Fitter, happier
More productive
Not drinking too much
Regular exercise at the gym, three days a week
Getting on better with your associate employee contemporaries
At ease
Eating well, no more microwave dinners and saturated fats
A patient, better driver
A safer car, baby smiling in back seat
Sleeping well, no bad dreams
No paranoia
Careful to all animals, never washing spiders down the plughole
Keep in contact with old friends, enjoy a drink now and then
Will frequently check credit at moral bank, hole in wall
Favours for favours, fond but not in love
Charity standing orders on sundays, ring-road supermarket
No killing moths or putting boiling water on the ants
Car wash, also on sundays
No longer afraid of the dark or midday shadows, nothing so ridiculously teenage and desperate
Nothing so childish
At a better pace, slower and more calculated
No chance of escape
Now self-employed
Concerned, but powerless
An empowered and informed member of societ, pragmatism not idealism
Will not cry in public
Less chance of illness
Tires that grip in the wet, shot of baby strapped in backseat
A good memory
Still cries at a good film
Still kisses with saliva
No longer empty and frantic
Like a cat
Tied to a stick
That's driven into
Frozen winter shit, the ability to laugh at weakness
Calm, fitter, healthier and more productive
A pig in a cage on antibiotics
Fitter, happier
we live in a society
very deep....
And brave
That album would have been a 10/10 without this shit
Why? It’s a perfect cherry on top
>Fitter, happier
>More productive
>Not drinking too much
>Regular exercise at the gym, three days a week
>Getting on better with your associate employee contemporaries
>At ease
>Eating well, no more microwave dinners and saturated fats
>A patient, better driver
>A safer car, baby smiling in back seat
>Sleeping well, no bad dreams
>No paranoia
>Careful to all animals, never washing spiders down the plughole
>Keep in contact with old friends, enjoy a drink now and then
>Will frequently check credit at moral bank, hole in wall
>Charity standing orders on sundays, ring-road supermarket
>No killing moths or putting boiling water on the ants
>At a better pace, slower and more calculated
>Less chance of illness
>Tires that grip in the wet, shot of baby strapped in backseat
>A good memory
>Still cries at a good film
>Still kisses with saliva
>No longer empty and frantic
None of these are bad things.
I agree
Explain how working out or sleeping well are bad then.
fuck off you shitposting degenerate
>It's probably not true, and is an illusion of a better life.
How is it a shitpost you asswipe?
Because you become what the system wants you to become and do not think for yourself
This deep commentary for only ten dollars? A steal!
How to be a fucking normie.
It’s unironically pretty deep
>the system
please be more precise
Ultra capitalist society
Ultra capitalist society wants you to be a fat, unhealthy, submissive, and consumerist lard. Working out and sleeping well are not a part of that equation. Saying you are sticking it to capitalist society by being unhealthy is, quite frankly, the dumbest shit you can say about capitalism
frequently check reddit
This is literally you
Keep in mind that you're arguing with incel teenagers when you reply to these posts, my man. Just a reminder.
>putting boiling water on the ants
Do british people actually do this?
>"Just sum good ol' fashioned British humor, moite."
>Ultra capitalist society wants you to be a fat, unhealthy, submissive, and consumerist lard
Maybe in America only :)
nigger wojack posters
You are literally npc if you don’t get what’s this song is about
Woah. Why would you post something so controversial yet so brave?
Here's a (You)
my neighbour used to do this to ants.
she'd also swat bees and kill anything insectoid.
They're talking about those points specifically, and they're right.
As a matter of fact, capitalism prefers you unhappy, because a happy person doesn't need to constantly buy shit, while a sad person might buy too much food, cigarettes or useless things in hopes to feel better
That being said the song (which I haven't heard) probably has context that makes this make more sense
You're the cherry
yeah, I'm not doing that . . .
>Regular exercise at the gym, three days a week