>is white
>doesn't listen to National Socialist Black Metal
>is white
>doesn't listen to National Socialist Black Metal
NSBM is such a confidence boost. Very powerful music and also the only music out that seems like it was made for me and my people. Everything else is too culturally degenerate.
lol imagine being such a pathetic piece of shit that you have to listen to music that degrades other people to feel okay about yourself. Kys
fascists and commies fuck off back to whatever hole you came out of
isn't this the band with that Sonic Adventure 2 sounding song
fuck off faggot
Bro, you're literally in their hole.
fuck off, it's my hole.
got a download link?
Black metal of any genre is for virgin basement dwellers
You don't get pussy, you're not an alpha male, queers. Enjoy your thread.
This makes no fucking sense. Proudhon was anti-semitic, but he was the forefather of social anarchism. Kropotkin created anarcho-communism, was massively influential among American Jews, and supported the rights of his friend Oscar Wilde, an out homosexual. Nozick is practically a libertarian.
What the fuck.
No glam metal fag has seen a vagina since 1990.
>what is syncretism
simply ebic
envision the aroma
Nothing but Onions Black Metal
These things are fundamentally opposed to each other. You read Kropotkin and Proudhon and really absorb it, and you're more likely to become an anti-fascist.
most whites i see in my day-to-day are scum with shit children.
sadly this is not based, I do not doubt that NSBM has excellent music and musicians, but their passion and talent is wasted on worrying about something other than banging their fucking heads and just being badass
Not quite desu, unless if you're seriously that impressionable.
The whole point of syncretic politics is to meld together certain aspects of two (or more) opposing ideologies, in order to create a new cohesive ideology that essentially goes beyond the obsolete left-right political spectrum.
I know what synchronicity is. I don't think Kropotkin is in any way compatible with Aleksandr Dugin's bullshit. The whole point of Mutual Aid was to refute social Darwinism by pointing out that animals that cooperate actually have a better chance at survival than those that compete. Kropotkin was anti-empire and anti-war. The Soviets and the fascists would've hated him.
>trying to slip NSBM into the Chad side
I know, syncretism. I'm tired.
lol I found it like that, based image though
Who gives a shit what the authors had intended to sought out with their individual message. No one says that you literally have to agree with every single little thing that they write about in their respective works, word-for-word, in order to fall in line with a third-positionist based ideology (i.e. NazBol, Strasserism, etc.).
All that matters is just syncretizing central key points of two opposing political ideologies in order to create a compromise & go beyond obsolete ideologies that are inherently monotonous & unsustainable on their own.
okay, whatever kid, have fun being a Kropotkinian fascist or whatever.
You know on the one hand this image disgusts me
But on the other it makes me feel happy that these two gross people could find happiness with each other