what do you guys think of Mr. Rapthoughtworld's extremely original best albums list?
does anyone have names for these albums because I don't know any!
What do you guys think of Mr. Rapthoughtworld's extremely original best albums list?
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When will this brain dead echo chamber pretentious shilling over abhorrent albums stop.
*visits Yea Forums once
what’s that black and white cover with the girl at 9.5
> he doesn’t know Björk
did you get here yesterday?
don't act like this isn't the same exact chart as the majority of this board
no I listened to debut and homogenic she sucks
Would you rather lose your hearing or only be able to hear these albums constantly for the rest of your life?
the latter
they aren't bad albums, this board is so chock full of hipster contrarian faglords that going deaf would be more preferable than listening to something that tHe ReDdIt zOoMeRs might like
as in played all the time? because i might just off myself if i'm forced to endure constant Tool playing
Yeah you'd have to learn to sleep with it on and such
Hey Mr. Rapthoughtworld (cause it is obviously you posting).
You're a fucking pleb with the most bland taste this board has ever seen.
hmm. i'd rather just go deaf i guess, since i only really like 7 of those albums
try medulla and homogenic again, tourist
>he hasn’t listened to post or vespertine
Come on man, we're already infested with reddit so don't degrade us with Instagram.
the first
what’s that one with the woman in the jungle at 9.3, that’s the only one i don’t recognize
it's not that good
you could also use mspaint and google reverse image search
God these people are fucking boring
The first because the latter sounds too much like tinnitus. I'm pretty sure being deaf is preferable to having tinnitus.
What’s the one in between to the money store and tool?
fuckin triggered man!
it deserves a 10/10 for not including loveless.
I pick the first option, without any hesitation whatsoever.
Even basic art-hoes & 15 year olds with mild autism can be able to enjoy at least 99% of the albums on that chart with absolute ease.
>10s are ITAOTS, TPAB and LYSF
and dropped
tago mago redeems it
>so there's one person on the internet with an opinion. i know, i'll make a post about it.
you (the OP) are an idiot
The good albums
> Blonde on Blonde
> Tago Mago
> Vespertine
> Homogenic
> VU&N
> Hounds of Love
> Pink Moon
> Low
Everything else is shit
I don't understand how he can have so many good albums on this list and rate them under the shit that he has as tens.
Talk shit about her again and see what happens. Oh you’re mr. tough guy when you’re behind a screen but if anyone says that to my face they’re gonna feel my BJJ training immediately.
Homegenic is her best record and it's not even close
all neon like and 5 years hold it back from being a 10
They're just as good as the other tracks
>2 death grips
>3 radiohead
>2 swans
I can at least understand the appeal of swans and death grips to some extent, but I really don't understand why Radiohead is so well regarded. Everything I've heard is sonically uninteresting
i def think they had a more distinct sound 15 years ago before all of indie tried to emulate it for a decade
i just don't think anyone's list of 25 best of all time should have 3 of any artists discog
like branch out yknow
all neon like would be great if it weren’t for those annoying ass drums. as for 5 years, it’s pretty forgettable. i can remember how every track goes except 5 years.
I don't know which albums is the most cringe to rate a 10.
iim aneck
>scores have a decimal place
this chart has 3 good albums
8 good albums imo, what are your 3?
literally the two best songs imo lmfao
crazy how peoples' tastes can be so different
5 years is probably my favorite song ever
They're definitely up there for me for blaring in the car along with Alarm Call. The best songs are easily Joga, Hunter, and Bachelorette imo