Post your favourite Death Grips song and the worst thing you've ever done.
>used panties of girl in my class to masturbate when i was a teen
I turned up to my dad's funeral high and when the funeral director started talking about his passing, i blurted out 'formerly alive'
Killed someone
whatever I want
jacked off in my friends little sisters room
Punched my mum in the face
I've Seen Footage is my favourite tune
Bitch Please is my favourite beat
Hunger Games is my favourite lyrics
finally an interesting thread, based op
>i found out my little brother was being physically bullied in high school, so my friends and i cornered the guy after school (I was bullied as a kid so I had no tolerance for that shit)
>we kick his shit in
>broken nose, bruised ribs
>tell him if he ever so much as speaks to my brother again he'll never eat solid food again
>he says "who?"
>turns out it was the wrong guy we cornered
Accidentally flashed my friend (girl) in middle school.
No Love
Giving bad people good ideas
Went to a dg show yesterday.
you're a bitch
why would you do that user what the fuck
A guy in high school who I hated was planning on making a move on a girl he was close friends with and I was tangentially friends with through my gf and another friend of mine
I twisted what he said and got everyone to think he was effectively going to rape her
It destroyed his already not great social life and he had to move schools where he continued to be bullied
How did you get them in the first place?
Unbelievably based if true
The Powers That B
Masturbated late at night while my brother was in the room, almost every night for years
I came in the hair (and in the mouth) of my middleschool crush when she was sleeping on the football field afterschool after we had talked for like an hour. She never found out why her hair was sticky and why her mouth tasted a bit salty.
Kind of a dick move. Why not just pants him and show his tiny dick to her and embarrass him in front of his crush
Consider suicide, you fucking degenerate.
>Why not just pants him and show his tiny dick to her and embarrass him in front of his crush
That’s a really lame way to get at someone you hate
He might not have a small dick either
That would’ve been forgotten in a week
What I did worked
I was 11 and she let her boyfriend put out a cigarette into my arm
If you're criticising my song choice I don't blame you
Lock Your Doors
Hit some homeless dude on a bike and drove away.
Face Melter
>Hustle Bones
>chronic lying
Black paint
Knocked a kid out for calling me an idiot, broke his headphones too
I stabbed some random dude by mistake, when i was going to pressure his roommate for money he owed my friend
Disappointed/Black Quarterback
Most of the shit I regret isn't because of my actions
runway j
fucked 14yo girl then dumped her
I Want It I Need It
I cheated on my girlfriend with a friend (girl) from our school and we used to go fuck to empty classrooms while my gf was at class, I even used to fuck both of them without a condom on the same day. God, what a jerk I was.
I don't think I've done anything too bad, other than furiously masturbate to my cousins regularly
are u me
>No Love
At a party I cheated on my girlfriend with some bitch I barely spoke to and then threw up in front of her (the bitch) right after
I will get b& & v& if I say
then give us a hint
Beyond Alive
Beat a cat and threw her into a wall as a kid
Deathgrips entire discography is shit.
I'm not self snitching.
guess it's not your year then
>started going on Yea Forums
Ok that was a good one user.
Based user. Your mom sucks cock
you spilled choclate milk?
Anne Bonny
Same as
that's actually not that bad then, kinda like self-defense
Bubbles Buried In This Jungle
Stole a shit ton of money from my drug dealer, framed my gf for it, and let her get btfo for it. She never knew it was me, and we stayed together for another year after that.
The most heinous carnal sin
ring a bell
idk if it's the worse thing i ever did but
on the schoolbus in 8th grade i was a pretty horny kid. i had my copy of sabriel in my backpack, and she looked pretty hot on the cover (pic related). once, maybe a couple times, when no one was near me i jerked off and rubbed the cum on the seat in front of me
those seats never got cleaned. i always knew to avoid them, but not everyone did. sometimes in the morning when it was packed kids would get smushed up against the stains
Whatever I want (fuck who's watching)
I robbed an airplane midair for $500,000 and got away with it.
Are you DB Cooper?
I've Seen Footage
Broke a little kid's leg at the playground when I was 11
You know, I spent all my money on
Electronic music and hookers,
So I can't afford a vpn which means I have to say no.
Culture Shock
I once limped because I twisted my ankle, and I was walking on the sidewalk I saw an elderly woman limping too. I said "bad leg too huh?" and she said "well I had a stroke. yours will get better." I still feel embarrassed.
on GP
>desu i jacked off on my dog but i also watch one of my brothers tell my other two brothers to suck eachothers dicks so idk which ones worse
dont procreate. your genes are destined for degeneracy
>murdered someone prolly
i know, stupid
Pss Pss or Get Got probably
Shouted "racist" at a black church speaker.
Where did you go after you jumped out of that airplane?
so did I, not that bad lol
Bottomless Pit
Masturbated while wearing my friend's grandma's panties
What'd you do there?
>Gmail and Restraining Orders
Got my dick sucks by my best friend's ex with him in the room
>formerly alive
Undeniably based.
Tie between Billy Not Really and on GP
In high school, this kid I didn't like forgot to log out of his laptop, so I replaced his screen saver with shitting dick nipples. He got like 3 days of suspension and no one ever learned it was me aside from my 2 buddies in that class. Just about died laughing when I saw his reaction to the screensaver
Son of bitch. You were asked to do one simple thing.
Billy not really or pss pss
being lazy
Like 3 years ago I was waiting for my dad to pick me up from HS and the place where parents picked up their kids was right across from the parent / guest entrance to the gymnasium.
That day there was a basketball game being held and the door in kept locking itself after it was shut, so once it was opened again I decided to go full 200 IQ and stuff the doormat into the doorframe so it couldn't shut.
The doormat was sticking up like 7" against the side of the doorframe that the door closed on.
Literally 2 minutes later an old couple attempted to walk in there and the husband, attempting to step over the doormat, tripped and was on the ground for like 5 minutes struggling to get up.
I was standing less than 10 feet away when it happened, so I had a front row seat to a 70+ year old man doing his best to not have a heart attack.
>Artificial Death in the West
based. My second choice.
Did your dad laugh
How do you accidentally "flash" someone?
That's a fucking Family Guy skit.
oh and I forgot I also put peanutbutter on my ass and let my dog (female) lick it
I intentionally flashed my sister and her friend when I was like 7 cause I was mad at them. Fucking crazy and cringe. I was just so mad I guess I thought naked=bad so I pulled down my pants
>Death Grips Is Online
Probably when I fucked my ex-girlfriend's best friend (who she introduced me to) a few months after we broke up. My ex had really bad mental issues and had attempted suicide in the past and I fucked her up really badly like that. Similarly I fucked and started dating one of my best friend's recent ex-girlfriend (who he introduced me to) and similarly he had mental issues and previously attempted suicide and I put him into a depression
why did you do it user?
how old was she/you and why did you do it
do you feel guilty or any regret user?did he live?
how old were you
doesnt it feel good to have sex when you know its wrong, like having sex with the wrong person
its an addictive feeling
why did you do it
do you still have any violent tendencies? I abused animals as a child and it makes me really not proud of myself but I don't think I have that in me anymore
Why do you like lying anonymously? Does it make you feel like you've lived a more interesting life?
Ring a Bell
I mixed sprite and and pee and drank it, I also put MiO in it
Come up and get me
i ate my own shit once
Double helix
When I was little I accidentally broke one of my dad’s ribs. I was practicing hardening my kicks for TKD class as he caught them while we were watching wwe so it kind of happened just like that. after that incident we bought a power tower that we shared so yeah.
The weak should fear the strong
THAT'S the worst you've ever done?
I mean, I'd assume the worst thing one does at least left someone else crying
Was your dad's name Sneed?
Crouching Tiger Hidden Gabber
Masturbated at my grandpa's funeral while fantasizing about my distant cousin who's a total MILF
Big Dipper
I cheated on my ex who I was financially dependant on multiple times. They found out and was completely distraught. Apologised to me for not being good enough. Said if I was unhappy that they would be happy to have an open relationship, just as long as they knew. I then continued my relationship with them until my financial situation improved, and then proceeded to break up with them over text and block them on all social media. Packed up my shit and moved back into my parents for a bit. This was 6 years ago. I used to be a horrible person.
>doesnt it feel good to have sex when you know its wrong
She liked the feeling, but god she couldn't suck dick to save her life.
Why does it feel so good to fuck the wrong person though
Molested my dead father's body
on the real tho, Up My Sleeves
Honestly fuck you
on gp
had an orgasm while sleeping with my mom as a kid
On Gp
Raped my older autistic brother on multiple occasions
No Love
Jacked off with my step cousins sock (it smelled really nice and she was cute)
Or when I was in kindergarten I randomly went up to a kid and pushed him as hard as I could
He ended up retarded I think
Never got caught
I've also kicked a dog and verbally manipulated my parents
you make me sad
Fucked the girlfriend of another guy I didn't knew, and then beating him up after he found out (we both came out pretty badly). She now hates me and they stay togheter. I attempted an hero the day after
Bottomless Pit is the best album
>do you feel guilt or regret
>I’m the guy who ruined a guys social life with rape rumours
I feel a bit guilty in a way because of how badly his social life went and he got beaten up pretty badly too
I only meant to break his friendship with my gf’s friend so I wouldn’t have to spend time with him
Being kind of a spaz I didn’t realise how serious the ramifications were
On the other hand he was a total cunt and I’m kind of glad that happened, he was completely insufferable
I bullied multiple retards into switching elementary schools because I hated them. Idk why I did I’m pretty sure I thought they were like some sort of lower life form or something
Prove it faggot
Artificial Death in the West
Punched my sister numerous times on multiple occasions
I should be pissed at you, but I'm pissed that the guy you beat up has now self-respect to not dump a woman that fucking cheated on him and took her back. Good on you for beating that cuck up
Nothing wrong with a little ~Ara Ara~
Degenerate. Kill yourself
Two Heavens
Unintentionally emotionally manipulated a girl for 2 years, leading up to her suicide
If I were your dad I would be damn proud
I couldn't fight my way out of a cardboard bag when I was a kid
I can neither choose my favorite DG song nor identify the worst thing I have done