Why doesn't Yea Forums talk about The Residents more often? Are they too patrician for this board...

Why doesn't Yea Forums talk about The Residents more often? Are they too patrician for this board? What's your favorite album from them?

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barely music

Lurk more, they're overdiscussed here

scarufficore meme trash

lmao "too patrician". yeah a glorified pop band is too patrician for this board lmao get real buddy

They're alright. Shouldn't have stolen that riff from Tim Buckley, though. That was a real dick move.

Yeah, but not being discussed here is a sign of quality. This is a board where entry level experimental music is discussed to oblivion while anything beyond an artist's most well know album is too "patrician" to be posted in between countless Loveless threads and pop star shilling

im a resident, ama

lmao and the residents aren't a pop band? get it together buddy jesus christ

>glorified pop


Are you retarded?

OP is a fag as always, but yeah, I don't think Yea Forums discusses this band that much. A couple of their albums pop up every now and then, but that's it. Same thing happens with Mr. Bungle.
Perhaps Yea Forums has an aversion to non-classical, non-nowave avant garde.

Their first album is probably my favorite, next to Not Available. I wouldn't say they are too patrician for this board as I have seen alot of threads discussing them but it's because most of this board is dominated by pop music


go fuck yourself
the residents are pop retard

Only the best pop right user...........

Anyone else here actually knowledgable about their whole discography? I know everything pretty well up til about 2011. The whole randy chuck bob thing was really not musically good, or even conceptually really. Their post snakefinger guitarist really rubs me the wrong way with his weird hair metal shredding.

I think the commercial album was their peak musically and conceptually, but the 80s still had some great stuff. Intermission is really good, Title in Limbo has the Sailor Song which could be one of the best songs they ever took part in. Cube E had some really great cowboy/slave electronic surrealist music, although the elvis covers were lackluster I thought. God in 3 persons is good but overrated I think. I'm just not big on explicitly narrative albums.

The 90s were weird, freak show and bad day on the midway had great writing and visual art but musically sort of lackluster.

The 2000s were weird, in some ways I think of demons dance alone as their final album, everything since has been bonus material. Although bunny boy and tweedles had some good stuff, just not really experimental in any way.

zomg wow so experimental so inaccessible!!!! the vocals are distorted guise!!!! there's no possible way something could be pop while having distorted vocals guise!!!!!!!

I am not even sure you know what pop means, I think you are better off listening to radiohead user

lmao why would I listen to radiohead. btw pop doesn't mean "music I don't like" btw

Not that guy but I think 3rd reich is the least interesting of their 70s albums. Turning pop songs into distorted noisey covers isn't super avant garde.

Wow so it IS possible to be this fucking retarded.

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I only listened to third reich and didn't like it
what should I start with then?

If this was any other band I'd say listen to their stuff in order, but obviously their discography is insane so it's whatever. Give Duck Stab/Buster and Glen a listen.

yeah whatever friendo just continue listening to your pop

Meet the is a great representation of their early stuff, not available is better but a lot more dense. Duck stab is a decent intro but if you're into weirdo new wave pop I say go straight to commercial album.

none of their music is good tho

literal pseud music

Are you that dude who couldn't count in the "badly describe a bands discography" thread? Cause your retardation is shockingly similar

There kikes

Flynn and fox are Jewish names?

The Santa dog ep. It's hard to start with their albums but that should ease you into meet the residents

are you that dude who sucks other dudes dicks cause your fagginess is shockingly similar

I've only listened to not available and it's pretty damn good, should I listed to meet the residents? what about the rest, any albums similar to those two?

Holy shit you are. Why don't you give us all the definition of pop you illiterate sperg.

wow you talk a big game demanding me to give a definition but can't give one yourself, speaks volumes to how much of a retard fag you are lmao

You're the one throwing the term around. It's not on me to explain why you're retarded bud

dude weird noises lmao

They're trash. "boo hoo why do people listen to pop music like Cream and The Beatles???" Because they actually make good music, unlike you dorks.

Eskimo is my favorite album and song is syx things in a cycle

God damn this board really is full of children

Just zoomers being shitheads. Just say that Playboi Carti Is trash and they'll go away.

THanks for a quick run down, I first listened to Duck Stab a long time ago and just kind of stuck with that and some of the more popular residents, was always somewhat stunned in a way of their large discography and remember checking out Mush-room when it was new and wasn’t really impressed. It’s weird how they’re kind of like the most formal informal group, kind of has an air of old and boring like the orchestras we’d take school field trips to, but the experimental aspects and whackiness drew me in and balanced out the old n boringness. I admire them, can’t get TOO into them though.

do we agree with him?

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>their peak musically and conceptually
I swear after that line I read your entire post in a Patrick Bateman voice.

Def check out all their 70s albums, not available is truly amazing

>MTR and Fingerprince are 8.5 and 7 but Duck Stab and Commerical Album are 6s
Absolutely FUCKING not

eskimo, duck stab, or commercial album