>hey user, wanna go to the Nine Inch Nails show tonight? C'mon, don't be a pussy.
Hey user, wanna go to the Nine Inch Nails show tonight? C'mon, don't be a pussy
No, I don't listen to shitty industrial rock for tourists and middle schoolers. Get some taste, whore.
Sure I'll go, if we listen to a less faggy band or I get to tap both of you bareback.
Girl to the right needs immediate medical attention
Yeah baby. I wanna fuck you like an animal too. I got that H if you need it... I'll give you some if you watch me while I fuck your friend.
This is a great film, it’s like Buffy but darker and more violent and grim.
Not this shit again
Fuck you cunt, Nine Inch Nails is literally THE WORST industrial band ever. It's just some twink crying over his girl leaving him for 3 albums then trying to be edgy with le suicide meme. His music is just a derivative of any other industrial band that emerged in the 80s, but dumbed down for the masses. There is LITERALLY nothing interesting, innovative or good about nine inch nails' """music""". I bet you think Marilyn Manson and Filter are also "industrial" music. How about you listen to Einsturzende Neubauten, SPK, Laibach, Cabaret Volitaire, Front 242, Foetus or literally any other band in that genre, you tasteless twat. Fuck you and FUCK nine inch nails!
Who's asking? If it's the one in the back definitely. If it's the front one fuck no, that bitch looks like the type who'll threaten to cut herself if I don't sleep with her.
That's Beverly Marsh you asshole, she had a rough childhood.
>people still fighting a war against a man who run it back in 1994 and left Industrial behind by 1999 and now has all his detractor contemporaries either making peace or sucking his dick.
Reznor / Broadrick collaboration when?
My favorite bands in 1995 were U2 and The Flaming Lips.
So you're just proving his point?
What bands do Tumblrgoth thots like aside from NIN?
>"No problem, but let's get there in time to see 3Teeth open."
>being an angsty shit in 1994 and having to settle for the adolescent autism of The Downward Spiral rather than the supreme majesty of The Holy Bible
I feel bad for American'ts.
Good fucking album
>am American
my mom saw nine inch nails in the 90s twice lol
marilyn manson opened at one of them
Idk, I know she likes abusive men.
hahaa whoa whoa we got a badass over here lmao
The most boring shit.
whoa whoa dude that was like sooooo alpha! damn!
hahahah yea dude drugs amirite? haha
>"If white America told the truth for one day its world would fall apart"
you must be fun at parties
Manic Street Preachers? More Like Manic Vanishing Act
Best post itt. There are quite a few paralels between TDS and THB, interestingly enough.
Huh? Couldn't hear you over the sound of Christbait Rising by Godflesh blasting in my Mitsubishi Eclipse. Sure, whatever, can I bum another cig babe
manic söy drinkers
t. haven't listened to the album
It has an anti-PC and a pro-death penalty song ffs.
Listening now, it's alright, but how does it even remotely compare to TDS?
If you're posting on Yea Forums while listening to it you won't get the appeal tbqh.
You gotta pay attention to the lyrics and get into the unsettling vitriolic mood it creates.
Thematically, it's a much more mature album than TDS, with fantastic musicianship and songwriting.
Agreed. The lyrics of THB are hard to make out on a first listen (at least for us non-Brits maybe), but on repeated listens the album unveils itself as a masterpiece.
I'm not talking about the lyrics. In fact I always found Trent's lyrics to be super cringy. But you're acting like there's something about THB that's objectively superior from a musical standpoint when it's a completely different approach to what Trent was doing.
Musically, it's a perfect amalgation of 80's post-punk adapted to the 90's alternative rock landscape. Of course it is a different approach to what Trent was doing, it's at it's roots a post-punk album.
This post gave me malaria