heatstroke edition
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Other urls found in this thread:
melodeath sucks
slam sucks
>when the shortest song on the album is 21 minutes long
what are the most creative black metal albums
>when the longest song on the album is 1 minutes and 17 seconds long
major cringe
mayhem darkthrone the list can go on...
Fear Factory - Genexus
they don't make them like this anymore
is summoning based or s.oy
based af
Demilich / Timeghoul worship is 'in' right now
big thanks to C'the'ilist and Phrenelith
This, metal is for whites only
Can I get some good power metal? Something melodic but with a vocalist that isn't too high pitched like italian power metal. Finnish or Swedish shit is pretty neat. Just not a big fan of Italian or American PM.
take your soi asses back to Yea Forums. 4channel is for non-degenerates only
have sex
Muumure i guess?
+Sabbat, GBK, X Japan, Mysticum, Nick Cave
reminder to filter all tripfags and namefags
Post what you're blasting
i was a fucking faggot this week, im sorry
its fun
I want your honest opinions. What do you think of Emperor? I think they haven't been good since ITNE and everything else made after is overrated
Good shit here
error 404: metal not found
+repudilation, that ouroboros cover i did a spurdo edit of
+discharge, carnivore,iperyt
+incantation, phrenelith
good shit
I don't even know if there's another band that exists that fuses bal-musette into their music.
Literally the opposite is the case, but alright
They're shit tier if you like straight forward black metal, but excellent if you're into symphonies
Forgot the link
If I didn't get into Psychostasia at the first two listens, shall i give it a bit more chances?
generic meloblack with chanting
That was my first listen, I was slightly underwhelmed as well. I would listen again though, especially in your shoes if you want to get into it.
It's somehow well put together though.
Although I kind of agree with you.
I think that one shouldn't take it as a BM album if he wants to enjoy it.
+GBK, Mysticum
+GBK, Blind Idiot God, Bowie, Iperyt, Black Magick SS
+Esoctrilihum, Nocturnus, Clandestine Blaze, Ceremonium
+Liege Lord, Riot, Bal-Sagoth
Very slow week for me. First time listening to a non-metal album in a long time and damn is it good
I was too late for round 1 but I'm getting the reissue
Medium age of this thread: 15
Medium size of your dick: 0.1 (cm)
>filters God
pretty based desu
why does muhamed have mantits
Thanks Allah for granting me sight again, I didn't see he had replied
Yarhamuk Allah
necrophilia edition
what's some Halal metal?
anything by sigh
thrash metal is just sped up pop punk for fat people
they're pectoral muscles
fuuuuck this looks kino AF thanks boss
literally lmfao
I'm not religious but I support God here on /metal/
believer is legit
Dw I despise religion, just a spiritualist
Appreciate the chart too, rather listen to each album off a 3x3 chart than sift through a 100-album list of black metal
>rather listen to each album off a 3x3 chart than sift through a 100-album list of black metal
false and tourist
>"genre tourism"
possibly the worst meme to come out of this board
>listening to Deicide past Legion
in general I agree but Serpents is actually pretty good
>not liking Once Upon the Cross
better not be wasting my bandwidth here bro.. Trusting you on this
Nice Yea Forums essentials, lameass
I'd much rather listen to Once Upon The Cross, Serpents of the Light, and Stench of Redemption than any garbage modern OSDM record released by Dark Descent and their co-conspirators
any reccomendations?
Spotted the /meal/ tourist
I recommend you learn how to find music without Yea Forums
Now begone, peasant
Will check it out then
It's bland
Good Point.
kook lmao
I need more slavic forest core like Drudkh
i did, i'm into experimental music and my internet friend reccomend i come here
forest rock sucks
trve digits
checking these digits
>i'm into experimental music
literally lmfao at this kid
i feel bad so here's a rec
it's Russian and black metal but that's basically their only similarities
it also has Forest in the name
also checked
check btw
sorry i'm new :\ thanks for the rec, though. i forgot to add i've been listening to california - mr.bungle
I could tell.. maybe drop the name until you've learned the ropes, yeah? No h8
>namefags arguing
also checking
Why don't you experiment with these NUTS
Try Elderwind. It's made by russians. You know for a fact I checked those digits
thanks, i appreciate it
It's about fucking time a quint isn't on the kpop general
Negura Bunget
Lurk moar
You can check out pretty much anything that's been posted here or one of the many albums on the pastebin instead of posting this drivel
I'm being nice though. Yea Forums is a nice board
ok, thanks
saw a real retard fight once in middle school
I beat the pussy up
>Yea Forums is a nice board
are you new here?
so why was thrash metal so appealing in 80's?
which one is Yea Forums
Hate Forest, Branikald, Kroda, Graveland demos, maybe Teмнoзopь
I once got beaten up by a 6'6" 250lb aspie with a can of pepsi in a grocery bag because I held the door open wrong
I almost went to the hospital
They didn't have cable tv and coke was too expensive
I've always been wary around tards for that reason
compared to Yea Forums, /pol/, /int/ (the more active boards).... Yeah
More neurotypical folk looking for less toxic interaction on 4channel
>Enter the Eternal Fire?
>plebshit user
>Reap of Evil is their best
need black metal gf
just listened to this. its kinda cool but sorta generic sounding imo. got anything more interesting?
why does this aesthetic fit certain black girls so easily?
they're both 10/10
The singer sounds like Adam Sandler
this is much better, that song is a bit too radio friendly, i like that they go back to those based heavy rock roots :)
need a powerviolence gf
they both look pretty flat
user, i........
yeah it's over 50 years old haha. Just some classic vintage
Here's a vaporwave classic
That's a slam shirt though
fuck you god this is /metal/
yeah but those are powerviolence chola eyebrows
Yes, their
Shut the fuck up already
yes i know it's a soi genre i just want a gf that looks like that dumbass
vaporwave is metal af
powerviolence was actually based in the 90s stupid soiposter
Point taken
shut your fucking mouth nigger
>yes i know it's a soi genre i just want a gf that looks like that dumbass
okay lol you got me, i do wear those glasses and cry like that
thanks i'll give it a listen
Mein gott, sie ist ein schwein!
Yea Forums is a nice board
please watch your profanity
Bro I know you're on summer break from high school and you don't have the brain power to do anything better with your time, but please don't make off-topic posts. Thanks.
French DM is underrated as a whole
namefags post like Yea Forums is their fucking discord
kill yourselves namefags
??? missed the mark on every assumption lmao
discord is a disgusting place and im speaking from first person experience
check their demo
You're a liar too? That's not good.
i agree
whats your favorite grindcore bands?
insect warfare
uhhhhhhhhhhh unholy grave
Napalm Death
Discordance Axis
Clotted Symmetric Sexual Organ
Gore Beyond Necropsy
Lt. Dan
Unholy Grave
Infinite Radical Freaks
Purulent Shitface
Pizza Hi-Five
Mental Siege
Brigado Do Odio
Gorgonized Dorks
Final Exit
Carcass Grinder
Violent Headache
Dead Issue
Pretty Little Flower
Parlamentarisk Sodomi
Raw Noise Apes
BASED swedebro
most of this
dead infection's first lp seems more accessible to beginners than chapter desu
production's a bit rawer
Do you think Nig-piss would be a good band name
Is there such thing as war/doom metal?
Can't be any worse than Nig-Heist
I really like Circle of Dead Children though noone else around here seems to listen to them
Also Insect Warfare, Nasum, Terrorizer
unironically Thorns
Imagine not enjoying fucking Sodom's music
I despise Germs but their speed/black is fucking great
You'd literally have to be a weakling to not enjoy it
>I despise Germs but their speed/black is fucking great
sodom has only 2 albums that have this style
yeah it really is
I wanted to love this album but I can't stand the drum production
Any more dancey electronic metal like this that isn't complete shit? I've been looking for a while and every other example has been unlistenable garbage
just not intent on doxxing myself any more than i have already
guess le band
I've always found this pretty dancy
There are so many. You just have to look
Pizza Kids
holy fuck why would you think this weebtrash is good, I hope this is ironic shitposting
The drummer in the video is wearing a shirt that says S O Y
It sounds as if Dragonforce was really into old school final fantasy, had adhd, and took too much LSD
What the fuck is this band name
This is basically brokencyde
Are you the Gyze poster?
Post your slsk share folder.
based or cringe?
It is quite hot today, boys. Stay hydrated
I got a surprise for you! Get ready!
It's chart time!
chartanon the chad is back, baby!
DoomAnon! Where are you? We need to finish the fucking Roll Chart already! Jesus!
Anyway, let's try replacing these "literally who" albums!
Let's go!
lol welcome back dude
Whoops! it's actually THIS chart!
Ignore the other one!
I'm retarded.
Come on, guys! I need the metalhead elitists to help me here!
I even went on fucking RYM to fill this fucking chart! It was HORRIBLE!
I would call you a bloody bastard but that would be disrespectful for the bloodied and the bastards. Fuck Off
nobody cares
You know what?
I might samefag with my own trip on because i am THAT cool!
Fuck you guys!
>I don't care
What the fuck do you mean you don't care? What?!
I might have to go back to Yea Forums to get recs because this place is filled with nothing but shitposters!
No real metalheads come here! Only Yea Forums!
Honestly user, this is one of if not THE most pathetic grab for attention I've ever seen
You call yourselves metalheads? Really?
Come on now.
honestly fucking kill yourself attentionwhore tripfag
>not learning your lesson after being banned twice
What the fuck are you going to do without me, anyway? You are obviously bored!
Let's finish up the chart!
Ride for Revenge
I bet the only reason you come here now is because of me!
I bring you entertainment! You enjoy replying to my shitposts! I can tell.
>What the fuck are you going to do without me, anyway?
Did what we always did before you. Argue about metal and maybe forge some friendships along the way.
Don't you find that boring? I'm trying to spice things up a little.
time to turn on the ol' all tripfags and namefags filter again
It's obviously not boring you troglodyte or else /metal/ wouldn't have been alive for so long as it has.
What are some good female BM bands?
Why haven't you guys filtered me yet?
Be honest. You had fucking weeks to do it.
Really? What's so fun about it, then?
Just permanently ban this cunt for fucks sake he wont stop obviously
>faggot namefags
>chartanon is back
what is happening to our beloved general
Female? Fuck that.
A bunch of attention whores if you ask me!
Am I breaking rules for being a tripfag?
I don't think so.
You are going to have to come up with a better reason for that.
Screw Off. If you don't understand why /metal/ is fun in the first place you don't deserve to be here.
No you fuck off!
YOU tell me what's so fun about it!
This place is boring!
Quit responding to the name/tripfags you dumb fuck
Stop being a retard and tell me.
>Acting as though ignoring him won't cause the same effect anyway
These people will never learn. Thank you, user!
Why don't you just use filters? Don't tell me you're PHONEposting
We can keep this up all you want. I just need your help refining the chart.
That's it!
This is standard protocol.
I guess no one knows how to read.
I unironically browsed for like 6 and a half years and never bothered learning to set up filters
That was going to be my last comment anyway so it makes no matter
This is very basic stuff you guys should know.
You are on Yea Forums for fuck's sake.
Act like a 4channer!
Stop acting like a normalfag!
You will get mocked!
That's the problem with this general.
It's full of normalfags!
We have to get rid of them!
You guys should learn how to act like a leader.
Stop being a beta male!
Can I have some quality proto-slam like this? Someone posted Repudilation in the previous thread so stuff like that too pls.
Anyway, I'm still using my tripcode because you idiots don't know how to ignore me.
It's stupid.
You know what? I think I'll stop with the trip for now.
I fucked with you guys long enough.
What's proto slam? Is it shit before suffocation?
this, he honestly is retarded
basically just check out alot of the demos and early shit from the 90s nydm scene friend
What lesson?
Just report him
For what?
>invents grindcore and DM in 1983
No time like the present for everyone to learn
Get ready for this. I got a different persona coming up.
There are certainly some gems
Say hello to the based earthquake riffs poster.
2:43 is the most evil riff I have ever heard. Just when you thought it couldn't get any more evil, 3:11 kicks in.
I love Incantation.
What the fuck is going on with the drumming at:
>1:07? LMAO!
Not DM, but cool. Nice to shut up weebs about GISM doing it first.
Anybody else miss blackened raw punk stuff like Raspberry Bulbs, Bone Awl and Sexdrome? That shit was cool as hell.
Post Earthquake Causing Riffs. I'll start. (There should be a chart made for this, btw.)
>1:25 (oh fuck!)
>1:35 (HOLY SHIT)
>2:57 (Best Riff. Liege Of Inveracity, anyone?)
Jesus Christ! Earthquake Causing Riffs here!
>mfw 2:08 in Christening
Why are their riffs so effective but everyone else who tries to duplicate them falls short
Hulder for some decent burzum worship one-woman bm
Post slams that make you shit yourself
I get goosebumps every time 2:06 plays youtube.com
Guitar player here, any tips on making brütäl riffs?
The synths at 2:38 are a nice touch
two nukes werent enough
Basically the whole thing, but special attention for
>0:47 (song actually starts)
Earthquake Riff right there!
I'm just going to be pointing out riffs I love in songs. Better than chartposting.
More Earthquake Causing RIFFS inbound!
>2:59 (Wow)
>4:52 (What technique was used here?)
This song was pretty good until 3:05 kicked in. Too cheesy.
That part is great man. Celtic Frost riffs in second wave BM are always stellarl
This is seriously the best song that packs the most riffs. Jesus Christ.
Excellent taste my dude
What about this absolute riff monster
How the fuck do they do that at 1:35?
So much power!
It's that super metallic sounding bass guitar, a lot of NY bands had it.
Incidentally, who wore it better?
>Underrated NYHC band is also the best Hellhammer/Morbid Tales worship
shit taste
may be entry-level but 0:43 in this track causes some serious motion
>0:22 Groovy
>1:01 Wew lad!
>1:27 best riff
>1:37 nice
>1:48 best riff again
>2:09 Cool
I'm done. Too many riffs.
Wtf! Why did you delete it?
This thread is now dedicated to pointing out your favorite riffs in songs.
Keep posting!
Imagine being this mentally ill
There are only two riffs in this song
It's a good riff, Death were still grounded in DM at this point. Then it goes into that Iron Maiden "Phantom of the Opera" weedly weedly thing, don't know what they were thinking there.
Numales: US black metal is amazing!!!
rebbitors: US black metal sucks.
patricians: US black metal is mostly good.
>this is your brain on rebbit
I'm a closet progfag so I love all parts of it
Only good riffs are:
>2:45 (Excellent Riff!)
>3:01 (Yeah! Speed it up!)
>4:48 (Same riff near beginning but rawer)
Best Incantation riff Incantation never wrote.
But Chuck did give the best head in metal. David Vincent had his Azagthoth, and everyone in Vader had Doc, but no one made a pink cock erect like Chuck. True, as the AIDS infested his throat it made it hard for him to deep throat, but even as he lay there rotting, stinking of AZT and covered with Kaposi's sarcoma, Chuck would signal with two fingers when a willing donor came into the room. All I can offer in addition to that is the fact that no sex will ever compare to colostomy hole love, especially when the hole is fresh and supple after a well-greased movement.
We will never forget you, Chuck. Every time I hear your name my prostate aches, both for your tender heart-shaped ass and that incredibly thin, probing member we shared many times. It is heartbreaking how many things bring Chuck to mind. The sound of heavy metal. The flavor of Taco Bell food on the road. The scent of semen. The world lost not only a great musician, but a great lover, when Chuck died.
To say Chuck was gay is incorrect. He wasn't gay, he was just open-minded, and he sought anal sex from men, boys, girls and animals alike. Anal was not his favorite. His favorite was the blowjob, and he liked to be held afterwards, with someone stroking his hair and saying, "Chuck you are king of the world."
I will never sell the copy of Leprosy (80 grain vinyl) he left me at our last meeting. It is battered now, and reeks faintly of manpoo, and maybe it does have a few suspicious smears, but it is all I have of him. That and the memories. Those gushing, sticky, illicit, clandestine memories... Oh Chuck I miss you more than I can say.
stop timestamping songs you autistic fuck
how do you even derive enjoyment from this?
>Bone Awl
Yeah I appreciate he was basically going for 'Control and Resistance' with barks. By the way, the leads on that track are the greatest example of musical cuckery I've ever heard, i.e. Masvidal's solo completely destroys Chuck's.
0:15 big boy riff
>'Control and Resistance' with barks
woah I never thought about it like that. I like it even more now
Yeah pretty much
This album is a fucking riff machine! Get ready for this!
>1:32 YES!
Gism >United mutation and it ain't even close
The intro riff sounds better, to be honest.
>13 seconds later
that's the fastest kys I've ever seen
I never see you geeks discussing An Autumn for Crippled Children, how come?
no that whole scene was fucking GAY
that shit ain't ballin
because it's soyy
it's post-black
Everyone is going to be pointing out their favorite riffs eventually!
Best guitar solo ever. Check it out!
fuck off chartfag
post riffs faggot
It's also the most interesting and least stagnant BM on offer in recent years.
Is it more en vogue to emulate Dub Buk and Temnozor than to try to create something new?
new thread retard
and take your tourist hipster opinions back to the new york art school