I mean, i dont have a hamster, but suppose i did

and suppose that hamster was bad... really bad. dropping bombs on Palestine bad. and what if, just imagine, if islam did kill my hamster. like, if my hamster was hamster hitler and islam killed it....shouldn't I be grateful? imagine the destruction and loss of life that was prevented? im glad islam killed my hamster. fuck that asshole.

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Not music related. Read the rules if you're new to the site.

of course its music related you fucking idiot cunt.

fucking killjoy


i hope you get killed too

antisemitic piece of shit

this isn't the first death threat ive gotten on Yea Forums.

lol my hamster wasn't jewish, it was hitler.

if your hamster was hitler then islam would be supporting it not killing it

This song is pretty G[spoiler]ood[/spoiler]

what historical evidence do you have that Islamic regimes supported hitler or genocide in the 30s and 40s?

more importantly, in my very important example, the evil hamster was bombing Palestinians.

I just wanna say that I think IDLES are gay. And that's a bad thing. Here's why

that's not thinking.

that's just being scared of who you are:

a big gay cuk.


>bombing palestinians
>lol guys im totally not talking about israel im talking about hitler not related!!!


I couldn't love myself if I was gay. Checkmate.

it puts the lotion on its skin

but that's like the definition of HOMO sex, you fucking HOMOSEX.

I bet when you jack off, you pretend it's your dad's dick you're touching.

ergo, the fundamental contradiction of the Yea Forums is exposed, forcing many (You)s as user shitposts return to support ZION whilst pretending to hate the GAME

I bet when you suck your dad's dick you pretend its your mom's.

I mean
I don't have a hamster...
but if I did
and it were hitler
id be glad islam killed it.

just sayin.

Hitler doesn't deserve that kind of treatment, how dare you.

But if your Hitler-pet was, say, a gerbil instead then suddenly the lyrics don't make sense.


if my hamster were a jew
and islam killed it because it always shilled industry plants and mk ultra'd young women into sexual servitude, then id probably conclude that this particular jewish hamster was a bad actor and not conclude anything about jewish hamsters in general, as they all probably like pretty normal stuff like the rest of us. and id still have to think islam did the right thing is this case.


You’re right OP if my hamster was a Zionist Jew manipulating western governments I probably wouldn’t mind seeing him go

Aren't IDLES gays? So Islam wouldn't really like them anyway.

that's not what I said.
I said IF my hamster were a Russian oligarch raping underage girls in trump tower, would I mind that it was indicted for election interference. listen to the fucking song ffs.

What song?