What is more cringe, anti-Bush hip-hop or anti-Trump hip-hop?
What is more cringe, anti-Bush hip-hop or anti-Trump hip-hop?
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How young are you that you don't know Eminem dissed Bush a number of times, one of which was even a single with a music video on MTV
>How young are you that you don't know Eminem dissed Bush a number of times, one of which was even a single with a music video on MTV
What gave you the impression I don't know that?
It was really painful trying to watch Eminem freestyle in a car parking lot about the president. I remember being 10 years old and seeing "The Real Slim Shady" on TV, even my parents liked him because he was good at being a clown and rapping in different styles. Ever since Recovery he only knows how to act like a deranged boomer dad. If he died after MMLP came out at age 27 then he'd be the biggest cultural icon in music. But now I'm embarrassed to even admit I liked his music 20 years ago.
the cringiest thing is thinly veiled politics bait threads
That's cause you're a cringe sheeple.
are you me
immortal technique was always cringe so he's a bad example
anti-trump music (and anti conservative music in general) will always be peak fucking cringe though. holy shit i'd be second-hand embarrassed to overhear any of this shit in public, let alone someone saying it TO the public
>when you try to be a condescending ass and fall flat on your face
Hip-hop is cringe
Is something like this what your superior intellect prefers?
were you trying to make a point?
hahaha holy shit did you make this yourself
People bent on enforcing rigid social norms will never make good art.
people bent on changing social norms on behalf of multinational corporate entities will never make good art
It's all Eminem haters, leaving only cool guys like me as Em fans, the ones you all envy and who's shit you eat. Enjoy my shit faggot, I had burgers for lunch.
also lol @ your dismissal of all actual folk music from cultures around the world
very woke of you- very progressive
>The same 5 songs passed around isolated sisterfuck Appalachian communities for hundreds on hundreds of years
Yes. Very good. Never deviate under penalty of death.
They tend to at least not be as utterly creatively bankrupt as bootlicking faggots like you
Ok, fatty.
at least your retardation is internally consistent
traditions and cultures developed by communities which live on through the respect they inspire in subsequent generations, bringing people together and enhancing social / moral capital
sure sounds like im the bootlicker for liking celtshit. thanks for enlightening me!
>traditions and cultures developed by communities which live on through the respect they inspire in subsequent generations, bringing people together and enhancing social / moral capital
Meanwhile in reality:
did this have something to do with folk music?
Three years later and /pol/tards are STILL butthurt over that diss track? Buncha orange fools if ya ask me.
Haha oh wow the denial. Let’s see your Celtic fesival getup you pasty fat faggot
Townsends is too based for your half-hearted shitposts
you realize Feminists hate Tyler the Creator just as much as Eminem right?
Why the homophobia?
it's funny to me that you appear to critique capitalism while having it so fucking deeply ingrained in your consciousness that you cannot fathom listening to traditional music outside of a commercial pop music environment
I like his stuff. He's a little freaked out by how thin-skinned Trumpets are tho, understandably
Bush knowingly lied to the entire world and started a war that's killed millions. The worst Trump's done is appeal to racist boomers.
>critique capitalism
Where in this thread have I done anything like that? I get you’re not all that smart but you don’t get to just make shit up like that. But anyways I get it, you’re to socially retarded to even leave the house and join all your LARPing greasy loser brethren to listen to your faggot Celt music live. You should at least try it though, you might find a fat smelly ham beast of your own to bring more white babies into the world with.
Lol going to need a citation on that one
>Where in this thread have I done anything like that?
see gonna ignore the rest of your backpedaling and let you give an honest response
Trump's upholding the use of concentration camps with terrible conditions. More detainees have died under Trump than Obama. He's also been trying to start a war with Iran.
whataboutism in 3...2...1
>He's also been trying to start a war with Iran.
can't tell if delusional or trolling
Haha what? What the fuck about that post is a critique of capitalism? Can you read, retard?
Communism has killed hundreds of millions. and that’s what the Democrats seek to instill
Ask him, he's the one on twitter
Oh look, I predicted the whataboutism. I must be psychic or something
boomer npc brainwashing
WOAH got me!!! 0_o Except no you haven’t you stupid fucking teenager. Freedom of speech doesn’t have a political orientation.
This thread got real retarded real quick.
>being this bootyblased about gibs-hungry illegals being slightly comfortable
Ok, retard
>concentration camps
Charged language. Plus it wasn't Trump who started them. He is literally just enforcing laws on the book. Is that too fashy for you?
>war with Iran
Are boots on the ground yet? I don't give a shit what he tweets about. So far he's done more to prevent war (going against the wishes of his hawkish cabinet) than to start it.