>watched this shit last night
>actually thought Death Grips was playing for a moment
Watched this shit last night
What does this post mean can you please explain it
was it a good movie?
2/10 it was ok
that is a very low score for something you consider to be okay. ok would be more like 5 or 6. also, rating a film 1-10 is lame. rate it 1-5.
>rating a film 1-10 is lame. rate it 1-5.
because albums have an average of 10 tracks and films are 5 acts
it was the pink floyd sample you idiot
are you also supposed to rate EPs out of 5 and individual songs out of 1?
rating ep's is for plebs
what about Double EPs
what about rating the sound of your neighbor's dog 1-30
2x5=10 doofus
I watched the film twice so 1/5 x 1/5 =
2/10 it was ok
keep watching it and it will add up to 10/10
is that how math works?
watching movies is an art
math is art
so lose the numbers then
Death Grips aren't very good
two out of ten it was ok