>jack off last night
>keep peeing
>keep jerking off
>piss gets into the lube
>now my whole apartment smells like piss
any music for this disgusting and pathetic feel?
>jack off last night
>keep peeing
>keep jerking off
>piss gets into the lube
>now my whole apartment smells like piss
any music for this disgusting and pathetic feel?
Other urls found in this thread:
tim heidecker - i am a cuck
you have to face this alone
it's stinky :(
i left the window open and sprayed febreze
ugh i got piss-infused lube on the floor too
pretty based yet fun post-grime stuff, thanks user
thanks user, listening to it again already
Morrissey - I Have Forgiven Jesus
Go on nofap if it's becoming a problem dude
>jesus deserted me
morrissey is madonna?
still a good song though, thanks user
yeah i fapped for 3 hours i fucked a hooker and didn't finish fast enough and then just jerked off in front of her and then just did it more when i got home
What? What the fuck does that mean? Piss getting IN the lube is what stank up your place? Do you pee while wanking?
Sounds unhealthy to me, dopamine addiction is no joke and is seriously pretty harmful if you just cannot control it, I'd really suggest going on nofap for at least a month
no dude i'll get colon cancer nofap is a meme you need to cum dude 21 times a month
Doesn't it fucking hurt when you jack off while needing to piss? It does to me, after I cum and then piss shortly after my dicks stings for a few minutes afterwards and I feel like I still need to piss again
The fact you'd say colon cancer rather than prostate cancer shows how little you know about it, plus the evidence shows more benefits than downsides and if you just eat healthier your risk of any disease is null. Don't let your caveman tendencies control you/be a self destructive faggot bringing everyone else down, addiction is worse than cancer as you'll come to realize possibly too late
damn user, yeah idk my body fucked so i sometimes need to pee when hard idk, i can pee with an erection
yeah well uh you know i mean prostate not colon, >>Don't let your caveman tendencies control you/be a self destructive faggot bringing everyone else down, addiction is worse than cancer as you'll come to realize possibly too late
ok well this is honestly based advice but i want to die and i probably have HIV so w/e
you are seriously addicted to sex and masturbation
it's one thing to jack off once or twice a week, compulsively doing shit like this another thing entirely
you will feel much better when you stop overloarding your brain with dopamine, clearer mind, happier, more energetic etc.
No one's too far gone, just know that positive change can still be made in your body and can make you feel much better overall
I'd suggest getting tested for STDs, if you don't have anything there's no point in risking getting one, and if you do have one then there's even less point just getting more, hope life gets better user
so glad this doesn't happen to just me. I get the same thing, if I piss too soon after I cum I still feel like I have to pee and it stings like a motherfucker
no no like i do nofap for 1-3 months and abstain from alcohol for 11 months at a time, that's not it, i just want love
thanks for caring though based user ^_^
>any music for this disgusting and pathetic feel?
Sounds like a Ween song.
So Ween.
why do you have to use lube in the first place? are you a kike or something?
do ppl use lube while jerking off?