Why is J Cole hated for being too lyrical but not MF DOOM or Wu-Tang?
Why is J Cole hated for being too lyrical but not MF DOOM or Wu-Tang?
Xavier Bennett
Isaac Gomez
because J.Cole is cringe. He basically sucks himself off so much.
Ayden Carter
>Why is J Cole hated for
what you say afterwards doesn't matter, the reason J Cole is hated is because of his retarded pretentious wewuz fanbase
dude's alright though, too bad
Isaac Bennett
I really hope you're not trying to compare the lyricism of MF DOOM and J. fucking Cole.
Anthony Wood
and wu tang dont?
Hudson Morgan
i will never understand how j cole became a well-known name lol, all of his music is average at best and is pretentious af
Owen Edwards
they are self aware af.
Brandon Scott
Whos hated more
J Cole or Lupe Fiasco?
Jaxon Gray
lupe fiasco is actually good
Camden Roberts
MF DOOM and Wu-Tang rap about fun stuff. J Cole raps about being a virgin and how drugs are bad