>female singer starts singing about being sad and depressed
Female singer starts singing about being sad and depressed
hahaha yeah our lives are so much worse than anybody else's lol
>female starts singing
Only us guys, men, hombres, dudes get the unbearable tragedy that is life, am i right fellas
>user starts singing about how he was banned from /pol/
Honestly unique enough to warrant a listen
I actually wrote a poem about that once. Here it goes.
>Bluebird in the sky
>My shadow on the floor
>Oh lone hearts of the traveling night
>Hear the pain that darkens my sight.
>Bluebird you won't know my love
>Nor you, shadow, my hate will meet
>For an admin that was, as you night, dark
>Took'em away, took me away, from my love
>My hate, my heart, my place, my /pol/
this depression cock meassuring is fucking gay, no matter if it’s between genders or people
>he thinks women are able feel emotions
Women can't suffer
Depression is for losers. Male and female alike
How do incels explain the fact women get diagnosed with depression more often than men? Is it just Jooish propaganda or some shit like that?
at some point this obsession must be considered a mental illness
rent free
Based woody
lmao literally just go to a doctor and say you're sad and you're pretty much guaranteed a drug prescription these days, retard
Men go un-diagnosed longer than females, maybe that's why user
They unironically can't, it's all self-imposed because of their pea-brains
I can never tell who is or who is not serious about hating females on her.
>female "singer"
>women get diagnosed with depression more often than men
the same reason they attempt suicide and fail at such a higher rate compared to men, who use more lethal methods. In my experience, depression seems to be more like an accessory to a lot (not all) women. Then there are other women who I've seen whose depression is more similar to that of men. men are less likely to find any kind of help let alone actually tell a stupid doctor about it.
Ignore the incels, women face depression and it's just as serious. However, it's hard to deny the differences in how, on average, they experience, respond and longterm deal with depression. If anything, their more sociable and open approach is more productive and conducive to getting better. Men on the other hand I've seen more often go down solitary downward spirals of hopelessness. For starters, I can't even count the number of women I've heard namedrop their depression whereas men it's essentially zero.
>Men on the other hand I've seen more often go down solitary downward spirals of hopelessness
And then end up shooting up a Burger King.
Have sex
>I can never tell who is or who is not serious about hating females on her.
women just fake depression for attention
>all men with depression are murderous incels
flawless argument
>female singer starts singing
Women aren't more productive at working through mental illness though. Most are shit at handling it for the opposite reasons of men. They're way too fucking open about it. They turn it into a defining personality trait.
>no dad, it's supposed to be empowering and relatable
based and redpilled
overthetop and black pilled
cringe and blue pilled
>depression cock meassuring
bro you just spoke cringe.
only a faggot mind with faggot beliefs would bear such a faggot tongue.
>waaaaah i only got to suck 8 dicks this, i'm so sad doc, please give me lexapro
female "depression"
female depression
>having the weight of society on your shoulder because of unpayed labor
>constantly has to perform emotional labor on males
>patriarchy holding you down from your dreams and goals
>misogyny everywhere you go, getting harassed, objectivied, talked down upon
>scared for your life when alone in the streets at night
>constant threat of violence even inside of your own home
>monthly cramps from periods
>male politicians constantly deciding about what you are allowed to do with your body
>anxiety from financial dependency, having to raise children alone
>constantly silenced and humiliated by men
male depression
>"""""puuuunnnkkkk rooooockkk"""""
>on a major label
>male politicians constantly deciding about what you are allowed to do with your body
how did you even find your way on this site whilst being such a fag?
Let alone why do even come here anymore in the first place?
>implying every cause of depression in males is because they don't have sex
t. came here during the elections
Yea Forums absolutely fucking obliterated
>having the weight of society on your shoulder because of unpayed labor
No, you can depend on men, you're the one deciding go alone, stupid bitch.
>constantly has to perform emotional labor on males
No, you're naturally emotional, men don't care about your superficial whinny feelings.
>patriarchy holding you down from your dreams and goals
Your goals shouldn't be the same as men, period.
>misogyny everywhere you go, getting harassed, objectivied, talked down upon
Yeah, because feminism is clearly not the mainstream tendency.
>scared for your life when alone in the streets at night
Unjustified paranoia.
>constant threat of violence even inside of your own home
This doesn't even have sense.
>monthly cramps from periods
OMG how can you be Soo strong
>male politicians constantly deciding about what you are allowed to do with your body
That's the reason you have the right to vote, whore.
>anxiety from financial dependency, having to raise children alone
Well, no, welfare
>constantly silenced and humiliated by men
Like feminism do to men
Girls in Gen Z are in a mental health crisis right now. Suicide and self-harm are on the rise among young girls in this generation.
You have ASPD
>Your goals shouldn't be the same as men, period.
I'm not bothering with the rest, but way to prove that point right.
Fragile kike detected. Kvetching out and no one even mentioned your vermin people
Why do girls have to wail and shout on the third chorus? I might be fine with them if they didn't
Hard cringe, start talking to women.
user were you cryogenically frozen in the 1970s?
Almost none of this applies any more
Women are treated at least equally now in western countries
>constant threat of violence
>scared on streets at night
This is no more true for women than for men
Pretty sure its even higher for men
WAA! women have SOOOO many problems! KILL ALL MEN!
mental illness on full display tonight
the fucking state of this board
Isn't it funny how women have it so easy in society yet they're all still hopped up on antidepressants? women are so fucking worthless their brains literally invent reasons to be depressed about
The notion that women are emotionless, vile creatures is a Jewish ploy to lower the birth rate and wipe out the white race.
i fucking wish the media would stop pushing women in music. 99.9% of the time they are utter fucking garbage music-wise and personality-wise. no woman will ever achieve anything as great as men have
this but unironically
i don't listen to female 'musicians' nor do i care to
for real tho
depression isnt real in men or women idiot
this especially applies to the "men" on this site
you have a lot to learn, buddy.
women have zero sympathy for anyone but themselves. that's why their girl"friends" rotate every week.
Back to the Daily Wire with you, little Ben
female depression
>decided to become a retarded unlovable roastie and will never have a happy normal family
>blames it on men
God, there's nothing redeemable about women
Oh my god I remember your dumb ass from /adv/
I don't think it's a ridiculous belief that the pharmaceutical industry is eager to get everyone on all sorts of medication, and depression is no exception. It is much more social acceptable and accessible for women to get help for their "depression" and doctors want nothing more than to get you on something. A single 15 minute meeting with a psychiatrist got me a Prozac prescription (which I threw out).
>say something critical of women online
>a bunch of white Knights start calling you incel
It's by far the worst of any buzzword so far. There's literally nothing you can say to counter it.
t. butthurt incels
Whenever I give examples to the contrary, you instantly damage control it with "w-weebshit! doesn't count!"
The male suicide rate is over 3x higher. Diagnosis means nothing in a country without socialized medicine (where doctors are generally incentivized to diagnose as many people as is feasible to profit of pharmaceutical companies).
Women are considerably longer lived and better educated on average. The only reason they have lower average income is because a small percentage of 1%ers who are mostly men skew their average rightwards.
Also, 75% of all homeless people are men.
"women get more diagnosed" men diagnose a drinking problem
>female singer starts singing about fairly large uncut penises
The White race would be better off dead than alive and propagated by people like you.
>emotional labor
>depression from refusing to keep your legs closed
women really are pathetic
Forty keks but seriously spit the blue pill out
So you're telling me you've never been moved by a song sung by a chick?
Yeah, it moved my finger to turn it off
Finally... a drop of fucking reality
Depression is very common among women. Fuck off with your pathetic incel cringe bullshit, manchild.
Goddamn this board is getting embarrassing
Only sad for Chad.
Thanks for proving my point
t. butthurt roastie
Yea because women are weak genetically. That's why they're in a perpetual state of depression. Men have different reasons for being depressed. Men need a purpose, women dont.
strong autism
Their only purpose in life is to follow Chad
>goddamn this board is getting embarrassing
The whole sites been embarrassing
the fucking influx of reddit zoomers has just murdered this place.
Moot's departure and the months leading up to the 2016 election were just the absolute fucking death blows.
The problem is they don't do anything else.
>Goddamn this board is getting embarrassing
Says the normalfag
Yeah, high five brainlet. You're missing out on some good music, why not give it a chance?
>unironic incel thread is still up
Yea Forums is becoming a shithole.
You have your own boards for your delusional bullshit.
Fuck off.
absolutely fucking based
>normalfags are embarrassing
As opposed to what, 30 year old neets?
>Women have 5x as many suicide attempts as men
>Male suicide r8 is 5x higher than Female suicide r8
>implying that’s not exactly why you and most incels online are depressed.
I know you think you made an amazing point, but a suicide attempt, completed or otherwise is a clear sign of depression.
>but they're just looking for attention!
Yes, you fucking retard, people who feel hopeless typically look for help.
you have to know he's underage
it's summer and he thinks the whole site is an extension of /r9k/
how is it fair that depression among women and men is acknowledged but we gays and LGBTQ+ are never even recognised in this conversation?
you're already mentally ill, depression is just a given
what exactly makes women's lives so much easier that they can't be depressed? this is what I never understood about these /r9k/ arguments.
They can get laid more easily.
why do autistic people have the right to speak or think?
these dumb fucks unironically think getting laid is the answer to all of life's problems
no way you are over the age of 18 if you actually believe sex automatically makes you happier.
what about posting proof you've had sex
I don't agree with that though
sit down virgin
>This is no more true for women than for men
You should meet more women
white knight beta
>No, you can depend on men, you're the one deciding go alone, stupid bitch
being dependent on another person for food water and shelter makes you extremely vulnerable to abuse. you act like it's an easy choice to make which it's not
>No, you're naturally emotional, men don't care about your superficial whinny feelings.
this is just a straight up lie. I've seen plenty of guys who only go into the dating scene because they're looking for some kind of validation which they think will give them happiness. I could not imagine having to put up with people like that.
>Your goals shouldn't be the same as men, period.
>Yeah, because feminism is clearly not the mainstream tendency.
just because it's hip to be a feminist it doesn't mean thirsty losers are going to prey on you.
>Unjustified paranoia.
I'm starting to think this is bait
>This doesn't even have sense.
okay it's definitely bait never mind
this applies to all vacuous one word insult posts
Yea Forums is one of the undercover /r9k/ boards, right?
t. /an/ tourist
because it's true
every board relating to anglo culture is an undercover /r9k/ board
>having the weight of society on your shoulder because of unpayed labor
if you're in a marriage where you are expected to do all of the house work and all of the child rearing then blame it on your choice of men. it's 2019 there are millions upon millions of men out there ready and willing to do their share of the work.
>constantly has to perform emotional labor on males
"emotional labor" is a phrase used by women complaining that every conversation isn't about their lives, because women are sociopathic narcissists.
>patriarchy holding you down from your dreams and goals
if you live in some third world shithole, sure. if you live in any first world western country this isn't even remotely true. if you are a woman in the US, Canada, UK, etc the only thing holding you down from your dreams and goals is your defective neurotic female brain that is always seeking to play the victim.
>misogyny everywhere you go, getting harassed, objectivied, talked down upon
nothing wrong with misogyny against modern women. they are parasites and have manipulated and gaslighted society to do their bidding. i agree about the harassment though. there is definitely a huge problem with pathetic normie men who are obsessed with women and sexually harass them at very high rates. "objectified" women objectify themselves. have you never been on social media?
>scared for your life when alone in the streets at night
>constant threat of violence even inside of your own home
true, and this goes back to normie men who are obsessed with women.
>monthly cramps from periods
blame evolution
>male politicians constantly deciding about what you are allowed to do with your body
abortion should be legalized i agree
>anxiety from financial dependency, having to raise children alone
if you don't want to be a single mother then choose better men. tl;dr everyone has problems stop playing the victim, roastie.
Isn't depression twice is likely to occur to woman than a man? That almost makes depression a female privilege, actually.
>stop playing the victim bc I’m the real victim :’(
who are you quoting?
>responding to every line of obvious bait
Fuking kek and based. Pol faggots seething.
>Yea Forums actually hates women
Jesus guys I thought it was a joke
I raise you this OP
with this many replies its safe to say its either /pol/ or /r9k/ speaking.
Everyone hates women so much that even women hate themselves.
No one actually likes women
Nice guys hate women because they get ignored
People successful with women treat them like shit
And we all know no one hates women more than other women
>same fucking thread gets posted for the 100th time
>triggered white knights and roasties fall for it again and again