tfw took the Bladee pill
Tfw took the Bladee pill
Very Lame
Very Based, wodg is one of his weaker projects imo.
Extremely Lame
wake up filthy
Based. Bladee is literally modern impressionism, people who can't enjoy him have no understanding of art and can only enjoy things that the greater society labels as artistic
i listened to bladee and he's not that great. it seems people on Yea Forums only like him because he's white
i still think wodg is top 3 bladee project, after gluee and icedancer. not incl. plastic surgery
Same fag
Eversince not in your top 3, cringe
not everything you don't agree with is a samefag, sweetie ;)
it's just that we're extremely based
That's kinda cringe bro
Huh? What do you mean by modern impressionism?
there are some cool white people out there but a lot of white people are cringe bro
>Thinks people fall for the incognito/ other browser trick
Hang (You)rself brainlet
this thread is really bad
this just blew my mind o wow
Well impressionism is generally any art form where technicality and structure are less important than the ethos of the work. I'm making a statement that things like cloud rap and mumble rap personify these merits in the sense they evoke a mood through detached beatwork and meandering vocals ass opposed to more traditional rap that's very technical and precise.
so it copies a movement from 200 years ago?
drain gang
it copies music from 200 years in the future because Bladee was put in a time capsule to save the rap game
wtf are you talking dude, fuck bladee, fuck rap music, and imma gonna listen to some Xiu Xiu
Undrained ones will keep living their empty lives in ignorance for they are and WILL not be allowed in the D&G tree house. I don't pity them they weren't worth saving to begin with.
how old are you to be this alienated by an artist ?
very, why else would one browse 4channel
>Alienated by an artist?
not at all I listen to hundreds of different artists including your precious shoo shoo, fool.
fuck xiu xiu and fuck bladee. but there's some good rap music out there. also am i hellbanned
fuck you nigga
Yee. But the masses are ready for it now