idea about what i want to do
>muh depression and anxiety since i can remember
>finally start making music, feel like im enjoying it, not as much as other people seem to enjoy making it but im interested enough that i learn in my free time
>realise i want to be an artist and this is finally something i might enjoy pursuing
>depression alleviates
>suddenly i dont have anything to say or talk about with my music, and every genre i try feels disingenuous
>my music is fucking trash anyway and start having less fun
>realise im fundamentally not experimental, the works that inspire me i simply end up recreating/ripping off
>not even sure what kind of music i like, feels like ive just made myself like various artists and convinced myself this is what "good" is.

still try to make something every day, but i dont know if i will ever find my sound, and even if i do, i dont know if ill ever make a noteworthy piece of music that i feel is genuine and well made and comes from an original place.

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>It’s so fucking sad and yet it’s so fun to do for some reason.
Yeah, I know that feel. Every once in a while I try to stop, since I feel like it's just making me feel more depressed about the life I don't have.
I think it's a natural feeling. Like everything has been done already and you are just a copy of a copy. I don't have anything to say if you actually want to "make it", but as long as you are having fun (if you are still having fun) keep doing it.


post music

>>have zero musical talent

learn to play a I IV V on an instrument, if you can do this you have some talent at least.