How many albums should you listen to in order to be allowed to post here?
How many albums should you listen to in order to be allowed to post here?
Do you genuinely enjoy music and can you write in comprehensible sentences? Boom you can post here. Speech is free and barriers to entry are for faggots.
You don't even need those first two, you can tell by most of posts on the board
i've listened to thousands of albums and i'm still retarded.
I love music and I do my best to express my thoughts and attempt to explain in detail why I think album is good or bad
I literally own 1300 albums on CD, vinyl and cassette and know all of them. I still shouldn't be posting here.
I've listened to hundreds of thousands. Because of this I have no social or work related skills. I am worthless. Socially, emotionally, and intellectually stunted.
Life's pretty great.
i suggest some kind of creative outlet. even if you're shit at it, having some kind of analog for your anguish is always a good thing. and who knows, somebody somewhere might like it.
What are you talking about? I'm super happy.
i really hope you are, otherwise it's gonna come crashing down in a bad way.
My goal you ask? One million albums. I've been counting. When I reach it I will surround myself in my sweet ass vinyl collection I bought by selling my body and burn them. I will become like a god.
hey dog, sounds gool.
[gool = great+cool]
Pretty much this. This board isn’t usually as pretentious as it seems
Exactly. We won’t be pretentious as long as you can stop yourself from being a faggot.
you don't listen to albums you just have a folder with itcotck/tmr etc artwork ready
only one
in the arrow plance over thesky and
beach pets sound noise
>Isn't as pretentious as it seems.
Yea Forums and /fa/ are objective the most pretentious boards, but who gives a shit honestly? Anyone who's gay you just ignore because they're dumb niggers.
>genuinely enjoy music
>write in comprehensible sentences
Are we talking about the same board?
I listened maybe at least 30 percent of mu-core but I still enjoy to stay on this board
listening to every mu-core album just because it's mu-core is like a mild form of torture. don't hurt yourself like that
100. A lot of them should be Yea Forumscore and historically important albums.
One thousand non Yea Forumscore albums.
500 should put you well ahead of the average 20-something normie
You should be able to listen critically and describe, using appropriate musical terminology, why you like or dislike certain music. Listening to massive amounts of music doesn't mean your opinion is worth anything.
most Yea Forumscore is normie shit anyway
>ou should be able to listen critically and describe, using appropriate musical terminolog
Does anyone do that here, at all?
How many people in general do this?
Do any reviewers do this?
I feel like listening to anything longer than a radio jingle disqualifies you from posting here
Document it. Film it desu.
You haven't listened to hundreds of thousands of albums, user.
to be honest I'd rather be flooded with people who have only listened to generic pop than all the /pol/fags who refuse to even discuss music
I just hit 530 albums this day, I started exploring music deeply like two years ago so I think I'm doing quite well.
listening to 1000 albums gives you a decent idea of what's good and what's not