I'm off to an NA meeting soon but I wanted to get a new jazz thread started for when I get back. I listened to pic related today after hearing it a few times a long time ago and this time I really got into it. The piano playing is just so refreshing and the horns and everything fit together so nice. I might even listen to it again when I get back. What are your favorite jazz albums? Two of my favorites are The Magic of JuJu and Sextant.
I listened to this recently
I thought it'd be more out there, but I still liked it a lot
I know what you mean. I need to listen to that more, I never seem to be paying enough attention. I really like Black Women and his stuff in Last Exit. Also his album Paradise is really cool.
>What are your favorite jazz albums
Im gonna have to check out those Sam Rivers and Cecil Taylor albums since Ive been enjoying Unit Structures and Crystals. Thanks for posting.
Ok just arrived at NA, here a my last bump till I get home
ha ha I made it just in time. Anyway to start I'm listening to Unit Structures again
listening to this now
its gonna be complete science fiction and giant steps for me
>complete science fiction
I have this but haven't heard it properly yet. might check it out soon
Science Fiction is great, found a double LP at a thrift store with one side being Science Fiction and the other side being Skies of America. I think it was a mispress, not sure if worth anything. But great albums, especially the complete sci-fi.
what does the /jazz/ hivemind think of KoB?
Kind of Blue? I like it. I have fond memories of stealing my brother's CD of it when I was younger and later being brought that same CD when I was confined in a mental hospital where it helped calm me down and cheer up. It's sort of a shame that it's the only Miles Davis album the general public is usually made aware of. I don't have very educated things to say about it. I like so what cause of how the horns say 'so what'.
Not my favorite, but helped break a new style of Jazz into the scene while it was slowly on the decline in the 50s/60s.
I wish I could find a download of that Taylor / Dixon duets recording already fuck
Try Black Women
would he punch me to death?
What do you guys think of Brandon Seabrook?