What does /m/ think of power metal
What does /m/ think of power metal
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Why dont you go ask them
Fun to listen to every once in a while but listening to a full album of it can get dull pretty quick since the genre as a whole isn't very creative.
Not bad to put on in the background while I play with my fairly large uncut penis
it's good but i don't listen to it, because it's actually not that good.
Gay but also cooler than most metal subgenres.
Better than most metal being made today, but that's not saying much. Still some good tracks though. Still doesn't come close to the older metal bands.
second best subgenre of all time
Whats your first?
It's either kino or complete shit
lol jk the complete shit stuff is kino too
speed metal
I like gamma ray a bit. I like Helloweens first album but it leans more doom/heavy imo. Kai hansen overall is my favorite vocalist
but it loses me on the lyrical content. its just not interesting to me, even the concept albums. its too positive and rainbowy
It's cheesy and sometimes sounds like an anime opening
subarashii desu ne
Kamelot - The Black Halo
it doesnt cum
Give me an example of creative and non creative power metal records.
Creative: blind guardian
Not: I’ve gotta say that hammerfall is pretty bog-standard power metal, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad.
a lot of it is bad, some of it is good, all of it is cheesy
I like that but I find it having cheesy lyrics is part of the enjoyment.
>its too positive and rainbowy
I think the fans of other metal subs detest it because of this