Holy shit, this album is FAST for 1983. Was there anybody else playing this fast at the time? Obviously bands like Venom and Hellhammer were heavier and more evil, but they weren't as fast. I'm talking about sheer fucking SPEED.
Holy shit, this album is FAST for 1983. Was there anybody else playing this fast at the time...
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No shit. Why do you think they were considered something special when they came out.
your mom was fast.
I'm talking about sheer fucking SNEED
lots of punk/hardcore bands were playing that fast.
Not with the same level of proficiency as Metallica. Punk and hardcore require relatively little skill to perform
Always somebody faster... now always somebody fastest pre inaudibility.
bathory's s/t had some pretty speedy cuts and it came out a year after
You know how I know you've never played an instrument in your life?
not sure why you think that.
on the other hand, the reason i know you haven't played an instrument in your life is because you think metallica were ever good musicians beyond their current bass player, and sometimes hetfield.
Kirk was literally trained by Joe Satriani.
Because I have a single instance of 350 bpm drums used in a semi intelligable way?
didn't help him apparently lmao
Multi instrumentalist, do tech metal with guitar predominately as I consider it athletic but I've played most genres. Metallica were never particularly skillful even measured up to their peers.
>Joe Satriani
Try Discharge
Also this is it's biggest predecessor imo:
Diamond Head - Lightning to the Nations
Young Metallica was a different beast they started to slow down after the first 3 albums and were never quite the same after the 90s came
Yet James is a better guitarist that simply doesn't attempt sloppy wah noodling. Lessons from God himself don't help it I don't learn the information.
Also early hardcore and crossover punk
e.g Suicidal Tendencies.
reminder that motorbreath is the best metallica song ever
Ted Nugent was pretty fast, Twisted Sister in the early 80s were too.
I'm on acid and tried to listen to those songs in op's post and fuck this is really bad. such a buzzkill
Yikes. Sorry user.
i like metallica and kill em all but literally every solo on the album is the exact same
when will the skill meme die
punk is better than metal
Pick artists not genres.
it's ok. I just put on a Lightning Bolt record
lads, why is metallica so good, yet half of their discography so cringe? i dont even like the black album honestly
That's retarded
They've been around for almost 5 decades there's bound to be some shitty experimental stuff in there
Somebody isnt aware of how many bands identify as punk I guess.
What are you even talking about
Punk fucking sucks
That's nuts
>even measured up to their peers
What peers? I won't talk about drumming because frankly I don't give a shit, but Metallica's immediate peers (thrash bands with releases by 1984) could've never written a song like Kthulu or Creeping Death. Megadeth came close but Dave was just writing "Metallica, but angrier" music at the time with overqualified lead guitarists as pinch hitters.
post-punk is the only good thing to come from punk
>punk is better than metal
based on what?
no one who wrote the solo for fade to black could be called a bad guitarist in a million years.
contrarian teens are cringe.
It belongs on Mars, obviously.
Metallica being technically impressive was never their selling point, but they did just fine regardless for the time period. They came out in '83 right, at that point they had a sort of "punk" sloppiness just like their rivals Motley Crue had in those days, but that was part of the appeal, it wasn't supposed to be fucking prog rock, it was supposed to be "street" and "dangerous"
Also, to say Metallica weren't good musicians despite them not being AMAZING musicians is just stupid, they early on displayed a level of songwriting talent more than anything and more than any of their peers in the realm of thrash, who moreso relied on technical ability or pure speed but really wrote a lot of generic forgettable songs.
what has metal ever done for music?
why does everyone hate punk so much
Go to bed Christgau.
fucking metalfags i swear
>what has metal ever done for music?
what kind of question is that?
>why does everyone hate punk so much
i don't hate punk.
why are punkfags so sensitive?
i don't think metal is bad
the reason i'm so sensitive about this is that i have met tons of metalheads who think punk fucking sucks, on and off the internet
you don't really see anyone defending punk
>slayer isn't a band that exists
this does not disprove my post.
Literally cleaned it up and emphasized comprehensive lead playing and harmony use. Inspired countless experimental forays from many artists. Punk has done its part too... these people are kinda gay
Just point them to all the metal bands they like that have punk influences. Should be most of them.
It didnt even need to. I write music better than I can actually play all the fucking time. That makes me a good writer not a good player. Although the difference is I learn my fucking parts.
Fun fact: James was really into punk, especially UK82 shit like GBH, Anti-Nowhere League, Discharge and Broken Bones. He would also go to NYHC gigs at CBGBs whenever he was in New York.
>what has metal ever done for music?
Gave punk a second breath of life in the form of "core", Warped Tour was a "punk" festival, by it's dying days it was all "hardcore" bands who were just stealing imagery and riffs from metal bands and touring with metal bands because they knew that's where an audience was, unlike punk. Punk cannibalized itself, and metal much to the dismay of people like me who had to sit through sets of those shit bands opening for metal bands proved a fertile home for hardcore kids to mooch off of for over a decade.
>why does everyone hate punk so much
Does anyone really hate punk though, or do they hate punk rockers and the annoying scene that surrounds it. 7 out of 10 metalheads post 1979 like at least the early and well known punk shit like Ramones, Sex Pistols, Misfits, Dead Kennedys, etc.
The problem is that punk is seen to be shit by the average person
they don't give a shit that all rock/metal/ anything made after punk was influenced heavily by it
there was a reason it was so influential
All of those punk bands you listed suck ass
These people do not realize at all they're arguing over a shared lineage. It's like asking what the best ancestor of humans was and getting mad at the replies.
he plays fine live all the time. he screws up more often than james, or the guys in megadeth, but he's still playing his parts right the vast majority of the time.
Like I said, "disregarding drummers". I don't give a fuck about Lombardo but James and Kirk are better than Jeff and Kerry and Cliff/Jason/Robert are better than Tom. Metallica have also never recorded the same album twice, unlike Slayer remaking the same songs for most of their career. Metallica are a tighter band, a cleaner band, a more technical band, and a band that actually understands musical concept outside of four note tremolo picking. I'd also argue most Metallica albums also have better production than Slayer albums, the only noteworthy exceptions being St. Anger and Death Magnetic.
And this is the reason people hate punk, nobody wants to deal with you trendy "not trendy" faggots who are more obsessed with image and politics than music
The mark of a true metalhead will always be based on music, the mark of punk is based on scene bullshit and elitism, black metal fans are very close and just as cancerous to punk rockers, and fucking nobody listens to black metal other than metal tourists/poseurs who probably listen to more punk and indie than they do metal, and only exist on internet forums
Metal and punk don't have shared lineage at all dude, they eventually influenced one another and even fused with certain bands, but the lineages are completely different.
This is what we call a cope
Would take jeff for creativity and ability over anybody mentioned desu
it's true though. he's more inconsistent than a pro guitarist should be, but he does fine.
i don't care if they are popular
i guess since those are the most popular punk bands for people to get into, it makes since why people do not like them as much
it doesn't help that lots of the original punk bands that people like aren't considered punk i.e. talking heads, television, blondie, shit like that
When I first listened to page99 and Amebix and enjoyed it enough to look into punk more that was basically how I found out that's what my previous issue was. I don't hate punk, just most of the posturing moralistic sanctimonious shitheels who listen to it (and some who make it).
Metallica is probably the best thrash band when it comes to playing non-thrash metal. Every slayer song from their early albums is as good as Fight fire with fire, the best metallica song of all time.
>Metal and punk don't have shared lineage at all dude, they eventually influenced one another and even fused with certain bands, but the lineages are completely different.
Both genres have their roots within blue collar offshoots of the hippie psychedelic scene. Compare Sabbath and The Stooges: both working class, both from cities not famous for their music, both created the heaviest, darkest rock music of their day. Sabbath were more cool and collected in their approach and preferred romantic and horror imagery whereas The Stooges were snotty and in your face, but there's a kinship there. When I listen to the first three Stooges albums I can't help but think of early Sabbath and vice versa
The only good Slayer album was Hell Awaits. I still like the song Dead Skin Mask otherwise but I never really got why people made such a big deal out of them.
Yeah no, all of Slayer is awful. Funny how Slayerfags always imply that it's music for men when it takes a childish mentality to defend something terrible just because it's edgier than the more well-made thing with more mass appeal
not to mention that the ramones were influenced by led zeppelin, which are sometimes considered as proto metal
That's the closest argument to reality I'll take. But I think theyd have been better off without him a looong time ago.
A few early Zepp tracks could be considered proto-punk. Communication Breakdown, Good Times Bad Times and Immigrant song are all short, fast and repetitive as hell.
>implying Megadeth doesn't have more interesting music than Metallica
I do like Metallica though
I do not like Slayer... but I think I like this young kids interpretations of these songs better and choose his abstract approach over Kirk's wah raped licks any day. Kerry is worse that Kirk. Thats for God damn sure.
>it doesn't help that lots of the original punk bands that people like aren't considered punk i.e. talking heads, television, blondie, shit like that
Well those bands as far as I know also don't share anything in common with heavy metal music, while Ramones and Misfits do on some level, so you're likely going to find more people who are open to that sort of thing.
Stooges were blue collar garage rock from Detroit, a place where hard rock and heavy metal was embraced heavily, I'll never understand the punk thing, I get exactly how they influenced punk but they to me are not a punk band, while Sabbath is in every way a heavy metal band. It's funny that artsy NYC types might praise The Stooges, when here in Detroit the same people who loved them also loved Ted Nugent and Alice Cooper, and KISS who were NYC natives but hated by their own breed and embraced in Detroit.
Not the guy you're replying to but I think Metallica was better at atmosphere and general feeling even though Megadeth were probably better songwriters from a compositional standpoint.
Yeah, it really is. As a drummer trapped in a guitarists body I get why they did this while they physically could.
If you can't hear the direct lineage between youtu.be
>Ted Nugent was a big influence on the DC hardcore scene, especially his anti-drug stance, and Black Flag loved kiss.
Really would not have guessed that.
I don't know about that
This is one of my favorite metal albums. It influenced Metallica probably more than anything else. It surprises me it's not more talked about in here.
Hard rock, trad metal, and NWOBHM are never discussed here because 90 percent of Yea Forums "metalheads" are fucking poseurs who are secret indie fans and post punk fans LARPing as black metal fans
the thrash hardcore wave that came before 1983 was way faster
>90 percent of Yea Forums "metalheads" are secret post punk fans LARPing as black metal fans
I've never heard of this. What the fuck are you talking about? Most of the "post punk" fans on this board are LARPing metalheads.
>what is Black flag, Germs, and bad brains
Moterfucker, do you know what you're talking about
You're moving the goalposts.
Nothing on that Discharge album is fast. Those guys could barely play.
Reminder that Four Horseman is just a slower bastardized version of Mechanix youtu.be
damn, nice taste
I didn't know this . . .
Listen to first wave hardcore from Washington and New York, metalfag.
1954, around 400 bpm
>I'm talking about sheer SPEED
>no but punk bands do only le 3 chords while Metallica does le complex 4 note riffs!!!!
>pentatonic wahnker was trained by older pentatonic whanker
Colour me surprised.
Bad Brains had more skill in one fucking finger than Metallica ever did.
To be fair Bad Brains were kind of an anomaly since they started as a Jazz Fusion band before they decided to start doing punk after hearing The Ramones and Black Sabbath.
How do normie 15 year old find Yea Forums?
>this is your brain on metal