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baby wants to fuck
Yikes, you can see the insecurity steaming from him
shit is going to get worse isn't it
oh nononoNONONO
12 points
1 day ago
Posted here before, but I decided to try tinder again. Absolute fucking fail.
I've tried appearing interesting through my music taste, I've tried statusmaxxing in various ways, I'm currently trying to lose more weight but I feel too depressed to continue. I know I'm not shadowbanned, because I either get matches 3000 miles away and bots.
And the tough part is that I'm selective with my matches too and I live in a big city so I know my ELO isn't fucked. But who gives a shit because I'm a brown Indian looking hispanic dude, right? It never even began.
that's not an incel. that's a failed normie.
this is what an actual incel looks like.
Hahahahhaha my sides are in orbit at this retarded spamming spic faggot coming out as a self-admitted incel.
at least this can't get much worse, right?
he's trying his hardest asshole
fuck this retarded piece of shit spammer
joe rogan tho
being 100% frank i disagree. he's being disingenuous. he's not being himself, he's trying to latch onto art and indie music like it's his 'thing' and not showing people the real him. 'be yourself' is cliche advise, but the point is that it makes you comfortable in your own skin and ergo makes people more comfortable around you. if you're constantly trying to impress everyone, being stilted in your speech because you want to say all the right things, carrying yourself in a certain way because you want to look cool, wearing certain clothes to give off a certain image that isn't you, you're not being you. and people might not pick up on that, but they can pick up on the fact that you're uncomfortable with this shitty costume you're wearing.
just because he's wrong doesn't mean he's not trying
talking heads - seen and not seen lyrics fit this post
He would see faces in movies, on T.V., in magazines, and in books...
He thought that some of these faces might be right for him...
And through the years, by keeping an ideal facial structure fixed in his mind...
Or somewhere in the back of his mind...
That he might, by force of will, cause his face to approach those of his ideal...
The change would be very subtle...It might take ten years or so...
Gradually his face would change its' shape...
A more hooked nose...wider, thinner lips...beady eyes...a larger forehead.
He imagined that this was an ability he shared with most other people...
They had also molded their faced according to some ideal...
Maybe they imagined that their new face would better
Suit their personality...Or maybe they imagined that their
Personality would be forced to change to fit the new appearance...
This is why first impressions are often correct...
Although some people might have made mistakes...
They may have arrived at an appearance that bears no relationship to them...
They may have picked an ideal appearance based on some childish
Whim, or momentary impulse...
Some may have gotten half-way
There, and then changed their minds.
He wonders if he too might have made a similar mistake.
yeah, but not his hardest. trying your hardest implies that you're really reaching down deep.
lol unironically used to listen to this song when i was like 18, studying the lyrics really hard. Remain in Light in general was an album i fell really deep into after i graduated high school and didn't understand where i was supposed to take my life.
he's trying very poorly
i barely use the app, take 3 days to text girls, and i get better results than this man
It's over boyos
nigga ugly
they're making fun of him btw, if you can't read french
Making fun of our incel prophet
i think he looks okay. i guess i wouldn't kiss him or anything, but i''m sure some girl out there would love him for his -- i dunno, defined neck? wavy hair? caring eyes? funny jokes?
look, i'm trying to say that nobody is irredeemable because the idea that there's some user somewhere hating himself because he isn't handsome enough breaks my fucking heart yo.
>i think he looks okay. i guess i wouldn't kiss him or anything
LMAOOOOOOOOO. This is why incel men are mass roping. If every woman thinks like you, how are they supposed to get a relationship?
He's not that bad looking, he just needs to fix his hair, get fit, drop the video game bs and spend his time doing something of value.
personally I still don't understand why this is a problem.
We don't need ALL of the ugly-ass genes in future babies do we? Having sex having a relationship and multiplying is not a basic human right - if it doesn't happen sucks for you.
BTW I've had my share of long and short-term girlfriends, been alone for some time now, and I don't think the world as a whole is any worse for it. Nor do I think that humanity is missing anything because I haven't provided the world with more people with my big nose and crooked legs. In fact, if tomorrow someone passed a law that only 10/10 are allowed to have children, or even sex, I'd be OK with it.
Why can't other uglies just accept their fate and fap?
Ugly women can easily get laid and pass on their genes. Ugly men can't
They can get laid (not as easily as you think btw)
Pass genes? not necessary.
An ugly hoe would probably be just that. You wouldn't marry her, would you?
Why are these whinging incels always so out of shape
Hit the gym idiots
No women will not love you for your incel subreddit browsing type personality if you look like shit
I'm a retarded weeb and I got a gf because I figured out looks are important
I wish everyone was as open minded and considerate as you are.
Please don't be dishonest. You know full well there's a massive amount ugly fat women breeding today compared to ugly men.
>personally I still don't understand why this is a problem.
holy fuck thank you for eroding the last bit of sympathy I had for women being raped and killed
>GL. I wish I was white to experience that.
jesus christ he’s even more pathetic than i thought
Based weeb chad with the hard truths
Well put, user. Being yourself might not be the ideal path to reaching those arbitrary social thresholds, but it's the only rewarding path there is. Embrace what makes yourself you
>it's another fat nerd that can't get laid using music as a cope episode
This guy is the reason I discuss sports and not music with people I don't know.
What a fuking bitch.
>he's trying to latch onto art and indie music like it's his 'thing'
AHAHAHAHAHAHAH holy shit you fucking mong.
I forgot this was a retard normie board.
>discussing incels
Welcome to Yea Forums everybody
>I've tried appearing interesting through my music taste
nah this is cope
im fake as can be and im still getting laid on tinder and irl
I have not.
I play guitar, bass, and keyboard. I've been in 2 bands for a total of 3 years. Music helps me compose myself mentally and among my friends I am recognized for my enthusiasm for music, encouragement for others to partake.
Yet I would never ever not once in a dream would criticize someone for dabbling in music for trying to get attention through music. People want to be loved and noticed and music is a perfectly fine avenue for that. Stop treating music like a holy artistic path where you get to point out who's real and who's fake. Everyone's perception of music is valid and so is that guy's. Despite his photos being cringe, he is trying to make someone of himself. You can use music however you want. NO one cares that you have an authentic enjoyment for weezer or some shit. Just like how you wouldn't tell someone what to do with their bodies, you can't tell them what to do with music.
I never have told anyone I play an instrument which is why most people have no idea I even dabble in music. Its when I invite them to my house and happen to end up in my downstairs to watch movies and have snacks or something and that's when I like to hop on the piano after a couple beers or something and show them my appreciation for music.
I'm quoting the redditor you baka
>it’s like trippy electronic music lol
>the incel indie
bro just listen to carti and smash these thots.
>Tfw chubby effeminate retard but still consistently get matches because I'm white, have a defined jaw and am 6'1"
Its fucking over for incels
This dude is not fucking incel and I'm going to fucking prove it. He's larping for some reason.
Here's a picture of a girl in his bed:
Pic related is said picture. Fuck, even the background is the OP image lol.
Picture of him with said girl.
thats his ex-gf that dumped him
Another ex of his, he has footage of her on his instagram. Why even larp as an incel?
For Yea Forums? lmfao.
He probably feels incel-ish due to lack of interest in him, is not a real incel
Picture of her in his matches.
I love how he only posts his fails for pity points.
Get the fuck out larper.
Who talks to girls like this? Cringe
sounds like me before i started to present more femme haha
Toooooootally an incel
Another ex. I can post like three other girls but you guys get the point.
why is this dude trying so hard to be the cringy tindr bro? really weird way to get attention. he posts himself here and reddit. pretending both to be good and bad at attracting women. i mean attentions cool but this is a really weird cringy way to get it
Kid is probably mentally ill. I feel sorry for him.
he's mentally ill
How the fuck can you have this as a gf and call yourself an incel.
Fucking insult.
And this is why you don’t dox yourself on Yea Forums.
Yea bro, fucking 18 year old art hoes makes you an incel.
all ugly
There's more girls I can post, some with even the SAME EXACT BACKGROUND. My point is that this kid is just larping for attention.
what a loser lol
idc if hes banging those uggos. he can't keep them cause he's mentally ill
Agreed. Their facial features are too small for their face.. it's offputting
The pajeeta is brown so I get that. But the white girl is the pinnacle of white beauty. High cheekbones, good jaw, good eye area, big breasts, blue eyes.
Coping fucking retards don't know that incel means CELIBATE.
>pinnacle of white beauty.
if she fucked mentally ill indie spic. shes not bro
this whole thread is cringe
so it's just your typical mentally ill nerd who didnt get a tinder match for a couple days
What the fuck?
The fact that this is a thread in the first place. Fucking lmao.
Try being a virgin for 26 years you fucking spic. Stay the fuck away from our women.
This guy has been kind of a meme on here for the past couple of months.
He made threads on /int/ about not getting laid when sex tourism'ing in taiwan
forgot about him tbqh