What do you honestly think about this boards taste?
What do you honestly think about this boards taste?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's an anonymous imageboard. There is no "taste" you retard.
Crap, not enough hard rockers and heavy metallers, too many try hards/hipsters who only pretend to like stuff for status
Well, obviously it's varied to a certain extend because of the nature of this website. Imo, it depends. Some of the people here are absolute idiots and some are smart and have interesting and diverse tastes.
people on this board are the same people who go to shows just to snap chat the whole thing because they only care about being seen listening to certain things and not about music
The proper way to use Yea Forums is reply to OP and ignore other people's opinions.
It isn't worse than Yea Forums
not enough gusic
fuck it didn't gupload my gimage
Utter fucking rubbish.
gibson guitars suck. stop shilling them
Nice shitpost
The fuck is gusic?
You new around here, buddy?
It's the absolute worst.
>kikes playing gatekeeper
Browse here occasionally. Don’t listen to much music outside of metal. Again, what is gusic?
Industry shills trying to:
>lol so randumb XD.
A failed meme
It's a running joke we have around here. It stands for "good music", Gusic. Cats are usually associated with the term. Idk why or how that part started, but basically, felines enjoy good music. That's pretty much it.
I was joking around, no need to overreact. If anything, I want more people around here. It's fun.
Thanks man! I’ll be sure to check them out. I’m still trying to find what I like outside of metal.
Which one are you?
Sorry, I don't know what you mean. Which what?
hipster garbage
Oh are you asking if I'm dumb or smart? I consider myself to be a smart person. And I think my taste is pretty good.
No problem! Sorry if it seemed like I was insulting or gatekeeping you at first, I didn't mean it like that.
newfag, the cats came first as a spammable, and then some faggot created a hierarchy with music, gusic, kusic, ect to try to classify a meaning to gusic. Gusic is any kitty music that is not jazz, because jazz is too large.
It started with that cat, the one who is close to the camera in the photo. Somone shitposted him here and people actually replyed to this threads with posts like "good kitty". I replyed myself because it's boring here as shit. Eventually someone started to wrote "gusic" instead of "music" just for the sake of shitpost.
No prob dude! Upboated my good sir! And have a lovely day!
Edit: Hey buddy thanks for the gold :D
Not a newfag but, yes, thats something I forgot to mention. The rankings and Kusic/kino is a part of the meme too.
Monkeys and Shakespeare, honestly. The fact that popular music is somewhat looked down upon (excluding spam threads after a new release) creates a culture where posting more niche or underground albums wins you imaginary internet points (i.e. (you)s, based, etc.). I'd say I only really enjoy about 30% of what's posted, and of that maybe half I'd consider 8+/10, but the benefit is that I'm constantly being exposed to music I've never heard of. I'd be much worse off relying solely on word of mouth or YouTube recommendations.
Don't impersonate me. You're literally mocking people for having a civil interaction with each other. This is board meant for people to communicate not constantly post racial slurs (although that happens frequently).
It seems like it's shit but if you start talking about a niche you're into, people with tastes like yours will start having a good discussion about it. So overall I think this board is great
So that's how it started. Interesting. Good to know some Yea Forums history.
Confusing, but I'm probably older than more than half of the visitors.
I hate how everyone pretends to like what I don't like
Nice roll.
so many great albums
Surface-level. Most of the posters here don't listen to anything beyond Yea Forumscore or RYM-core. If your thread isn't:
>discussion of an entry-level album that has been discussed to death
>political shitposting
>kpop general
...then it will get archived pretty much instantly. If you want an indication for the absolute state of this board then look no further than these posters
posting cringe
Honestly, sometimes I enjoy the funny shit posts. Some of them are pretty clever and at least get people talking about music. The biggest issue is that a lot of people dont really know alot about music in general which causes people to post the same RYM top 100 over and over again which almost ruins the point of the board. But some people on here have really good tastes and it helps me find new interesting bands and stuff.
dadrock and metal is fucking cringe dude
Well it's not monolithic. The guitar general is filled with boomers with more money than skill though. They'll discuss gear endlessly but as soon as anyone starts talking about actually making, playing or understanding music they'll be real quiet until the next talentless idiot comes along talking about fucking tuners, pickups, brand names, strings, tremolo systems (because that's not the corniest god damn thing ever) or some other bullshit. Funnily enough they don't really ever talk about amps, go figure.
pretty sure it was a post saying "is music that starts with g called gusic?"
>gusic poster is 8 months old