Guess personalities, ideal career/spouse
give recs
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guessing personalities and what not is such a copout for not having to give any recommendations
You must not have been here very long. In personality guess threads, most of the responses are usually recommendations anyway because giving recs actually requires less effort than guessing personalities. Personality guesses are just a fun twist on these threads, since we have tons of chart threads every day.
probably the dude at a party that gets stoned and chills by themself on the couch and keeps to themself
aerial m-self titled
wipers-over the edge
I love that you love Wayne Shorter. I love Wayne Shorter. Try Eric Dolphy - Far Cry
I see Jazz on a chart I recommend
Batsumi - Collected Works 1972-1976
Archbishop Kebab - Beyond My Ken
That Rodan album is so underrated. You might like the band Ambulance LTD
Thanks! You might like early Xinlisupreme
19 year old girl who wishes she was an incel
34 year old manlet, 4 foot 11, likes toes
Cutie glasses girl
your words confuse my brain. how would a girl wish she were an incel?
By thinking "huh i wish i could be part of the culture of being involuntarily celibate"
i don't know why you would want that but hey it's what the chart suggests
>Cutie glasses girl
Thanks UwU
Actually a 22 year old incel though.
Girls can be incels as well.
This is right up my alley. Thanks user!
SAD. At least you got that aesthetic
I always expect to see Butthole Surfers on this type of chart but I rarely do for some reason.
Try Locust Abortion Technician and piouhgd.
Probably from trying so hard to to find one desu.
thanks for the recc senpai. I've actually never listened to butthole surfers even though i've heard about them for years.
The term incel was actually coined by a girl
i see southern stuff. probably from NC or somewhere down there like me. cop.
kinda new to taking music seriously but How I Loved You - Angels of Light
fan of summer. shorts in winter kind of guy. probably a construction worker or something.
Failure - Fantastic Planet
Frank Black - s/t
>inb4 normie, shit music taste, etc
normie, shit music taste, et-
hol up u got Deathcon u based
Smart but lazy, but unironically
Smokes weed and takes LSD while watching kino films
A very laid back failed normie
Likes comfy settings
Wishes he was a boomer
Post-ironic nihilist
I'd never want to be a boomer desu they annoy the shit out of me
This is actually a pretty based chart. Nothing to obscure (by Yea Forums standards anyways) but a pretty wide variety in terms of genera tells me you have an open mind about music, which is good.
You and I seem to have generally comparable taste in music. I'd give my whole chart as recs.
but that might be sort of overwhelming so taking a quick look I'd say row 9 should have some stuff you'd like.
chad who has lots of sex
no comment.
Chad who somehow has no sex
17 year old boy who's almost 18 so lies to everyone about his age
Rename this chart to /I grew up in a white working class family in the midwest in the 2000s and 2010s. I was suicidal in high school and never really got over it/core
I don't know exactly how to help you. Listen to something with a some groove to it maybe? Try some Funk, Jazz, and Motown. Tap your foot and feel better user.
Or if you're not feeling that this chart is definitely lacking any albums by The Cure.
Only did top 16, don’t hurt me
Pretty spot on desu, I'm only vaguely familiar with the cure any recs. For funk, jazz, and motown I'm not big on anything just instrumental, but if you have any recs with lyrics I'll check it out. Thanks.
*dude not desu lmao
When you type t b h, the filter turns it into "desu," but everybody knows what you mean.
The Cure
Stuff to get you out of your comfort zone.
Something that's a bit of both
Thanks I've been posting 2+ years and I didn't know that lol
awesome I'll check it out thanks
plays guitar
been browsing Yea Forums for a long time but doesn't let that influence his taste
considers himself patrician
doesnt play instruments
Olivier Messiaen - Quartet Pour La Fin Du Temps
Jackson and His Computer Band - Smash
Mal Waldron - The Calling
Sunbirds - s/t
Yall think i'd unironically use words like patrician, that's pretty insulting
Enjoys alone time more often than not, but tries to keep in contact with people you care about
The Phantom Band - Checkmate Savage
You struggle sometimes with expressing how you care about someone
Total Fucking Destruction - Our Love Is A Rainbow
you're someone that's generally a more serious kind of person, but isn't afraid to be goofy every once in awhile
melos - wednesday campanella
you're someone who likes to take it slow, easy, and methodical. into lamentation.
playing in the woods - kepa lehtinen
you seem.. all over the place! somedays see you shitting rainbows and smiles, but most present a more harsher, angrier you.
on'n'on - jean tonique
aspiring beat poet and/or busker
looking to take scaruffi's place on his website after he dies
This chart is an overdose of fun.
Stereolab - Dots and Loops
heads up is such a sick record, listen to lighting bolt if you haven't already, you would also probably like gouge away
I haven't really been listening to music much tee bee aitch (aside from the crumb album, that's from this year) so reccs would be really appreciated
you're too shy to confront the waiter about your order being wrong even if there's something in it that's not safe for you to eat
you and a lot of your belongings smell a little bit like cigarettes, whether you smoke or not.
thanks so much for the paul johnson suggestion--ive never heard any of this before and it's fantastic. i'm definitely already familiar with alan braxe and fred falke and their role in the french touch as we know it
also a super good suggestion, im definitely down with this sound. the very first trick was an immediate hook, and a hell of one, too.
go watch patterson dir by jarmusch
check out amnesia scanner and arca's older stuff
ay i completely forgot about that jimmy smith album
id hang out with u
check out steve reid - nova
either underage or used to play alot of nintendo/sega when younger
Well if you like that Paul Johnson song, you might want to check out his more Ghetto House stuff too and then more of that genre
>Woven Hand
Idk but you seem like a swell guy to me
Wow, there are a lot of really cool covers on here. Seems like a lot of pagan BM, I think I'll check some stuff out. Coldworld's a cool, underrated band. Those covers for Blood of the Black Howl, Dordeduh, and Oranssi Pazuzu certainly catch my attention.
You might like these:
Jedi Mind Tricks - Violent By Design
Bigg Jus - Black Mamba Serums
Yaphet kotto - Syncopated Synthetic Laments for Love
Burn Her Letters - Diffusion
Windir - 1184
Bobby Bland - Dreamer
James Carr - You Got My Mind
Soil & Pimp Sessions - Pimpoint
Your chart weirds me out a little because there seems to be a lot of emo-prog around, but none of it on your chart. Instead there's a lot of emo and a lot of prog.
I like emo and I like prog but I don't like them together, lol. If you can recommend me something, that'd be cool.
Here's a more complete version of my chart. I slimmed it down a lot cause it's mostly pleb shit.
10/10 taste
check out Turnstile
not really my specialty, but try
Jimmy Eat World - Static Prevails
Chisel - 8AM All Day
you're mad cancelled in your local scene
zoomer, gets along with normies
never had more than 5 friends, always you were the smartest of them. were also always the least popular of them
give recs/personality/spouse/rate
boring and your spouse will be older than you
would steal from house parties with
try heroin (the band)
you're probably a girl (not a trap)
you do drugs and are probably sad but and might have a sad gf >Lulu
you're probably pretty chill probably live in a house with like 4 or 5 other roommates
you probably have a hapa gf but not a cool mix like japanese/anglo but like a weird mix like aPhilippines/Irish or a latina gf who grew up in the suburbs
sad but happy when high
based grouper
>lazyposting in a day-old thread with 27 charts
Lazyposting in general is kinda shitty, but you're just scum. I hope no one recs these assholes.
stop fucking lazyposting
Why get so aggressive about it, if it's really that much of an issue then fuck off to another thread
There are tons of charts already here. People have studied them and replied with the hopes that they'll be rewarded with interesting recommendations or conversations. You and these others are making it very obvious all you want to do is either passively take recs from others or pathetically show off for validation. This is a general so everyone knows where to go to get the best chance for good results. You're just resuscitating a lifeless corpse and shitting up what's supposed to be one of my favorite threads in this sea of shit called Yea Forums
Incredibly based, I can't think of any recs but I love your chart
This Heat - Health And Efficiency
Cardiacs - Sing To God
16 Horsepower - Sackcloth 'N' Ashes
Slate Faults - Clairvoyant
Kali Malone - The Sacrificial Code
Recs would be most appreciated
candy claws - ceres and calypso in the deep time
mirrorring - s/t
food for animals - belly
delete your post
I just wanted some some recc's :(
meanie :(
of montreal is like happy xiu xiu, kinda, you might like them
holy motherfucking shit you are god, listen to more tool if you dont, i dont really know what to tell you, i will listen to your chart because your tastes are god tier you deserve heaven
listen to Lucas Acid by Moodie Black if you haven't already, you will love it, also Hope in a darkened heart by virginia astley might be of your taste
maybe telling you that you should check out deafheaven is kinda dumb, but you should if you havent already
based boomer, listen to sung tongs by animal collective if you havent
liquid liquid - slip in and out of phenomenon
i'll listen to em, thanks
cool charts
based chart
thanks lads, these are some really quality picks
thanks mate, hope you find something you enjoy
why do i like surrenderdorothy but hate bones?
no prob mate, enjoy
Yeah I've been leaning towards that opinion too recently.His raps are getting kinda old and surrenderdorothy is pretty nice and kind of innovative plus his singing voice is great in my opinion
Probably a bit angsty but a nice person.
Now there’s a guy who likes to party, plays guitar, and is always down for a good cry.
You watch TND but say you don’t.
Uuhhh, not sure what to say about this. You’re probably a weirdo.
You’re a pretty cool person who's also a little angsty. I love you and your music taste though.
Fucking cringe bro
You must get all the art hoe pussy I hope uoure proud
Youre a white boy dating a hot black girl from chicago
Quicksand - Slip
noob stoner
probably heard this
Crosby Stills Nash and Young - Deja Vu