Best Pink Floyd album right here.
Best Pink Floyd album right here
Nah it’s Meddle
No, that would be Wish You Were Here
That or Animals
the final cut is their best
Woah I just now noticed they're actually Pac Men
Listened to DSoTM for the first time today, why is it considered their best again. I think it's really solid but both piper and AHM were more amibtious and interesting
Atom Heart Mother is nowhere near as good as DSOTM
found the normalfag
OMG the AHM title track is so good!!! It's over 20 minutes can you believe it???
IT's probably the most overrated PF song. Alan's Psychadelic Breakfast is much better
no one thinks it is dude, it has some nice bits to it but it’s barely fleshed out even the band said it’s kinda trash
> it's over 20 minutes long
that's echoes which is on meddle. Do you have brain damage?
have you ever listened to the album we’re talking about you fucking retard
Atom Heart Mother title track is 23 minutes, mainly of wank and uninteresting garbage
Echoes is 23 minutes of pure bliss
What are you trying to say??
you're rightI forgot AHMS was over 20 minutes cause it feels so short. Excuse my autism
Though I agree the breakfast song is really good, probably my favorite PF song after shine on you crazy diamond
trying too hard
but did anybody ever figure out the whole publius enigma thing?
also though, it's a fine album, but BEST is pushing it. it's got a few too many corny moments, i'm not a huge fan of polly samson's lyrics
because it's great pop rock with some psych and prog tinges with great song writing, and an interesting concept that most people can relate to. you don't need to wank in your guitar for 30 minutes to demonstrate you're a great musician if you can write a song as good as Time.
>can't into pop ditties
A momentary lapse of reason is better
it's still a little bit overrated. it's a great album, and it's certainly up there, but it's not quite their 'best' so much as it's their most concise. i guess best is subjective anyway, and the general public will always go for accessibility over things that require more than surface-level listening.
>on the run
All correct answers
Go away Roger
>i guess best is subjective anyway
you got it chief
it's more of an interlude than a song tbqh. people like tripping to it.
>publius enigma
David and Nick have said it was probably just an record company advertising thing they had no part in, and the prize was probably just having some trees planted or something. Neither David or Nick seem to remember and it evidently wasn't that important to them.
I think Rick hardly even knew about it and din't really understand what was going on. But then again, he technically wasn't fully a band member during the album's recording and might've been left out from something.
>one track
I'm not saying 'accessible' like it's a bad thing, but it's the album that elevated them to mainstream success in the united states - which was a less open-minded listener base compared to the UK at the time - as well as globally, which simply does not happen without a bit of accessibility. in any case, i'd probably enjoy dark side more if there were more things in the vein of 'on the run' throughout the album. that song was more or less an afterthought that was cobbled together last minute because their original version wasn't quite working, it'd be more interesting if they worked on it a little longer. also, it's clearly one of the most listened-to examples of actual modular synthesis that isn't just a moog solo
i know, but it's still an early example of an ARG and that sort of thing is rather fascinating to me
>fuck of dad
I'm not big on Polly's lyrics either, but they work well enough. I think Anthony Moore's lyrics are better tbqh
I agree, it's very fascinating.
>FWIW, Nick might've not been "in on it" and just took a guess from what he heard about it; and Guy Pratt has said that David can sometimes pretend not to remember if he doesn't want to talk about something
>Guy Pratt has said that David can sometimes pretend not to remember if he doesn't want to talk about something
this is why i sometimes think it may still be ongoing. like, of course they can't just 'give it away.' that or it's like an inside joke and they just like to fuck with the people who are still on that wild goose chase
I wonder if there are any potential allusions to the publius stuff on The Endless River. I'll have to relisten to that one (VERY underrated album, btw)
i was under the impression it was a storm thorgerson thing that the band was kind of indifferent towards
maybe. that album was mostly instrumental though right?
I found this in a Pink Floyd biography book
>A couple of months into The Division Bell tour, postings began to appear on a Pink Floyd Internet newsgroup by an unknown individual known only as Publius. He/she invited fans to scrutinise the artwork, lyrics and music on The Division Bell for clues to an enigma or puzzle hidden within the album, hinting at a prize to anyone that could solve the riddle. The initial postings were greeted with scepticism, until, as promised by Publius in a posting beforehand, the words ‘Enigma Publius’ were spelled out in lights at the base of the stage during the show at the Giants Stadium.
>Later on in the tour, as predicted, a similar message flashed up on the stage at London’s Earls Court. When interviewed, the band members denied all knowledge, as did Storm Thorgerson and Steve O’Rourke, who were considered the likeliest culprits. However, a set of Floyd reissues at the end of 1994 threw up more ‘evidence’. One photograph included in new CD insert artwork for A Momentary Lapse of Reason included the word ‘Enigma’ in the bottom right-hand corner; another contained the word ‘Publius’.
>The mystery would remain unsolved, though lighting director Marc Brickman later claimed that he had been told by O’Rourke to arrange the stage signals at the shows in New Jersey and London. Nick Mason was the only band member ever to comment on the riddle. Questioned about it in 2005, he explained that it had, in fact, been the idea of a puzzle fanatic employed at EMI Records, but that no prize had ever been won. As a testament to the tenacity and obsessiveness of some fans, the Publius Enigma still commands its own dedicated website.
yeah i read that before too. looking at it again, it almost seems like they may have seen the posts and decided to play with the fans a bit?
It seems it could be that way, yeah. Who knows?
>pink floyd
Roger pls, you quit the band while it was still active. You screwed up.
pnik floyd
It was a spent force creatively
Ummagumma > ASOS > DSOTM > the rest
Irrelevant opinion, Rog. The band was still going regardless.