ITT: Albums that you refuse to listen to
ITT: Albums that you refuse to listen to
i listened to it
i understood why critics loved it so much but damn the replay value it has is too little (specially with that shit-ton of songs)
The Clash - London Calling
also you should check out Trout Mask Replica, it isn't as weird as everyone says. After you get to the disorienting feel of the record it's actually chalk full of melody and accessible traits.
I listen to it regularly, it's great
get fucking filtered literal plebs
retard music
Any Death Grips album (because of the fans)
having a shit ton of songs makes the replay value higher dummy
Metallica's black album, I've heard it so much from radio, other ppl it just annoys me
that billie eilish album
I don't REFUSE to listen to it but I don't go out of my way to listen to much rock music that predates post-punk, so about '76 or so. Nothing explicitly against it, I'm just not super bothered. Well, aside from krautrock, that shit's cool.
You aren't missing much.
I don't listen to anything with more than 1000 ratings on RYM.
Oh come the fuck on
Every album with a single digit dynamic range score.
is that the actual cover? goddamn it looks like an el goblino parody
I'm the opposite, i have minimal interest in most rock music made after post punk. Metal music, nu prog, alt rock and post hardcore can all fuck off.
Anything released after 2008
Why? London calling is a fantastic album
agree - gave a short listen - found it, well perhaps technically ok, but otherwise dull.
I refuse to listen to the beach boys because of the 'boy-girl ideology' embedded in the songs which I find disgusting. someone poste some crazy beach boys songs tho once that were dope...
uh, its just a good record - fuck yourself
Fuck, I relate a lot
>the 'boy-girl ideology' embedded in the songs which I find disgusting
if you're going to be steered away by such superficial ideologies then this board isnt even for you in the first place.
I started out listening to this album for the harmonic experience, and even still none of the romantic ideas relate to me.
Brian Wilson is a musical genius and this album redefined production, texturing, and recording all in one, lyrics can be ignored. Hell my favorite track off this album is an instrumental.
And this album's girly adoration is part fantasy, Brian's writing about his feelings. and its not all about romance, there are plenty of lyrics about self-discovery and identity, since lyrics seem to make such a big part of your listening experience.
1000 Gecs. I clicked on a couple of the tracks. I do not need to hear this album
Your loss big guy
do people actually not like this? it unironically sounds amazing
I'm not even bothered
Has some good songs. Would recommend.
Is a massive bore. Would not recommend.
This but unironically.
Give it a shot, user. It's one of my favorites.
You're not missing much.
OP here, that was embarrassing
ITT: threads you refuse to reply to without sageing
Been on here since 2009 and I haven't heard any of these. Never heard anything by Radiohead either, except for Creep. (hence why I never bothered with them after)
i will never listen to this trash
imagine limiting the music you listen to because of superficial and nominal reasons and denying creative exploration because of the internet
Any Brandon-core
what have you listened to?
came here to post this. their marketing will never get to me
gives me good happy feel
i like listening to the acapellas too, they're beautiful
anything to do with metallica, pink floyd and all the other boomer crap
>because of the fans
Is there a more brainlet tier statement
Natriums is just Mario Kart music
this stupid fucking album. also trout mask, anything by the doors (fuck jim morrison), and neu! (listened to like 4 minutes of the first song and turned it off). also anything by black flag
how can you say that it's stupid if you never listened to it?
i skimmed through like 2 of the tracks and it sounded dumb. i also hate “math rock” and the cover is stupid i hate their retarded faces
My based & redpilled brothers
>imagine getting this angry over an album.
If you refuse to have your opinion changed on any album you're not a real music fan.