Did you guys like this movie?

Did you guys like this movie?

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looks like ass

this movie really provokes zero emotion in me. my apathy towards it is almost too strong to be called apathy

Loved it


we have to stop with this nostalgia porn films, bohemian rapsody was shit

just the type of shameless laziness we've come to expect from danny boyle . . .

I felt the same way, but the alternative is capeshit which is 100x worse so i can live with it

I agree haha

Really pisses me off he's gone from The Beach and Sunshine to this shit


Are those good movies

I ended up ruining it for myself by just reading the plot on Wikipedia, I was curious what the fuck it was about after seeing a short clip on TV.


There's really nothing to ruin.

I actually watched it and it was really bad honestly. The only time I laughed is when they mentioned neutral milk hotel

>black heterosexual male steal The Beatles's music

That's funny they would include that meme in there

why do we need another movie based on the beatles
across the universe was already a huge piece of shit


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what if the beetles never existed LMAO

Callin' out around the world, are you ready for a brand new treat?
Summer's here and the time is right for crappin'in the street.
Crappin' in Chennai (crappin' in the street)
Down in Chandigarh (crappin' in the street)
In Kolkata

All we need is feces, sweet feces
There'll be feces everywhere
There'll be swingin' swayin', and assholes sprayin',
Crappin' in the street

Oh it doesn't matter what you wear, just as long as you are there.
So come on every guy, drop a turd,
Everywhere, around the world

There'll be crappin', they're crappin' in the street.
This is an invitation, across the nation,
A chance for folks to meet.

What is this?

Nothing will ever top Yellow Submarine.

it's fun at times but overall a pretty shit movie. way too much ed sheeran

I thought ed just made a short cameo?

He was a streeet shitter
A turd snipper, yeah

he's a recurring character through the whole film

Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band was shit
Across the Universe was shit
Yesterday was shit
Are there any good Beatles movies? Not counting the ones they made themselves, of course

That's cool I guess I dont really listen to his music though

If The Beatles never existed surely a different band/bands would have filled the void right? Does it address the obvious logical conundrums or just ignore them?

A universe where some of the world's most beloved music was written by a muz instead of good old white guys...the critics must love this one.

I can only imagine the type of people who were excited for this movie. That type of, frequent Think Geek shopper, with a Star Wars decal on their car, that goes to Disneyland at least once a month, and can only use analogies if they're Harry Potter based. I mean this is literally a movie made for the type of person who regularly browses Reddit's most popular subs.

It was made more cis white men who beat their wives

>It's not a bad movie but don't go to the cinema expecting some generation defining masterpiece. It's a fun summer movie, not meant to be taken seriously.

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David Bowie - Dancing in the Street

Oh cool I should listen to it

Nowhere Boy and Backbeat were okay.

I agree

It's such a stupid idea for a film.

Nowhere Boy is dogshit melodrama I got mad at myself halfway watching it. Literally lifetime channel quality

Shouldve named it the Pajeetles LOL


Biggest questions surrounding the idea of Beatles not existing:

1. Would their music still be popular today? How?
2. What would music sound like without their influence?

Movie acknowledges none of that. Shitty cashgrab attempt that was probably written in a day.

The beatles invented rock n roll bitch, show some G-d damn respect.

I suppose technically its
the dookie brothers

Good point Aha

Danny Boyle makes the best of the material he's given but Richard Curtis is just too sappy for me and always has been. I'll look forward to whatever Boyle does with screenwriter John Hodge (Trainspotting, Trance) next.

Curtis really writes himself into a corner by making the premise about a real legendary band. You could have a much more in-depth exploration of the themes of creative ownership, the muse etc. if it was about a fictional band, but by making it about The Beatles you automatically place yourself in a position where you're partly relying on suspension of disbelief and partly relying on total fantasy, which makes any holes people can poke in the internal logic of the film way more noticable ("surely if the Beatles didn't exist the butterfly effect would mean NOTHING is the same, Coldplay etc. shouldn't exist either
not just obvious things like Oasis", and so on). If it was about a fictional band you could have the entire story be fantasy and not have to worry about keeping up this facade of quasi-realism. It ends up being halfway between one thing and another without the audience being able to fully commit or invest into it.

the alternative is original IP kino from Nolan

Or, support smaller independent filmmakers with your hard-earned cash. Most of the best films I've seen in the last ten years have been by non-English-language directors.

This movie but everyone forgot mbv, and i replicate all their songs perfect and everyone hates it

this movie but everyone forgot this movie except Richard Curtis, and it's just this world but 20 years from now

The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success. The Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worthy of being saved.

I was waiting for this one.