only good album from this year
Only good album from this year
best album but not the only good one
>pic not related
>want to be girl
>don't shave legs
trannies please explain
>blocks your tranny path
Please stop shilling
lol cis men are pathetic if thats the best you have
lol girls have leg hair you dumbass
this is still unironically better than 1000 keks
this is correct
based dubs, tranny shit music BTFO
but they shave it, and they don't have guy amounts of leg hair when they don't.
lol cis ppl sometimes make passable shit. but if that is your example of a good cis man album you are pathetic.
Arguing with dubs?
only good album from this millennia bruh,
>literally the worst album of the year
Im not a tranny, i think they are mentally ill, but i still support my weirdo homies no matter what odd path they get dragged down.
100 Gecs is the best album to come out this year, if not the only good one.
Morrissey is 100% closeted tran overcompensating. This has been evident since the 80s
reminder that 1000 gecs is approved by Sam Hyde and MDE
More girls are starting to leave their armpits and legs unshaved essentially as a way to protest expectations of women and shit. I used to work with a lesbian who looked normal, except you could see her armpit hair stick out of her tshirts sometimes. Nasty.
I am unconvinced this is a growing trend. I think it was a bigger thing in the 00s. Maybe more people are trying it for a month or two now but I don’t see many people actually adopting this lifestyle in 2019
No I'm serious, maybe the trend WAS actually more popular back then, but I'm seeing way more of it with gay/trans being the new counter-culture. That could also be coupled with the fact that those individuals are much more open to talk about those things on social media, which is why I would be seeing it more.
Chernobyl ost was by far the best one
Top tier dark ambient
I think it’s definitely due to your social media use that you see this as a growing trend. The trans trend is huge (among freaks) but it’s nothing compared to the behemoth that is the women’s “beauty” market. I think there are more women striving for conventional beauty than ever before
Just goes to show the power of social media influence now I guess.
It's covers of great songs with his voice, there is nothing bad about it except your reddit-tier bias against him as a person and not against his music, fuck you
Absolutely. In fact, I would not be surprised to find that there’s a positive correlation between early adopters of social media in the late 90s / early 00s and people who “realized” they were gay.
Oh without a doubt, it's pretty obvious to me that people are indeed attracted to people of the same sex, but I honestly think it's some sort of social media indoctrination at this point. Most gay/trans people weren't actually born with that affliction, it's just the way social media has formed them.
b-but fatano said otherwise.....
Now the real question: are outside forces pushing this trend in enemy social circles?
I.e. is the cia promoting this among would-be hippies and blacks?
Is Russia pushing this on westerners?
Is china?
Are jews? (Lol just being inclusive)
It isn't racist at all to say that Jewish people generally run Hollywood. With that in mind, and the increasing amount of LGBTQ inclusion in modern blockbusters, it's safe to say they have some sort of agenda. Maybe they're confused themselves as to what people actually believe to be right and wrong. Like I said before, those who are the loudest on social media (the left) seem to generally control the morals and outlooks of modern society. If the people who run Hollywood genuinely believe that, they'll increase inclusion, which in turn draws support for that inclusion from big influencers on Twitter, Instagram, etc. In the end, at least to Hollywood, it only seems to be about money. Basically, the big influencers are more likely to appreciate the inclusion of LGBTQ in modern blockbusters than the opposing side are to openly disagree and shame that inclusion.
I really don't understand the shilling for this album,. it's garbage
It's trolling that people actually take legitimately, which in turn gets them to actually enjoy the music somehow. Then they "troll" too.
CIA pushing it bc while China is destroying us in wealth creation and economic growth they want to make it seem like “hey at least there’s freedom here and people are having fun” so that Chinese citizens start being skeptical of their own government
>muh Hollywood
We’re looking at the 24/7 astroturfed online culture sweetie. Hollywood is about as influential as late night talk shows.
I dont think that makes sense, why would CIA strike their own citizens with life-ruining mind poison just to decrease morale in china? It would make more sense for them to push trans/gay shit in china (which is very difficult btw due to their closed internet)
>modern movies aren't one of the most talked-about forms of entertainment in social media
yikes. I do agree with your second point to , though.
>tfw maybe im just druuunk as fuuuck i customised my ring tone buuut
its hot as fuuuuck bro
Honestly, I saw this bitch touring with an artist I like and that kind of drew the line for me personally. Cause obviously she's pretty attractive if you look at her other pictures, but that ruined it for me. Made her too masculine for my taste.
I defy anyone itt to tell me armpit hair is actually a big deal to them and theyre not just virtue signaling as a chudlord
Idk I always thought of it as similar to what they did in the Cold War era with modern art. But I see the flaws. I’ve also wondered if maybe it’s just created by big pharma to hedge their bets if the government finally decides to do something about drug prices or healthcare.
Bro lets cut to the chase it’s obviously Russian propaganda same as the Cold War just like you said. This is *very* close to accepted mainstream fact
no, theyre just shitty boring covers
I just think it’s big pharma learning from the success of ssris and anti anxiety drugs, basically then realizing people are willing to buy their drugs even if they’re not totally essential. Transgender people are slated to be the next cash cow for them for basically signing up for lifetime subscriptions of hormones. They just tell you “oh but you’re actually a women inside, but the only way you can truly be a woman is the give us a chunk of your paycheck each month for hormones” and like clockwork, people do.
But dont trans buy their drugs from shady online pharmacies (Chinese) ?
anyone heard their NTS set yet?
easily best of the year as well
thanks for the rec
it'd be better if they played more new material in it. most of it is just 1000 gecs with some of their solo stuff thrown in
What about the new Viper acappellas?
well if thats the case then this album is great
It's so derivative it hurts.
It's sounds like a you guys haven't been paying attention to all that "deconstructed club" shit that's been poisoning soundcloud/bandcamp for the last 2-3 years.
So ironic lacks honesty. This is to post-modernism what's Greta Van Fleet to rock music. It's sounds like a rich kid art school project.
>implying the Greta Van fleet of postmodernism isn’t the pinnacle of postmodernism
Did anyone see the new counterpoints?
I think she was too quick to dismiss performativism. The one character basically just calls the other gay and then she’s like “omg I’m totally gay ur right” and then they drop it. In favor of... abandoning rational reasoning?
What the fuck, Natalie, I expected more from you. If I were her professor I’d tell her this essay’s incomplete give her extra time to finish it.
btw this is relevant because it is applicable to our understanding and fandom of both members of 100 gecs.
contrapoints* fcuk
what up bill how's the whitepeople clout chasing you racist faggot
Idk what this means or who is bill but ok dude lol
Knifeplay - Pearlty
Shoegaze, Dream Pop, Noise Pop
you guys are fucking ridiculous
Maybe it's more like people are comfortable with the possibility of being LGBT because they're less scared of getting murdered or abandoned by friends
Two more days. I can't fucking wait.
The tranny in this looks like me if I transitioned and its quite disturbing
You will become a statistic pretty soon you abomination