> About to become a wizard. Still a kissless permavirgin at 29
Music for this feel?
> About to become a wizard. Still a kissless permavirgin at 29
Music for this feel?
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hmm. i turn 30 in november. ive had sex roughly 1600 times. but with only one girl.... hmmm
weird flex dude ....
Maybe some sad indie song or blues .
33 khhv wizard here; I got you.
I'll be joining you next year lol
What's it like, are things better than they were say five/ten years ago? Does it get tolerable being so alone? I can only see myself ending up the same way but if it sucks as bad as it does now if not worse then I can't keep going.
Buy sex
It's pretty great being able to spend all your free time on your hobbies (assuming you've completely given up on making friends/girlfriends like I have). It could hit me hard later on in life though since I'm too bitter to accept someone who isn't like me.
Death Grips, Neutral Milk Hotel
You've already been a wizard for 4 years. If you still have no wizard powers then I suggest you listen to more prog.
Never had no one ever, I know it’s over, etc.
I was a virgin until the age of 29 because I have body/face dismorphia disorder and I also only wanted to date and fuck arthoes who had good (my) taste in music and film
I've had sex with 7 different girls now, 2 of which were for more than a year each on an almost daily basis, hope it works out for you.
I coulda been this fag but I realized I was bi and horny for other women at 21 thank god
Based and commitmentpilled
I can flex too
tfw I've had my dick shat on
tfw I've sold my dick to the woman at the nearby bodega for a free year of fountain soda
tfw I sold my dick regularly to a 49 year old married woman for a couple bucks every day
how do you sell your dick? like... what do you say and who are your targets? id like to do this. i have a great dick
You get asked in the right place at the right time, honestly. I didn't really expect it either time, but I mean I guess you gotta establish a relationship beforehand kinda. Not their friend though
Itt: people who should be posting on r9k evade mods but putting music for this feel at the end of their post. GTFO ROBOTS
I just want some music recommendations.
lol i can't imagine still being a virgin till that age
i'd probably kill myself
listen to some bitch magnet
still better than all the reddit and celebrity threads up right now. don't even try to argue.
pic related. does it get any easier?