Hit songs nobody remembers anymore
Hit songs nobody remembers anymore
p4k killed this band
Was that really a hit? I remember loving that song because I had Jet's CD when I was a kid, but the only song I remember being played on air, at least in the US, was Are You Gonna Be My Girl.
IMO Jet and The Vines got fucked over by the press during the whole garage rock revival thing. Everyone said Jet was ripping off AC/DC, which I didn't see then and I still don't. They had a totally different vibe and swagger, and felt more like The Kinks or something. I think the comparison was just because they were an Australian hard rock band. Everyone shat on The Vines for not just doing hard songs like Get Free, when my favorite stuff by them was always their softer, Beatles-y psychedelic stuff.
Oh well, critics are retards.
Yes look what you’ve done was played a fuckton on the radio
Yeah it definitely got played on the radio here. That's where I remember hearing it because I definitely didn't buy the CD. Go My Way was obviously the bigger hit, particularly on rock stations.
That Cold Hard Bitch song was played on my local rock station a lot for a minute but felt out of rotation pretty quickly though. I don't even remember anything off their next album (the infamous 0.0 monkey piss one)
I didn't really listen to much Vines either except for Get Free at the time. I think the whole Letterman thing really spoiled things for them. Thank god youtube/social media/HD simulcasts weren't really a thing at the time or they would forever be a meme.
Lenny Kravitz - Fly Away
Get Born [Elektra, 2003]
The juice and talent to make their retro happen without the brains or vision to run with it ("Rollover D.J.," "Look What You've Done"). **
Really? I feel like that's probably his most remembered song. Bigger than some of the others from the time like his terrible American Woman cover or Again.
Only real late 90s/early 00s kids remember these T B H (zoomers need not reply)
personally i think that's his *only* remembered song, and that's what's wrong with it
As in what, exactly?
Not among 50-60 year old moms. They'd still recognize a number of hits. I guarantee it.
Finger 11 - Paralyzer
no doubt they were both fucked over by critics, but in a way i think the vines shot themselves in the foot, or at the very least, craig did. he constantly downplayed the second album as "a bunch of songs that didn't make the first album" during the promotion of that album. his antics onstage and on tv didn't do him any favours as well. the vines made some of the best garage rock music at the time; the only problem (or positive) was that their frontman was autistic.
Did he not realize he was at the time?
No, he was diagnosed later. There was a whole ordeal, where a roadie who'd worked with autistic people had suspected Nicholls was autistic, but didn't say anything. One night Nicholls kicked a camera guy's camera unto his face, injuring the camera guy, and Nicholls was looking at jail time. The roadie came forward and mentioned that he thought Nicholls had autism, so Nicholls got diagnosed, which basically kept him out of jail.
are you gonna go my way
Holy shit lol
This still gets played at every bar and grill in my city.
since then, i'm pretty sure their music was banned on aussie radio, or maybe it was only just triple m