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The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art.
>rock music
>popular in the current day
I'm too mature to listen to xxxtentacion I like childish Gambino instead
It was ok.
It didn't go far enough with it's premise and in the end devolves into a standard love story, but I still enjoyed most of it.
Also Ed Sheeran gets absolutely btfo at every turn, and that alone makes it a good movie.
i saw it with gf (we both thought it was a laughably bad movie)
we laughed when ed sheeran had his own song as his ringtone
>implying 2019 zoomers would give a flying shit if Sgt. Pepper was released today
would've made more sense if he woke up in a world where Kanye West never existed
i liked marketing dep scene a lot
Couldn't they have redone this movie & called it "Waiting For My Man"?
needed more music desu
other than that like i went and saw it with my dad and we just really enjoyed it
honestly probably the best time i've had seeing a movie with him since childhood
so i love this movie and it was great and i'm totally on a beatles kick rn
Movies like this & shit like Dio holograms etc show how desperate the music industry is now trying to stay relevent reminding the public rock existed & how "important" it is. The original audience is dying out
ok but he was a part-time forklift driver in the initial universe but a school teacher in the other universe and he never even reacted in character about that?
my thought was just why a movie like this exists not plot holes or anything
so... this is a rip off of that Ricky Gervais movie? The one where he invents lying?
You guys actually went to see this movie???
The Invention of Lying?
it exists because some screenwriter ripped off a 2011 comic book and sold it to a studio who employed a directed and a casting director who cast actors and everyone did a really good job and ed shearan was in it! just a nice straightforward movie in these gay-ass times when we need it most
I saw it with my tinder date
i hate watching movies with girls man, i just want to watch the movie, if you want to have sex just have sex
She liked it and we listened to the Beatles afterwards
>we laughed when ed sheeran had his own song as his ringtone
that and the oasis joke were sensible chuckles. nothing else was remotely funny
that's cool bro i saw across the universe with a girl when i was 15
No, the other one
Cool did you fuck
no ugh i cheated on her and then just stopped talking to her
then i wore her older brother's band's t-shirt to summer camp and she commented on it check them out shapes and sizes
pretty sure this is the song he sings about her in
Damn bro that shits crazy you're like a bad boy that should be on your record
wait sorry wrong song but uh yeah i regret not fucking her i was virgin when we met at the modest mouse concert off of nexopia and started dating but uh
Whoa dude I'm impressed that's like illegal
what no i was 15 too this was 2008 dude grow up
also fuck you idiot i was clean back them but i do have an extensive criminal record now, fucking idiot
but how did u catch that vibe thru the internet wtf
Dudes my crush and I are in a band together, we both are Beatles die hard fan... Will this movie sill be in theaters in September? Should I invite her to see it?
If not, should I have her come over or the opposite and watch it on streaming?
Are you in a ldr?
No,I mean we both attend uni in a city, which is near my parents home but really distant from hers. Still we rent in our uni city and we frequent irl but she obviously came back home for summer vacation and will only be back when lessons begins, in September.
Holy shit! Knew it was one of you fucks. Some faggot said this almost word to word when they were playing bonfire at my gym in San Jose. He was balding spic.
same here, it was laughably bad, but i love the Beatles despite the fact that they're mediocre and over rated. there were also some really funny parts, too
brown person