Post music, good or bad, that you would consider absurdist or absurd
Absurdist Music
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you have good taste
idk how absurd this is, but its an amazing listen
thanks friend, I'd say that I love about half of these albums
A good quarter of them I've only listened to a couple of times and enjoyed and then some I just straight up dislike (6ix9ine) but still realize it's absurd and belongs here
california > mr bungle
The Dreaming by Kate Bush
mr oizo
What in the slightest is absurdest about the last 2 rows?
tom waits, danny brown
Name any album you believe is not absurd on this list and I will tell you why it is
Never listened to it
100 Gecs is quirky lol XD randumb dance music that people think is experimental because the synths are outdated, the mixing is shit, and the lyrics are purposely vapid. It's popular because people think when something is described as "ironic" by a transgender furry in a RYM review that it's some philosophical masterpiece that rivals Augustine or Aquinas. Had this album came out 10 years ago it would've been rightfully panned alongside the likes Kesha, 3OH!3, Brokencyde, and other crunkcore artists, because it's just as awful as the material those artists released; instead it is praised today because satire is dead and people think that camp is the peak of humor. It's the musical equivalent of being a fucking retard, then claiming that you were intentionally acting like a fucking retard, and you are therefore a trolling mastermind. If you like this album you're the kind of person who is shallow enough to find that person humorous and immature enough to encourage his petulant behavior. It's music for Katy t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m. It's music for people that say "doggo" and "heck" in real life conversations. It's music for kids who laugh at videos that have a sudden increase in volume. It's music for people who think that their lowercase, grammarless tweets about wanting to commit suicide makes them funny and relatable, when they're actually just fucking annoying. It's even more worthless than a shitty pop album that's actually from the late 00's because it's an attempt to artificially recreate the horrible music of that era, rather than simply being its natural product. It's just plain bad music, and that the intent was to create bad art does not make the work any more meaningful or tolerable.
Steal This Album. Their most creative effort and one of my favorite albums, but I don't see what's that absurdist about it
edgy /=/ absurd
soi opinion
iglooghost and kai whiston are sick though mudboy and ? are dissappointment-tier
seeyouspacecowboy is pretty based too
nice variety even if i don't fuck w alot of it
Disco Volante > California
baste and redpilled
>quirky lol XD randumb
Even if you hate the album you can't pretend it's not absurd
Fair enough desu, I wanted to put a SOAD album because they're rather absurd, especially in Serj's delivery and I quickly chose the one I thought was the most absurd. However, songs like Chic 'N' Stu, I-E-A-I-A-I-O, 36, Pictures, and F**k The System are easily absurd. Not to mention the fact that pretty much every other song has absurd lyricism at least a little bit.
I dislike ? and I thought only a few songs off Mudboy were good. This chart isn't about albums that I love, it's about absurd music
do you like life metal?
can someone explain life metal to me? I like earlier sunn stuff but life metal actually feels like the same notes over and over
i misunderstood, i thought it was music you like and consider absurd
i think it's important to distinguish music that presents the absurd for consideration qua its absurdity and music that is simply absurd because any structure or communicative motive seems to be absent
example of the former: camus
example of the latter: schizoposters
i thought a few tracks off of mudboy were fun, but nothing all that engaging
listen to earth ii if you think life metal is bad. drone metal is similar to noise in that artists tend to emphasize the repetitive character and timbre/texture of the music. for me drone metal, actually unlike noise, is a very passive experience. if you like sitting down, going slow, and letting the music build up it can be really exciting though that kind of listening experience might not appeal to you.
i also think some people listen to SUNN stoned or otherwise high, though i have not myself
Interesting you say that
Can you give examples in my chart of the latter type? Or examples not in my chart of the former type?
yes, but not my favorite sun 0))) album at all. still a great record
Captain Beefheart and his Magic Band
is the only acceptable answer.
what's your favorite sunn release? mine is white2 because of the poetry. or maybe that's white1 lol
norf norf is a good example, according to vince himself, of absurdism in music.
tell me what i don't know is a good example as well.
>tell me what i don't know, last night homie got killed at the liquor store...etc
on the other end of the spectrum is GMAIL off of MUDBOY. almost devoid of content, narrow-minded and petty in motive it seems emblematic of the hollow spirit of pop music. to me it provokes feelings of absurdity as it demonstrates the colonization of a genre i care very much for by corporate interests and crass commercialism
*tips fedora* etc etc
honestly, probably monoliths & dimensions
probably my current favorite
I almost put rossz... on this list
Is it a similar album or is this one different?
way different, rossz is a lot more mellowed out in comparison
I don't know what counts as "absurdist" music but I like Devo.
Odelay is on the verge of absurdism I would say.
LCD Soundsystem is pretty bland and ordinary compared to the rest of those
>McCartney II (especially Temporary Secretary)
>Bish Bosch
>Drums and Wires
>Kimono My House
>Roxy Music's debut album
Also this
The lamb lies down its absurd but its damn good
No Oingo Boingo or Devo? Rubbish list of pretentious shite desu imo.
>No Residents
>No Half-Japanese
>No Tuxedomoon
>No Wire
>No Sun-City Girls
>No Nurse With Wound
>No Faust
This chart is basically mu-core with a quirk
would this be considered absurd? its not as abrasive or edgy as a lot of the list but it's certaily out there
I have no idea what your definition of absurdist means but here you go I made this in 3 minutes
hell yes, i love early proggy genesis
Especially Moustache (Half a Scissor) and UUU
Better pick than most of the albums in there
This is a good one, never listened to a full devo album but from what i know this totally works
Yeah i guess so idk james’ delivery and lyrics can be pretty silly at times though
Ive listened to this album a couple times and dont rly remember anything absurd about it
not gonna lie it reeks of reddit in here