Reminder that Thom Yorke dumped his wife while she was dying of cancer to screw supermodels half his age
Reminder that Thom Yorke dumped his wife while she was dying of cancer to screw supermodels half his age
Wtf I love Radiohead now
that's pretty based
I like thom yorke now
>be rich brit
>dump wife
>need to pay alimony
>she dies
>no longer need to pay alimony and can fuck whoever
that's almost a dream come true
pretty digusting
I fucking hate Radiohead and their basedshit tourist fanbase, but I must admit... this is pretty based
dude lost his mind somewhere around 2012. love radiohead and he is bretty genius, but man i cant think abut the shit he has done lately.
He's a shitty human being
Dude's always been a prick.
He got fired from his first job for calling all the customers stupid tasteless retards or something.
You kind of have to be a prick if you want to be truly creative, there's an element of "fuck your shit, we do it my way" to it.
Would be based if he wouldn't cry like a bitch because of what Drumpf says.
you’re a fragile little baby
Dude's a creep
>crying about others crying
stop whining faggot
Reminder that I have a fairly large uncut penis
>You kind of have to be a prick if you want to be truly creative
Not really. You can balance being a decent person and being assertive in what you want in your creative works. It's called being an adult tbqh. Being and anti-social freak doesn't make you any more creative than anyone,nor does it make anything you make good.
He's a weirdo.
What the hell is he even doing here?
they had been split for years tho
what the hell is he doing here
He doesn't belong here
I can't be the only one here who thinks Radiohead sucks dick, right? If Yorke were not part of them I think they might only suck half as much dick, but they would still suck nonetheless.
Based Thom
Is he a socialist?
A song on his new album is literally called I Am a Very Rude Person.
Their only good song is the one they hate the most.
They are just a Coldplay cover band
wtf that's my favorite Radiohead song, you guys rock
he comes off as a lib/succdem of the highest order. cuck to israel as well
upvoted :)
no i think hes just a liberal
No! They are two different bands! Haha even their songs are different! Lol
That's terrible. As a nice guy.... I mean male feminist, I would never do that to a m'lady uh... strong independent woman.
Yes, he’s a beta manlet. We already knew this.
what an absolute legend
Wow lol you truly are an irony master haha le epic comment
fuck off Bellamy, go and write another dubstep album
i'm starting to think that it was all just jonny G pulling the strings the whole time. he recruited his autistic brother, an ugly bald man, and this depressed droopy-eyed twink to whine over his compositions and play his notes.
He's a reasonable man, get off his case.
Jonny G's behind everything while thom is trying to figure out how to beat match and getting ghosted by four tet
>leaves his dying wife and fucks supermodels young enough to be his daughter
cope more faggot
what he did is unbelievably based
t. seething cuckservative
I bet you’re the kind of fool that even enjoys his music. Go on, live your pointless life that only finds its quality in lust and materialism. You’re a disgusting and tasteless being.
I don't listen to radiohead
and i'm enjoying lust but materialism isn't really my thing