Have there been any good "Fuck Trump" albums?
Have there been any good "Fuck Trump" albums?
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None that I can think of, mostly just albums by past their prime bands, or bands too new to have really developed their own sound.
Only right answer
Idles - Joy as an Act of Resistence
First of all (pic related)
Then second of all Adolescentes (fat punk dudes) - CropDuster
you would think, but no
Little Dark Age is the only good “trump” era album but it’s more of a overall depression theme album
no artist worth a damn would waste an entire album cycle on that man
plenty of quality fuck trump songs tho
Is This The Life We Really Want? by Roger Waters has a little bit of that but it’s mostly a >society album
A$AP Rocky started dissing trump in the first track on his last album. I don't really like listening to his music anymore.
>I feel like a switch was recently turned on in my brain and now I'm beginning to see through the lies that have been fed to me my whole life by the masters of media and by those who control and manipulate the narrative of our cultural identity and social order.
>My paranoia began during the presidential election cycle and reached a dangerous peak shortly after the inauguration. In the meantime I watched and read countless works of art in a mad effort to be reminded of how many truly brilliant people there are living/struggling among us and to try to maintain a positive outlook. The works of Angela Davis, Noam Chomsky, Chris Kraus, Ta-Nehisi Coates, and the Autobiographies of Malcolm X and Mark E Smith were all great inspirations, to name a few.
little dark age
I'll give these a listen
Nicholas Jaar's Sirens is the only one I can think of, and even then it's a pretty tangential connection
tim heidecker - too dumb for suicide
>>I feel like a switch was recently turned on in my brain and now I'm beginning to see through the lies that have been fed to me my whole life by the masters of media and by those who control and manipulate the narrative of our cultural identity and social order.
So, so close. But so, so far away.
>mark e smith
No necessarily Trump, but pretty close
the only correct answer
Frank Turner - Be More Kind
Special shout out to “Let’s Make America Great Again”. Frank is known for being libertarian.
Parquet Courts - Wide Awake isn't explicitly fuck trump but has a few political/timely songs on it.
>but has a few political/timely songs on it.
>a few
no. literally every anti trump song is cringe. the left have run out of energy forever.
Political music only works when it's actually bold and not cliched.
I think it has more to do with them being so dramatic and acting like we elected Hitler and are now live in Nazi Germany when in reality Trump is brash yet pretty boring and harmless at the end of the day. It comes off as looking like you're trying to find something to complain about so you stoke division to create some. The country is actually very peaceful not only compared to its own past but also compared to situations abroad. Complaining about Trump on Twitter is peak privilege and deep down they know it.
>See folks, here's the deal with society
>You live in one, I live in one, we all live in one
>We all just live in a society!
i don't know about that
I dislike Trump as much as the next politically informed american but I have yet to hear one good "fuck trump" song, or even see one good piece of "fuck trump" art, come to think of it.
It's basically the antithesis of nuance at this point. There is nothing you can put to music that will make people think of anything different from what they already think. The only real reason why artists make shit like it is to hop on the bandwagon and cash in.
Just when I thought it wouldn't get no sicker
Woke up one morning and heard this weird ass mothafucka talkin' out the side of his neck
Me and all my peoples, we always thought he was straight
Influential mothafucka when it came to the business
But now, since we know how you really feel
This how we feel
What's the closest to an American Idiot equivalent so far?