What keeps you going, Yea Forums?
What keeps you going, Yea Forums?
fear of death
Just livin a life boy
stampede of the disco elephants
My fairy large uncut penis
Julian keeps teasing new music.
the fact that i could leave it all behind if i wanted to. i have a car, i have money, i know how to subsist on very little. the day that it becomes too much, i can pack a duffel bag with clothes, throw my laptop into my backpack, hop in my car and leave. whenever the bad-thoughts get really pervasive, i remind myself of this. that no matter how awful it gets, i always have the option to leave. there is nothing keeping me anywhere. loneliness can be a benefit sometimes. i feel like we lie to ourselves a lot and are forced to believe that we need to stay close to our homes/families, stay in school and eventually work a steady, salaried job. i dunno man, i think it's a buncha yuppie horseshit. i'm not smart, i don't belong in academia, i don't care about my family beyond my parents [and they usually support all the dumb bullshit i do], i'd rather lift concrete blocks than sit in an office, i hate living where i live, i hate all the people and the people hate me. i just don't see a point anymore, and given the coin-flip between exile and suicide, i'll take exile. at least then i might get a chance at seeing something new. seeing other people, maybe somebody i can talk to without feeling like i'm conversing with the wall. as i type this, i realize that it's rooted in a fallacy, as running from your problems never fixes them. i know that, but i don't want to fix my problems anymore, i just want to live my life. and staying in one place is the spiritual equivalent of strangulation. fuck plans, fuck goals, fuck everything. nothing ever works out anyway. i was never meant to be anything other than a slug, and slugs don't know how to hate themselves, they don't know everybody hates them. i wanna be a slug.
i am clinically retarded.
Damn nobody asked you to write a book nerd
my gf
thank you
I’m just taking the path of least resistance because it’s easier
Calling that a "book" is being generous. That user sounds like he eats urinal cakes. pretty cringe desu
I have the same nmindset tbqhdesu
I'm still waiting on the 10th book from that post.
bro youre posting cringe
The Game is the only thing keeping me going.
I was here in 2011 and I thank Yea Forums for the better reality it has presented, but honestly
fuck everyone
I want just everyone to live that's all
fuck i'm a drunk thakns to you all
survival instinct probably, oh and drugs, just to make it bearable.
Nigga you gay
caffeine and making music. the day I lose my ability to create anything new will be my funeral
nigger you're right
I must die
Cocaine and a crippling fear of the endless void that is death.
new music or TV shows that haven’t come out yet
>puts on Slipknot
>chugs monsters
>takes a fat juul rip
>"I'm just a slug. I don't belong anywhere..."
>drives off in jeep
hell yeah
The most reliable, easy suicide method is hanging. I recently read this:
>During my work as an EMT I worked 2 scenes where the person had hung themselves. Sadly I experienced a 3rd one. It was my 14 year old stepdaughter hanging in her closet. In all 3, from a medical standpoint, it was very obvious that the person had, hopefully after becoming unconscious, had desperately tried to free themselves. There were claw marks on their necks and, based on the state of their clothing, they had thrashed about violently. Again, in all 3 cases, their tongues were thrust out of their mouths at which point they were nearly severed by the force of their jaws clenching. Their jaws were clenched so tightly in fact that they had to be forcefully pryed open just to attempt lifesaving measures. In the case of my beautiful stepdaughter I had no equipment at the ready so I had to quickly survey the scene. What I found was a fork on the floor. I used the handle to pry open her jaws which were like a vice. Each of the people who had hung themselves had thick foam all over their mouths. They did, in fact, soil themselves. They had petechial hemorrhaging around their eyes (small broken blood vessels) usually indicative of asphyxiation. Their necks were unbroken but their hyoid bones were broken indicative of strangulation. Their hands were clenched into fists in what is referred to as “posturing”. This happens as the brain begins to die. Not at the time of death mind you…during the process of brain death. I hope this answers your question. Forgive the graphic descriptions but people need to know that it is not like TV. It is gruesome and horrific. There is no glamor in this death.
Yep, that's pretty much the only thing stopping me.