Siberian Breaks is untouchable, is it the best psychedelic song of this century?
Siberian Breaks is untouchable, is it the best psychedelic song of this century?
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eat shit
Get a reading comprehension zoomer. Tame impala is shit.
But Flash Delirium is better.
I like their short pop stuff but it would be rad af to see them go full on prog with the next LP
Listen to some king gizzard or of Montreal both these bands are pretty entry level (so far both the ones i named but at least the target audience isn't children
Tier 1- King Gizzard, Tame Impala
Tier 2- MGMT, Of Montreal, Flaming Lips
wow someones never heard Person Pitch
>Unironic king reddit and lame impala fans on this board
Definitely and Congratulations as a whole is an amazing album
Find a better closer than Congratulations, you can't
make your own tiers big boy.
>vocals drowned in reverb because dude psych bro lol
you mean the "wall of sound"?
literally textbook psychedelic.
>insecure virgin vocalist hides subpar voice and meaningless lyrics behind a bunch of reverb
>dude it's wall of sound, muy authentico og psych bro
It’s pretty lazy songwriting compared to Siberian Breaks. It makes MGMT sound like Mozart compared to that.
kek at the meaningless lyrics. that screams youve never heard the song.
panda bear isnt really the songwriter that Avey Tare is, but what his lyrics lack in complexity his compositions completely dwarve. His lyrics are fairly decent.
I haven't. Just read the lyrics, pretty weak and gay. Regardless, I was referring to the bulk of so-called "psych" groups that drown the vocals in reverb to mask how shitty the vocals/lyrics/melodies are in a more general sense. Many such cases. Don't really have any strong feelings about anco/avey/panda otherwise.
>went to an MGMT concert
>people get up and leave halfway through Siberian Breaks
Fuck I saw them last year, I wish they played Siberian Breaks.