Sampling is bad

>Sampling is bad

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>stealing is ok
t. Thug, rap fan

I thought thugs would like stealing

They do, OP is a thug

sampling is stealing

paying for a burger is stealing

What if you're autistic enough to sample/"steal" from yourself?

You can't steal from yourself.

>mfw retards are among us

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>you can steal intangible unlimited soundwaves

music is licensed and burgers are not
you only buy CD and ability to listen to it, not the music itself

Whats a retard? Is that your gay boyfriend's nickname?


Is that the season where you and your gay lover met?

sampling is stealing (and that’s a good thing!)

>t. poopoo
t. peepee

Yes and he’s adorable

ok mom i'll clear my samples on the next album

What does that mean? Is it code for "I got mouth herpes from my gay boyfriend"?

pic related

Attached: salty.jpg (1131x1698, 1.35M)

No he’s clean and a total qt.314

What's related abouth that pic? Do you mean your gay boyfriend is a relative of yours?

I'm not saying people shouldn't sample, but it is stealing and justifying it by saying it's not is a lie to feel better. The same if you upload someone's album to YouTube, I enjoy if someone does, but I don't think it's moral from the point of view of the artist

What is 314? Is that the amout of times you and your gay boyfriend make out every day?

I wish


by this logic DJing would be a crime of a much higher magnitude
every instrument is basically a collection of samples you can play back in a variety of ways