Do you like it, was it cringe, who was the best
90s metal
only one of those bands are metal though
90s sludge metal ^0^
The death-doom stuff like Paradise Lost, My Dying Bride, Katatonia and Anathema was great.
RAtM > Pantera > AiC > 90s Korn > Slipknot > Tool >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Korn post 2003
Rage better than aic? you on that crack?
Pantera>AiC>Tool>RAtM>Slipknot and Korn
I like that people are remembering korn again
Slipknot is barely 90's metal
RATM > AIC > Pantera >Tool > Korn > Slikpnot
>Alice In Chains
Totally metal, tons of influence
Groove Metal
Prog Metal
>Rage Against The Machine
Rap Metal
alternative metal isn't real metal
I can't fucking believe you'd, on my board, post 
Its Metal, Alternative Metal, sorry.
listen to true metal poser
metal isn’t a genre
Genres aren’t music
music isn't music
these are the only true metals
everything else is poser metal/not metal at all
I'm retarded and forgot to attach the not-that-funny image
AiC, Pantera and Rage are all good, so are STP and the like. Top three are trash.
Those bands were all fairly interesting at the time and had pretty distinctive sounds. It was the wave of shit that followed them that was unbearable.
AIC become djent grunge and Tool has remained an actively creative band. Wouldn't really isolate them to the 90s.
Slipknot either but nothing theyve done has even been super embraced by fans in over a decade so no need to discuss them.
Deftones were better than any of those you posted.
Their only good album came out in the 90s and they tried to recapture that endlessly.
90s Helmet is pretty good.
RATM (purely from a instrumental perspective im not gonna go into lyrical shit) and Pantera are my favorite, especially on tracks where the bass plays an important role
I like it
Tool > RATM > AIC > Pantera > Korn > Slingknot
Pantera is the best band there followed by AIC then a pretty big drop for the rest, all of which I say have equal talent and which is better is up to the individual
For me personally....Korn > Tool > Slipknot > RATM, I can't stand Rage, so obnoxious and gimmicky.
Don't forget Dream Theater and Type O Negative for mainstream metal. Them and Pantera form a holy trinity of shit
I like Faith No More and AIC best
>Dream Theater
Thanks for reminding me this cancer exists
>Tool has remained an actively creative band.
Is that why they haven't released anything in 13 years?
Album evolution... not productivity.
based & redpilled
>RATM, Korn and Slipknot are all rap shit with distorted guitars.
Dumb wigger music not metal.
>Alice in Chains is grunge
>Tool is alternative metal, don't care for it.
So this leaves Pantera as the only decent band on this list.
>He doesn’t like the TOOL
literally this
RATM >Tool > AIC > Slipknot > Korn > Pantera
Korn has like one rap metal song and slipknot probably has 2 or 3
>implying iowa isn't their best
Pantera and RATM are based, don't care much for the rest
tool and aic are the best ones. slipknot and korn are bretty nostalgic and good for me though.
God I can't fucking wait for the new tool album.
Spiral out, bros.
AiC probably has less than 10 metal songs, still surprised me how much metalhead cred they get, enough to be able to call out Metallica for changing their image during a fucking Unplugged performance. I'm actually a huge fan but I'd call Alice in Chains alternative rock or hard rock before I called them metal.
Metal died in the 80s
>Deftones were better than any of those you posted.
Yeah but they only got gud during the 21st century.
Rage Against the Machine > Tool > Alice in Chains > Korn > Pantera > Slipknot
When people talk about "90s metal," though, I think about it in terms of black metal, death metal, grindcore, and sludge metal, since it's really the key decade for extreme metal. Idk what's wrong with you
objectively correct.except Korn = Slipknot
You just don't know much about metal then. Have you ever listened to metal that came out before the year 1990?
>You just don't know much about metal then.
No need to be a faggot cunt about it because you're mad at the truth. Name me more than 10 AiC songs that are undisputedly metal
All of my favorite thrash bands, death metal bands and even power metal bands released some of their best content in and well passed 1990. Stop being such a boomer faggot
>any 90s metal above pantera
30th August
all the bands listed except Pantera are pure onions and Pantera was turning into onions as they got closer to the 00s.
thing is, there were dozens of great metal bands that started out in the 90s but none of them are in OP's faggot pic
>90s metal thread
>no 90s metal
Well I'd better start with this, the greatest melodeth album of all time. What do you guys think of it?