Music for this feel?
Music for this feel?
Other urls found in this thread:
dude learn how to talk to girls....
Who was in the wrong?
Punk music, as it is indeed the only good genre of music
tim heidecker - i am a cuck
OP you suck with girls
dude this
OP, I......
nobody but the guy majorly bitched-out.
>am i not hot enough for you
fuck off, you don't need to be hot to attract girls. i've known so many chubby/ugly dudes who slay like crazy.
OP, when you wonder why girls dont like you, just remember that it's because this is how you react at being rejected/being told no. She dodged a bullet.
Time Hecker - Virgins
no wonder you're single
if that's you, you need to not flip out like that. no one likes that. also punk does suck balls and her saying it's the only good genre is a major red flag
certified bruh moment
I´ve found on tinder many girls don´t actually want to have meaningful conversations about what they say they like on their profile. But desu it´s bad to generalize and i went on a few dates before with a girl by talking about pink floyd with her.
Incel general?
You and those around you could benefit from some therapy. Treat people better. And if this is just tinder trolling, show some empathy and some maturity, not really sure what you would do something like this for. Seriously, if this comes from a place of entitlement or extreme loneliness or whatever else, please get some help. Find out what cooperates best with your insurance and talk to somebody
OP you're a retard but online dating is still a waste of time for most people
Is this real?
I'm pretty sure this isn't OP. the image was from an earlier thread
what the fuck
what the fuck is wrong with you
Everyone in this thread is retarded or they weren’t on Yea Forums last night. This isn’t OP. Some guy last night was mad that he got “ghosted” so he sent that last message and the thread went wild.
Any Chads here wanna give me some tips on texting girls? For me it always leads into long pointless conversations that would have been better in person, yet if I ask them out too soon I'll seem thirsty
You're severely maladjusted, I'd suggest reading a book or cognitive therapy
chicken so rude unreasonabo
Heh when this was actually posted he waited under an hour before sending the incel.jpg
is this the same guy with the tinder thing?
with the anco selfies and shit?
we’ll never know. but if it was that’d be amazing
Learn how to talk to people and girls. And go outside.
>am i not hot enough for you
this was painful to read
hey guy's it's the autist from last night's thread, i'm still alive. i went out today and it made me depressed seeing all these cute girls with their boyfriends, going outside really doesn't make a difference
did someone get dubs and make you send that message or something
no, she didn't reply after an hour and i sperged out
dude tinder is a numbers game don’t be so invested in people you’ve never met
>am I not hot enough for you, is that it?
Dude you and that girl were talking about music and stuff, you didn't need to act like a bitch
read the thread
i just want a girlfriend
this better not be legit you fucking mental cunt
Both of them
He’s the more cringe one but punk music is shit and she should be ashamed
I did actually
save discussion for when you’re on a date, tinder should just be a couple replies then her number then set up a time and place
>you might like anthrax
this is gonna haunt me for the rest of my pathetic life isn't it? it's not my fault women are whores
okay, for those of you that didn't see the thread last night here's what happened. i was feeling depressed and just wanted to die and then i get a match on tinder, see she hasn't got awful taste, i'm autistic and don't know the first thing on how to text girls, i've never done it before. so i asked her how she was, she then asked me, i lied and said i was fine, music is the only thing i care about so i said to her "so you like punk?" she then says it's the only good genre which i thought was stupid as fuck but i carried on anyway. i ask her if she likes metal 'cause i'm a big metal fan, for all of you idiots laughing about Anthrax, the reason why i recommended them is because thrash metal is influenced by punk music and they are both accessible for normies and punky so anyway it's been nearly an hour and there's no reply so i sperged out because this isn't the first time i've been ghosted, hope that clears things up
nobody cares, your 15 mins of fame are over. stop bumping the thread you sperg
fuck off bitch, stop asking stupid questions without reading the previous thread or this one cunt
can roasties ever recover from this?
This is it, but Jesus Christ man.
if that OP is really lurking this thread, you're a faggot
there are a lot of people like you that feel lonely sometimes, like go fuck yourself, a woman talks to you via tinder, then when you want to break the ice instead of asking "how is it going?" or whatever, you already want to move the conversation (which hasn't even begun yet) to your tastes, because if her profile said 50 things about her, you still will focuss only on the "i like punk" because you're an epic /moo/ user XD; then you could have talked about punk, i don't know, even that you disliked the genre but found some records to be very good, but no, you had to orientate her personal trait into your own tastes, i bet you're the kind of person that likes to show anyone how much you like metal, also, she doesn't look specially like a butt-punk fan, you know, nofx, rancid, shit bands, i wouldn't recommend her anthrax lol corny shit
ok, then you sperged, and only seeing your conv with her, in which you acted like an egocentric person, and seeing your post in the threads playing the victim like an edgy faggot saying it ruined your life while being the one that posted it in the first place, i bet you're probably an incel
start being a better person
i know that feel man
That isn’t even op you fucking sperg why are you so mad
i didnt read any of your post lol not even OP
embarrassing lol
Pumped Up Kicks
you have no right to tell me what to do faggot
>t. Samia
i know, is the op of the original thread that keeps posting pathetic bullshit (maybe he's a falseflagger of something: even if he's not him, i only cared because he started acting like a bitch
people like you wouldn't understand
she "ghosted" him for an hour . OP couldn't even wait a day or two before:
a) waiting for her to respond
b) ignoring her and moving the fuck on to the next girl that swipes right
>waiting two days for a response
imagine being this optimistic
Bruh moment right here
Kys incel. Punk is better than metal.
incel here, I agree
only because you're to pussy to handle it rifflet
They're both gay, lmao.
t. indiefag or worse rapfag
This is the only right answer. He's a pathetic idiot but "punk is the only good genre" how retarded can she be
Why are you afraid of riffs?
>indie or cRap
Both gay too; start listening to real music like Classical.
An hour is totally reasonable though?
nah punk is way worse. everyone who's singing sounds like they're having an orgasm, it's gay as fuck.
no thanks, granpa
stop derailing the thread
>hates punk
>hates punk but still likes metal
What a fag
can we all just stop it now? i'm already close to suicide as it is
Is this a joke or are you genuinely that retarded?
Stop what?
i'm generally that retarded
Ok OP sorry but why would you post this on here
i thought it would be funny, i didn't create this thread though the original thread is archived from yesterday
>Sperging out when a girl doesn't reply to you for five mins
Ah, the embodiment of Yea Forums.
See, that's your issue. You can't see that it IS funny. You thought we would laugh at her? Are you fucking retarded?
Dude just learn to talk to girls
bit hard when you're an autistic incel with no social life or friends and haven't spoken to a hot girl my age ever
General tips/rules if you do not have Chad looks:
>never send more text messages than her
>never write a reply that’s longer than her message
>never use emojis or emoticons
>use “lol” sparingly and if anything, replace it with “aha”, “haha”, etc.
>get her to talk more by asking her simple open-ended questions rather than yes-no questions
>do not talk about yourself at length even if she asks for you to do so
>never open yourself up to her - for instance, never tell her something like “I’ve never told anyone else this but...”
>never act sad and never tell her about your “feelings” - act more stoic
>never act enthusiastic - you’re not a little girl - don’t use exclamation points for instance
>don’t beat around the bush and instead, just directly tell her to do something - if you want to meet up with her for instance then don’t ask her where she wants to meet up - just tell her where to meet up - be more assertive
>be as humorous as you can - through text this is in some ways is trickier but if you have been getting her to send quite long text messages and blather on and on, you should be able to take something she’s written and turn it into something humorous (unless she’s talking about something incredibly incredibly serious)
>never respond immediately after she sends a text - always send text messages at a slightly slower speed than she is
>”ghost” her sometimes but not for too long - if she has sent a message while you’ve been “ghosting” her, she misses you and is thinking of you, which is more often than not a good sign - send her a reply not too long after
There’s a whole lot more, but I’ll leave it at it. If you’d like some more tips, let me know and I can offer some more.
Learn how to talk with people you fucking faggot.
Pretty decent advice. I've been on tinder for a month now and this sort of shit works for the most part. Three dates in now.
More tips?
Metal is rooted in blues tradition, with more modern stuff having some european classical associations. Punk is based entirely in being a fuckwit who can't play his instrument and being woke as fuck and pissed off but not really sure at what. I don't see how liking one should mean you like the other.
"Ghosting" is some especially good advice. Replying instantly 24/7 shows you're desperate/have nothing going with your life because you check your phone all the time.
A lot of this is some common fucking sense shit.. Use your brains, people.
You need meds dude
This. Most recent girl I talked to I messaged like every half hour or so and she would immediately respond. Make them feel like they're trying to hold on to something. If someone is about to lose something it makes them want it more
black user here
would i have a chance on tinder?
im 5'8 and pretty shy hehe
everyone has a chance
>all this shit just to drag somebody on to go out with you just for some casual sex
can you fags see you're playing a game you'll never win
if somebody likes you. you don't need this shit
just be yourself bros honestly
Why did she stop replying?
Na just act like your height doesnt matter. Acting confidant will get you places. Charm means a lot more than you could imagine
this is why I stopped using tinder all this social game shit is so unbearable
Only a halfchad but I've had the approach you listed inherently my whole life... and while I deviate, its insanely successful with most and a major failure with some. My only change to this would be to know your demographic and modify where necessary.
And the golden rule, NEVER demonstrate a lack of confidence in yourself until you're literally dating them.
I disagree. Some people have to do better than themselves as a sales pitch at first, even with women who will appreciate who they are after they're invested a little.
I am one of the (You)s and I mostly agree. These tips are for casual sex but if you're looking for a "soul mate" then it should just come naturally. Also if you're looking for more serious dating get off tinder and pick a different app. Nobody knows what the fuck they want on tinder and it's just an ego boost for a lot of people. The dopamine people get from that "you got a new match" is enough for a ton of girls
It is pretty exhausting I agree. Just ask somebody out in person then! LOL!!!
fucking hell why are women so hard to impress? i wish i was gay
I just wanted to point out I've never in my life used tinder or dating apps and have never had a difficult time finding women worthy of being with by using "chads" outline loosely because I'm kind of cold, and actually going out and having hobbies and friends. You will not, ever, meet women by sitting in your house on an imageboard and avoiding social contact with other humans. Tinder and dating apps are for status, sex and the desperate and I recommend them as an absolute last resort. That's my two cents.
Does anybody have any stories about what it's like for two guys to talk to each other on tinder? Now I'm curious.
> Some people have to do better than themselves as a sales pitch at first,
i get that,. but understand all this fake marketing is shit. instead of timing ur reply times. get busy motherfucker and do something with ur life. if some person loses interest in you because you replied back in 5 mins instead of 30. they have issues and should be avoided
all of this is a form of manipulation so you can ask them to have sex with you.
>and pick a different app
What would you suggest?
See my last essay comment... we agree in most respects.
Yeah people act like if you're below 6 feet all is lost. Meanwhile, I remember when I went to high school, 2 short guys got by far the most pussy. One of them was even nicknamed "Mini", lol.
Anything besides tinder or pof. Okcupid is sort of better and it helps find better matches but the best suggestion would be to go to a bar instead. Meeting women online sure is common but its still not the best way. Just eat right, exercise more, and try initiating convos with people irl you dont know at least one time a day.
>just be yourself bros honestly
Lol that's good shit user. The place I work at just had a new guy transfer in and hes about 5'4. Cool fuck though. Everyone likes him and all the girls flirt with him. Size means nothing