Have you ever pretended to be into music to try to get laid?
Have you ever pretended to be into music to try to get laid?
i always do that stuff, whenever someone asks me for recs on rym/lastfm etc i just go to other people's profiles and bring stuff from there
you're so ugly why do you feel compelled to spam yourself outside of soc
That's not being very subtle about your music taste. However, I've found it's incredibly easy to lie about playing an instrument (guitar for instance) to get laid.
Just get a grinder and let me cum on your glasses already
I pray that isn't you. If it is, and you're trying to get laid, you should probably delete pics 3, 4, and 5. You're right about 1 being best pic tho
No. In my experience, girls who like me always pretend to be into the music I like. It's cute.
The thing is, it probably is. I forgot the faggots name though. He's fucking hated by everyone on this board, I'll tell you that.
do people think it's cool to tell everyone you're depressed? it makes you look like a faggot
lol not even close, he is a fascinating character though. there's another image that shows his reddit posts where he talks about "artmaxxing" and shit like that, like it's a fucking jacket you just slip on, it's quite something
>Cuco tho
Only person I can identify AND hate on this board is TryHardPhilosophicalFaggotofMankind or some shit. I hate anyone who puts there name ID on Yea Forums to be different
>Cucko tho
>doxxed himself on multiple boards
>claims to work in the music industry, actually resells autographed merch
>posted his screencapped dms on r9k
>once commissioned a drawing of death grips from an art hoe he wanted to fuck
>she got a bf and he refused to pay
>he then screencapped and posted this conversation on /r9k/
>at some point he actually ended up paying
>claims to be 6'1
>Mac Demarco tho
Wait, he's a literal incel? As in an actual involuntary celibate?
Wasn't he always bragging about how much pussy he got in the threads about him? That's fucking hilarious.
This. Absolutely hate this faggot, hopefully he kills himself for attention
i think some guys cling to that shit even after getting laid
There is this
But also someone posted pics of him with some girl, allegedly his ex
that blonde girl is cute
Honestly, he doesn't even look unattractive, probably just his personality he needs to work on.
in his mind he was working on his "personality" by building up his pseudo art fag mac demarco tho meme persona
that all of his photos are just him standing next to shit says it all
This poor kid seriously needs to get laid
Im about to track him down and send one of my slutty art hoe friends to fuck him
Fuck him. Send her to me I actually have patrician taste.
what are your favorite albums?
yeah once I pretended to be a roadie for steely dan it didn't work