I've seen quite a few posts praising them. My memory of their music will forever be trarnished by memories from when I was an edgy emo teen, which means I will never be able to judge them objectively. So, what do you think, Yea Forums? Are they good or is it just a meme?
Are MCR actually good?
Other urls found in this thread:
BP is actually a pretty fucking based album. Mama and Sleep are really well-written. Basically the only album I can listen from them and not feel like an emo (that doesn’t apply to Welcome to the Black Parade tho).
>Three Cheers
>not good
No. 15 yr old tumblrina core. Pop Punk was never good.
>Pop Punk was never good.
black parade is still probably their best, as far as songwriting goes, and holds up pretty well
three cheers is my personal fav, doesnt hold up as well but its really fun from front to back
Listened to I Brought You My Bullets for the first time in years recently and I think it still holds up.
The black parade, minus teenagers, is a actually very focused and well organised album, that has actual notable musicianship. it's a strong album.
BP is actually one of the better pop punk albums out there, they're good songwriters. Danger Days is also solid.
That's album's barely pop-punk.
MCR is unironically good, Ghost of You is a great fucking song
We all cried when Mikey died in The Ghost Of You
I didn't.
no. its homo ten age homo music
also, its not good
however, if you are a big gay faggot and like big gay faggot music, then ok.
>tripfag talking about faggotry
Why are you tripping, fag?
>can't tell the difference between a tripfag and a namefag
lol MCR cuk gang ASSEMBLE!
Read the first sentence dumbass.
I don't care what your fucking fandom site says, cocksucker. A trip means tripcode on Yea Forums faggot.
im with HER
Shut the fuck, beanhead fuck.
fuck you bitch
details matter
>he actually reads filenames
I luv when you suk me
I have this same issue with some of radioheads music.
any advice?
it's not pop punk at all
I really can't imagine why they chose to put Teenagers on the album when they had My Way Home is Through You, Kill All Your Friends, and Heaven Help Us
Agreed desu. The closest to pop-punk they came was Three Cheers.
>Kill All Your Friends
Still annoys me that they cut this, it's their best song.
It's obviously Pop Punk. Stop pretending that shit album is something above it.
a supreme gentleman.
Shit band and shit album, always was and always will be.
It's pop-rock, not pop-punk.
Needed another single, maybe decision by label
go back.
The album explores within so much genres that calling it simply a pop punk album does it disservice when it also has
>Art Rock
>Emo Pop
Also there is Post Hardcore there and there
True, though My Way Home is single tier desu. Not to mention Dead could've been a single
YOU need to go back to Hot Topic, queer, and take your shitty music with you.
what the fuck is this? 2004? grow the fuck up.
>Are MCR actually good?
>blaming shitty community
MCR made good music but had an awful fanbase and you're just another one who's blinded by that
It’s a meme from people who want to pretend that the music they enjoyed in middle school/high school wasn’t cringy shit for depressed teenage girls
Based and redpilled
It’s embarrassing that people here talk about this shit
Sois and gays are the only men who like pop punk
Kill yourself
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Yea Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
go back.
Go back to tumblr faggot
go back.
Ignore the people who haven't heard their music postng in this thread. They are pretty good. First and second album are solid. The Black Parade has some iconic songs but felt kind of bland to me. Stay away from their last album.
>Stay away from their last album
Na na na and Party Poison are jam as fuck.
>Ignore the people who haven't heard their music postng in this thread
Everyone has listened to MCR dude. They are not obscure in the slightest band. I know they are shit because I have listened to them, my ex gf from highschool was into them and she made me listen to their discography. Fucking shit music.
Their last album wasn't so bad.
Dilate and have sex
They're better than the other emo pop bands of their time but they're still mediocre at best. Anyone that thins MCR are a good band is underage and should be banned
go back.
>Anyone that thins MCR are a good band is underage and should be banned
But the teens of today don't listen to MCR. All their fans are nostalgic 20-somethings.
They’re underage in spirit
I was in the age bracket their music was marketed to when they were at their peak and I never listened to them until I consciously decided to not too long ago.
Three Cheers and Black Parade are both solid 8/10's. Bullets is pretty spotty and the production quality is boring as fuck, Danger Days just sounds like The Killers doing pop punk and has too much filler.
get a load of this soiboi