0.0 boys!

Alrighty then. This isn't frequent.

Attached: Woah.png (1062x884, 186K)

hey, some random bandcamp got some free publicity.

anyone who speaks twitter-ese know what tk means or was it a typo?

Attached: 1465744390682.png (256x299, 64K)


Neat concept poor execution


we really gotta crack the code on this one

omg p4k is s000 random and edgy omg siiiick


no one cares anymore

t. 6th poster in dead thread about dead site

Best one since the Jet review.

Attached: Pitchfork-Jet-Review.jpg (550x596, 46K)

listening to this right now
actually pretty alright

The artist is a former pitchfork writer and by giving it a 0.0; it's a teamkill of the sort committed in counter strike?

>liberal humor
I'd love to see the music that writer has made

if this was a joke it is embarrassing
if it wasn't it is embarrassing

it sounds good, honestly

TK indeed

While I'm sure that writer is a fucking loser, Jet deserve that review. They are worthless.

it'll mean they'll add a review sometime I think

Attached: tk.jpg (1080x846, 265K)

i'm going TK in your mouth you nerd

It's actually ok. If this isn't a mistake, I bet it's the author getting some free publicity for his band


Attached: flor face.png (608x608, 191K)

its pretty funny honestly

this. They had a couple of decent songs on the first album, but were INCREDIBLY unoriginal. This album was fucking dogshit.

It isn't the actual score, someone who works on the site messed up and pushed the review without any copy.

t. someone who works in this field. it's still pretty funny tho

This is Andy O'Connor

Say something nice about him

Attached: 1sHrNBaR.original.jpg (567x567, 29K)

wtf pitchfork is based

"thank you"

it's journo text filler when you don't have the actual copy yet

whoever's job it is to push review copy live on the site messed up big time

Fixed, it's a 7.7

so you are telling me some ex-p4k writers band got a 7.7 bought review but they forgot to upload the text and gave him a 0.0 by accident instead? nice

oh well it was fun while it lasted, I wonder when we're going to get the next real 0.0, they usually reserve that score for artists whose earlier material is critically acclaimed but for whatever reason decide to release a record that completely scraps what made them acclaimed in the first place, often attempting a bold experiment which in the reviewer's eye fails completely (Sonic Youth, Flaming Lips, Liz Phair, Robert Pollard, Travis Morrison)

>Pitchfork trying to get back their edge for months now
How cute. Corporate gear thinks it can still be cool